fix for CRAN
[morpheus.git] / pkg / DESCRIPTION
1 Package: morpheus
2 Title: Estimate Parameters of Mixtures of Logistic Regressions
3 Description: Mixture of lOgistic Regressions Parameters (H)Estimation with
4 (U)Spectral methods. The main methods take d-dimensional inputs and a vector
5 of binary outputs, and return parameters according to the GLMs mixture model
6 (General Linear Model). For more details see chapter 3 in the PhD thesis of
7 Mor-Absa Loum:
8 Version: 0.2-0
9 Author: Benjamin Auder <> [aut,cre],
10 Mor-Absa Loum <> [aut]
11 Maintainer: Benjamin Auder <>
12 Depends:
13 R (>= 3.0.0),
14 Imports:
15 MASS,
16 jointDiag,
17 methods,
18 pracma
19 Suggests:
20 devtools,
21 flexmix,
22 parallel,
23 testthat,
24 roxygen2,
25 tensor,
26 nloptr
27 License: MIT + file LICENSE
28 RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
29 Collate:
30 'utils.R'
32 'computeMu.R'
33 'multiRun.R'
34 'optimParams.R'
35 'plot.R'
36 'sampleIO.R'