Add a new variant in TODO
[vchess.git] / TODO
1 # Functionality:
2 On Game page "mconnect" events =>
3 send lastate to them (because they have the game infos) or just "your turn" - if their turn
4 remember them to send next "newmove" (or just "it's your turn") later - if not their turn
5 (=> listen for "mdisconnect" as well)
6 From MyGames page: send "mconnect" to all online players (me included: potential multi-tabs)
7 When quit, send mdisconnect (relayed by server if no other MyGames tab).
8 And remove current "notify through newmove" on server in sockets.js
10 Analyse mode when launched from a position: should keep orientation
11 --> $route query param, "side=w or b"
13 Subcursor (intra move) for multi-move variants for better navigation (in BaseGame)
15 Allow symmetric mode in all variants (vertical symmetry for racing kings)
16 flag in challenge, "Symmetric: true / false", option of GenRandInitFen()
18 # Misc:
19 Saw once a "double challenge" bug, one anonymous and a second one logged
20 Both were asked a challenge probably, and both challenges added as different ones.
22 # New variants
23 8-pieces
25 Eightpieces : non-symmetric
26 Sym8pieces : symmetric (960)
28 Generator vatiant, called "Matrix" ?
29 Peces on first rank never move but generate new pieces. Pawn don't generate.
30 A generator captured and replaced by a similar piece does not generate.
31 King does not generate. No castling. En passant possible?
32 Goal is still checkmate.
34 Take(a)n(d)make : if capture a piece, take its power for the last of the turn and make a move like it.
35 If a pawn taken: direction of the capturer.
37 + Maxima, Interweave, Roccoco, Dynamo, Synchrone, Cannibal (force captures)
39 S-chess