Fix Checkered and Ultima rules. Write Chess960 rules and complete others
[vchess.git] / views / rules / Magnetic.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Each piece has a charge generating a magnetic field,
3 | attracting enemy pieces while repelling others.
5 h3 Specifications
7 ul
8 li Chessboard: standard.
9 li Material: standard.
10 li Non-capturing moves: standard + magnetic.
11 li Special moves: no en-passant + magnetic.
12 li Captures: standard + magnetic.
13 li End of game: capture the king.
15 h3 Basics
17 p
18 | Every piece has a charge generating a magnetic field, except the two kings
19 | which have a neutral charge.
20 | Pieces of the same color have let's say a positive charge,
21 | while the others have a negative charge.
22 | So, after each move some pieces are attracted while others are repelled.
24 figure.diagram-container
25 .diagram
26 | fen:3b4/8/3K4/q1R2rP1/3Q4/8/3b4/8:
27 figcaption Before white move Qd5
28 .diagram
29 | fen:3b4/8/3K4/qR1Qr1P1/3b4/8/8/8:
30 figcaption After white move Qd5
32 p.
33 Remember that since kings have a neutral charge, any of their movement does not
34 change anything on the board. They also block magnetic actions which go in
35 their direction.
37 h3 End of the game
39 p Win by capturing opponent's king. There is no notion of check or stalemate here.
41 p Note: In castling, the changes are made by the rook movement.
43 h3 Credits
45 p
46 a(href="") Magnetic chess
47 | on