Some fixes, wrote some rules, implemented Wormhole variant
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Knightrelay / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Any piece guarded by a friendly knight can also move like a knight.
4 p.
5 In addition to its normal abilities, a piece guarded by a knight can move like him.
6 On the following diagram, 1.Nf4 would checkmate because it guard the g6 queen.
7 If it was black to play, then 1...Rxe2 is possible due to the c8 knight.
9 figure.diagram-container
10 .diagram
11 | fen:7k/8/6Q1/1n6/8/2r5/4N3/K7:
13 h3 Source
15 p
16 a(href="TODO") TODO