Draft Suction Chess
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Suction / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Captures swap pieces. Goal is to bring enemy king to your first row.
4 p.
5 When a piece is taken it is not removed from the board, but moved instead
6 to the square that was initially occupied by the capturing piece.
8 figure.diagram-container
9 .diagram
10 | fen:rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5B2/3p4/8/1P6/PnPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR:
11 figcaption After 1.b3 d5 2.Bb2 Nf6 3.Bxf6
13 ul
14 li.
15 The king cannot move at all, except by being captured by one of the
16 opponent's pieces. There is no castling.
17 li Taking a king has no effect besides moving it.
19 p.
20 Pawns don't promote, but instead just stay on the back rank where they
21 can't move. A pawn can still re-enter play after this happens,
22 by being captured.
24 h3 End of the game
26 p The goal is to "suck" the opponent's king to your own first rank.
28 figure.diagram-container
29 .diagram
30 | fen:2Pb3r/1rP3nq/1p2p2p/p1p2NpP/1P2R2k/P3p2P/pN1PP1B1/R1BnQ1Kb:
31 figcaption White can win with 1.Qxh4
33 h3 Source
35 p
36 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/suction-chess") Suction chess
37 |  on chessvariants.com.