Draft of a problems section + news system
[vchess.git] / client / src / views / News.vue
1<template lang="pug">
3 input#modalNews.modal(type="checkbox")
4 div#newnewsDiv(role="dialog" data-checkbox="modalNews")
5 .card
6 label.modal-close(for="modalNews")
7 textarea#newsContent(
8 v-model="curnews.content"
9 :placeholder="st.tr['News go here']"
10 @input="adjustHeight"
11 )
12 button(@click="sendNews()") {{ st.tr["Send"] }}
13 #dialog.text-center {{ st.tr[infoMsg] }}
14 .row
15 .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
16 button(
17 v-if="devs.includes(st.user.id)"
18 @click="showModalNews"
19 )
20 | {{ st.tr["Write news"] }}
21 .news(v-for="n in sortedNewsList")
22 h4 {{ formatDatetime(n.added) }}
23 p(v-html="parseHtml(n.content)")
24 div(v-if="devs.includes(st.user.id)")
25 button(@click="editNews(n)") {{ st.tr["Edit"] }}
26 button(@click="deleteNews(n)") {{ st.tr["Delete"] }}
27 button(v-if="hasMore" @click="loadMore()")
28 | {{ st.tr["Load more"] }}
32import { store } from "@/store";
33import { ajax } from "@/utils/ajax";
34import { getDate, getTime } from "@/utils/datetime";
35import { processModalClick } from "@/utils/modalClick";
36export default {
37 name: "my-news",
38 data: function() {
39 return {
40 devs: [1], //for now the only dev is me
41 st: store.state,
42 cursor: 0, //ID of last showed news
43 hasMore: true, //a priori there could be more news to load
44 curnews: {id:0, content:""},
45 newsList: [],
46 infoMsg: "",
47 };
48 },
49 created: function() {
50 ajax("/news", "GET", {cursor:this.cursor}, (res) => {
51 this.newsList = res.newsList;
52 const L = res.newsList.length;
53 if (L > 0)
54 this.cursor = res.newsList[L-1].id;
55 });
56 },
57 mounted: function() {
58 document.getElementById("newnewsDiv").addEventListener("click", processModalClick);
59 },
60 computed: {
61 sortedNewsList: function() {
62 return this.newsList.sort( (n1,n2) => n1.added - n2.added );
63 },
64 },
65 methods: {
66 formatDatetime: function(dt) {
67 const dtObj = new Date(dt);
68 return getDate(dtObj) + " " + getTime(dtObj);
69 },
70 parseHtml: function(txt) {
71 return !txt.match(/<[/a-zA-Z]+>/)
72 ? txt.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>") //no HTML tag
73 : txt;
74 },
75 adjustHeight: function() {
76 const newsContent = document.getElementById("newsContent");
77 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/995168/textarea-to-resize-based-on-content-length
78 newsContent.style.height = "1px";
79 newsContent.style.height = (10+newsContent.scrollHeight)+"px";
80 },
81 resetCurnews: function() {
82 this.curnews.id = 0;
83 this.curnews.content = "";
84 // No need for added and uid fields: never updated
85 },
86 showModalNews: function() {
87 this.resetCurnews();
88 doClick('modalNews');
89 },
90 sendNews: function() {
91 const edit = this.curnews.id > 0;
92 this.infoMsg = "Processing... Please wait";
93 ajax(
94 "/news",
95 edit ? "PUT" : "POST",
96 {news: this.curnews},
97 (res) => {
98 if (edit)
99 {
100 let n = this.newsList.find(n => n.id == this.curnews.id);
101 if (!!n)
102 n.content = this.curnews.content;
103 }
104 else
105 {
106 const newNews = {
107 content:this.curnews.content,
108 added:Date.now(),
109 uid: this.st.user.id,
110 id: res.id
111 };
112 this.newsList = this.newsList.concat([newNews]);
113 }
114 document.getElementById("modalNews").checked = false;
115 this.infoMsg = "";
116 this.resetCurnews();
117 }
118 );
119 },
120 editNews: function(n) {
121 this.curnews.content = n.content;
122 this.curnews.id = n.id;
123 // No need for added and uid fields: never updated
124 doClick('modalNews');
125 },
126 deleteNews: function(n) {
127 if (confirm(this.st.tr["Are you sure?"]))
128 {
129 this.infoMsg = "Processing... Please wait";
130 ajax("/news", "DELETE", {id:n.id}, () => {
131 const nIdx = this.newsList.findIndex(nw => nw.id == n.id);
132 this.newsList.splice(nIdx, 1);
133 this.infoMsg = "";
134 document.getElementById("modalNews").checked = false;
135 });
136 }
137 },
138 loadMore: function() {
139 ajax("/news", "GET", {cursor:this.cursor}, (res) => {
140 if (res.newsList.length > 0)
141 {
142 this.newsList = this.newsList.concat(res.newsList);
143 const L = res.newsList.length;
144 if (L > 0)
145 this.cursor = res.newsList[L-1].id;
146 }
147 else
148 this.hasMore = false;
149 });
150 },
151 },
155<style lang="sass" scoped>
156[type="checkbox"].modal+div .card
157 max-width: 767px
158 max-height: 100%
160 width: 100%
161 min-height: 200px
162 max-height: 100%
164 padding: 5px
165 color: blue