[epclust.git] / epclust / R / main.R
1 #' CLAWS: CLustering with wAvelets and Wer distanceS
2 #'
3 #' Cluster electricity power curves (or any series of similar nature) by applying a
4 #' two stage procedure in parallel (see details).
5 #' Input series must be sampled on the same time grid, no missing values.
6 #'
7 #' Summary of the function execution flow:
8 #' \enumerate{
9 #' \item Compute and serialize all contributions, obtained through discrete wavelet
10 #' decomposition (see Antoniadis & al. [2013])
11 #' \item Divide series into \code{ntasks} groups to process in parallel. In each task:
12 #' \enumerate{
13 #' \item iterate the first clustering algorithm on its aggregated outputs,
14 #' on inputs of size \code{nb_series_per_chunk}
15 #' \item optionally, if WER=="mix":
16 #' a) compute the K1 synchrones curves,
17 #' a) compute WER distances (K1xK1 matrix) between medoids and
18 #' b) apply the second clustering algorithm (output: K2 indices)
19 #' }
20 #' \item Launch a final task on the aggregated outputs of all previous tasks:
21 #' ntasks*K1 if WER=="end", ntasks*K2 otherwise
22 #' \item Compute synchrones (sum of series within each final group)
23 #' }
24 #' \cr
25 #' The main argument -- \code{series} -- has a quite misleading name, since it can be
26 #' either a [big.]matrix, a CSV file, a connection or a user function to retrieve series.
27 #' When \code{series} is given as a function, it must take a single argument,
28 #' 'indices', integer vector equal to the indices of the curves to retrieve;
29 #' see SQLite example.
30 #' WARNING: the return value must be a matrix (in columns), or NULL if no matches.
31 #' \cr
32 #' Note: Since we don't make assumptions on initial data, there is a possibility that
33 #' even when serialized, contributions do not fit in RAM. For example,
34 #' 30e6 series of length 100,000 would lead to a +4Go contribution matrix. Therefore,
35 #' it's safer to place these in (binary) files; that's what we do.
36 #'
37 #' @param series Access to the (time-)series, which can be of one of the three
38 #' following types:
39 #' \itemize{
40 #' \item [big.]matrix: each column contains the (time-ordered) values of one time-serie
41 #' \item connection: any R connection object providing lines as described above
42 #' \item character: name of a CSV file containing series in rows (no header)
43 #' \item function: a custom way to retrieve the curves; it has only one argument:
44 #' the indices of the series to be retrieved. See SQLite example
45 #' }
46 #' @param K1 Number of clusters to be found after stage 1 (K1 << N [number of series])
47 #' @param K2 Number of clusters to be found after stage 2 (K2 << K1)
48 #' @param nb_series_per_chunk (Maximum) number of series to retrieve in one batch
49 #' @param nb_items_clust (~Maximum) number of items in clustering algorithm 1 input
50 #' @param algoClust1 Clustering algorithm for stage 1. A function which takes (data, K)
51 #' as argument where data is a matrix in columns and K the desired number of clusters,
52 #' and outputs K medoids ranks. Default: PAM. In our method, this function is called
53 #' on iterated medoids during stage 1
54 #' @param algoClust2 Clustering algorithm for stage 2. A function which takes (dists, K)
55 #' as argument where dists is a matrix of distances and K the desired number of clusters,
56 #' and outputs K medoids ranks. Default: PAM. In our method, this function is called
57 #' on a matrix of K1 x K1 (WER) distances computed between medoids after algorithm 1
58 #' @param wav_filt Wavelet transform filter; see ?wavelets::wt.filter
59 #' @param contrib_type Type of contribution: "relative", "logit" or "absolute" (any prefix)
60 #' @param WER "end" to apply stage 2 after stage 1 has fully iterated, or "mix" to apply
61 #' stage 2 at the end of each task
62 #' @param nvoice Number of voices within each octave for CWT computations
63 #' @param random TRUE (default) for random chunks repartition
64 #' @param ntasks Number of tasks (parallel iterations to obtain K1 [if WER=="end"]
65 #' or K2 [if WER=="mix"] medoids); default: 1.
66 #' Note: ntasks << N (number of series), so that N is "roughly divisible" by ntasks
67 #' @param ncores_tasks Number of parallel tasks (1 to disable: sequential tasks)
68 #' @param ncores_clust Number of parallel clusterings in one task (3 should be a minimum)
69 #' @param sep Separator in CSV input file (if any provided)
70 #' @param nbytes Number of bytes to serialize a floating-point number; 4 or 8
71 #' @param endian Endianness for (de)serialization ("little" or "big")
72 #' @param verbose Level of verbosity (0/FALSE for nothing or 1/TRUE for all; devel stage)
73 #' @param parll TRUE to fully parallelize; otherwise run sequentially (debug, comparison)
74 #'
75 #' @return A list with
76 #' \itemize{
77 #' medoids: a matrix of the final K2 medoids curves, in columns
78 #' ranks: corresponding indices in the dataset
79 #' synchrones: a matrix of the K2 sum of series within each final group
80 #' }
81 #'
82 #' @references Clustering functional data using Wavelets [2013];
83 #' A. Antoniadis, X. Brossat, J. Cugliari & J.-M. Poggi.
84 #' Inter. J. of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Procesing,
85 #' vol. 11, No 1, pp.1-30. doi:10.1142/S0219691313500033
86 #'
87 #' @examples
88 #' \dontrun{
89 #' # WER distances computations are too long for CRAN (for now)
90 #'
91 #' # Random series around cos(x,2x,3x)/sin(x,2x,3x)
92 #' x = seq(0,500,0.05)
93 #' L = length(x) #10001
94 #' ref_series = matrix( c(cos(x),cos(2*x),cos(3*x),sin(x),sin(2*x),sin(3*x)), ncol=6 )
95 #' library(wmtsa)
96 #' series = do.call( cbind, lapply( 1:6, function(i)
97 #' do.call(cbind, wmtsa::wavBootstrap(ref_series[,i], n.realization=400)) ) )
98 #' #dim(series) #c(2400,10001)
99 #' res_ascii = claws(series, K1=60, K2=6, 200, verbose=TRUE)
100 #'
101 #' # Same example, from CSV file
102 #' csv_file = "/tmp/epclust_series.csv"
103 #' write.table(series, csv_file, sep=",", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
104 #' res_csv = claws(csv_file, K1=60, K2=6, 200)
105 #'
106 #' # Same example, from binary file
107 #' bin_file <- "/tmp/epclust_series.bin"
108 #' nbytes <- 8
109 #' endian <- "little"
110 #' binarize(csv_file, bin_file, 500, nbytes, endian)
111 #' getSeries <- function(indices) getDataInFile(indices, bin_file, nbytes, endian)
112 #' res_bin <- claws(getSeries, K1=60, K2=6, 200)
113 #' unlink(csv_file)
114 #' unlink(bin_file)
115 #'
116 #' # Same example, from SQLite database
117 #' library(DBI)
118 #' series_db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "file::memory:")
119 #' # Prepare data.frame in DB-format
120 #' n <- nrow(series)
121 #' time_values <- data.frame(
122 #' id = rep(1:n,each=L),
123 #' time = rep( as.POSIXct(1800*(0:n),"GMT",origin="2001-01-01"), L ),
124 #' value = as.double(t(series)) )
125 #' dbWriteTable(series_db, "times_values", times_values)
126 #' # Fill associative array, map index to identifier
127 #' indexToID_inDB <- as.character(
128 #' dbGetQuery(series_db, 'SELECT DISTINCT id FROM time_values')[,"id"] )
129 #' serie_length <- as.integer( dbGetQuery(series_db,
130 #' paste("SELECT COUNT * FROM time_values WHERE id == ",indexToID_inDB[1],sep="")) )
131 #' getSeries <- function(indices) {
132 #' request <- "SELECT id,value FROM times_values WHERE id in ("
133 #' for (i in indices)
134 #' request <- paste(request, indexToID_inDB[i], ",", sep="")
135 #' request <- paste(request, ")", sep="")
136 #' df_series <- dbGetQuery(series_db, request)
137 #' if (length(df_series) >= 1)
138 #' as.matrix(df_series[,"value"], nrow=serie_length)
139 #' else
140 #' NULL
141 #' }
142 #' res_db = claws(getSeries, K1=60, K2=6, 200))
143 #' dbDisconnect(series_db)
144 #'
145 #' # All results should be the same:
146 #' library(digest)
147 #' digest::sha1(res_ascii)
148 #' digest::sha1(res_csv)
149 #' digest::sha1(res_bin)
150 #' digest::sha1(res_db)
151 #' }
152 #' @export
153 claws <- function(series, K1, K2, nb_series_per_chunk, nb_items_clust=7*K1,
154 algoClust1=function(data,K) cluster::pam(t(data),K,diss=FALSE,pamonce=1)$id.med,
155 algoClust2=function(dists,K) cluster::pam(dists,K,diss=TRUE,pamonce=1)$id.med,
156 wav_filt="d8", contrib_type="absolute", WER="end", nvoice=4, random=TRUE,
157 ntasks=1, ncores_tasks=1, ncores_clust=4, sep=",", nbytes=4,
158 endian=.Platform$endian, verbose=FALSE, parll=TRUE)
159 {
160 # Check/transform arguments
161 if (!is.matrix(series) && !bigmemory::is.big.matrix(series)
162 && !is.function(series)
163 && !methods::is(series,"connection") && !is.character(series))
164 {
165 stop("'series': [big]matrix, function, file or valid connection (no NA)")
166 }
167 K1 <- .toInteger(K1, function(x) x>=2)
168 K2 <- .toInteger(K2, function(x) x>=2)
169 nb_series_per_chunk <- .toInteger(nb_series_per_chunk, function(x) x>=1)
170 nb_items_clust <- .toInteger(nb_items_clust, function(x) x>K1)
171 random <- .toLogical(random)
172 tryCatch( {ignored <- wavelets::wt.filter(wav_filt)},
173 error = function(e) stop("Invalid wavelet filter; see ?wavelets::wt.filter") )
174 ctypes = c("relative","absolute","logit")
175 contrib_type = ctypes[ pmatch(contrib_type,ctypes) ]
176 if (is.na(contrib_type))
177 stop("'contrib_type' in {'relative','absolute','logit'}")
178 if (WER!="end" && WER!="mix")
179 stop("'WER': in {'end','mix'}")
180 random <- .toLogical(random)
181 ntasks <- .toInteger(ntasks, function(x) x>=1)
182 ncores_tasks <- .toInteger(ncores_tasks, function(x) x>=1)
183 ncores_clust <- .toInteger(ncores_clust, function(x) x>=1)
184 if (!is.character(sep))
185 stop("'sep': character")
186 nbytes <- .toInteger(nbytes, function(x) x==4 || x==8)
187 verbose <- .toLogical(verbose)
188 parll <- .toLogical(parll)
190 # Binarize series if it is not a function; the aim is to always use a function,
191 # to uniformize treatments. An equally good alternative would be to use a file-backed
192 # bigmemory::big.matrix, but it would break the "all-is-function" pattern.
193 if (!is.function(series))
194 {
195 if (verbose)
196 cat("...Serialize time-series (or retrieve past binary file)\n")
197 series_file = ".series.epclust.bin"
198 if (!file.exists(series_file))
199 binarize(series, series_file, nb_series_per_chunk, sep, nbytes, endian)
200 getSeries = function(inds) getDataInFile(inds, series_file, nbytes, endian)
201 }
202 else
203 getSeries = series
205 # Serialize all computed wavelets contributions into a file
206 contribs_file = ".contribs.epclust.bin"
207 index = 1
208 nb_curves = 0
209 if (verbose)
210 cat("...Compute contributions and serialize them (or retrieve past binary file)\n")
211 if (!file.exists(contribs_file))
212 {
213 nb_curves = binarizeTransform(getSeries,
214 function(curves) curvesToContribs(curves, wav_filt, contrib_type),
215 contribs_file, nb_series_per_chunk, nbytes, endian)
216 }
217 else
218 {
219 # TODO: duplicate from getDataInFile() in de_serialize.R
220 contribs_size = file.info(contribs_file)$size #number of bytes in the file
221 contrib_length = readBin(contribs_file, "integer", n=1, size=8, endian=endian)
222 nb_curves = (contribs_size-8) / (nbytes*contrib_length)
223 }
224 getContribs = function(indices) getDataInFile(indices, contribs_file, nbytes, endian)
226 # A few sanity checks: do not continue if too few data available.
227 if (nb_curves < K2)
228 stop("Not enough data: less series than final number of clusters")
229 nb_series_per_task = round(nb_curves / ntasks)
230 if (nb_series_per_task < K2)
231 stop("Too many tasks: less series in one task than final number of clusters")
233 # Generate a random permutation of 1:N (if random==TRUE);
234 # otherwise just use arrival (storage) order.
235 indices_all = if (random) sample(nb_curves) else seq_len(nb_curves)
236 # Split (all) indices into ntasks groups of ~same size
237 indices_tasks = lapply(seq_len(ntasks), function(i) {
238 upper_bound = ifelse( i<ntasks, min(nb_series_per_task*i,nb_curves), nb_curves )
239 indices_all[((i-1)*nb_series_per_task+1):upper_bound]
240 })
242 if (parll && ntasks>1)
243 {
244 # Initialize parallel runs: outfile="" allow to output verbose traces in the console
245 # under Linux. All necessary variables are passed to the workers.
246 cl = parallel::makeCluster(ncores_tasks, outfile="")
247 varlist = c("ncores_clust","verbose","parll", #task 1 & 2
248 "K1","getContribs","algoClust1","nb_items_clust") #task 1
249 if (WER=="mix")
250 {
251 # Add variables for task 2
252 varlist = c(varlist, "K2","getSeries","algoClust2","nb_series_per_chunk",
253 "nvoice","nbytes","endian")
254 }
255 parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist, envir = environment())
256 }
258 # This function achieves one complete clustering task, divided in stage 1 + stage 2.
259 # stage 1: n indices --> clusteringTask1(...) --> K1 medoids (indices)
260 # stage 2: K1 indices --> K1xK1 WER distances --> clusteringTask2(...) --> K2 medoids,
261 # where n = N / ntasks, N being the total number of curves.
262 runTwoStepClustering = function(inds)
263 {
264 # When running in parallel, the environment is blank: we need to load the required
265 # packages, and pass useful variables.
266 if (parll && ntasks>1)
267 require("epclust", quietly=TRUE)
268 indices_medoids = clusteringTask1(inds, getContribs, K1, algoClust1,
269 nb_items_clust, ncores_clust, verbose, parll)
270 if (WER=="mix")
271 {
272 indices_medoids = clusteringTask2(indices_medoids, getSeries, K2, algoClust2,
273 nb_series_per_chunk, nvoice, nbytes, endian, ncores_clust, verbose, parll)
274 }
275 indices_medoids
276 }
278 if (verbose)
279 {
280 message = paste("...Run ",ntasks," x stage 1", sep="")
281 if (WER=="mix")
282 message = paste(message," + stage 2", sep="")
283 cat(paste(message,"\n", sep=""))
284 }
286 # As explained above, we obtain after all runs ntasks*[K1 or K2] medoids indices,
287 # depending wether WER=="end" or "mix", respectively.
288 indices_medoids_all <-
289 if (parll && ntasks>1)
290 unlist( parallel::parLapply(cl, indices_tasks, runTwoStepClustering) )
291 else
292 unlist( lapply(indices_tasks, runTwoStepClustering) )
294 if (parll && ntasks>1)
295 parallel::stopCluster(cl)
297 # For the last stage, ncores_tasks*(ncores_clusts+1) cores should be available:
298 # - ntasks for level 1 parallelism
299 # - ntasks*ncores_clust for level 2 parallelism,
300 # but since an extension MPI <--> tasks / OpenMP <--> sub-tasks is on the way,
301 # it's better to just re-use ncores_clust
302 ncores_last_stage <- ncores_clust
304 # Run last clustering tasks to obtain only K2 medoids indices
305 if (verbose)
306 cat("...Run final // stage 1 + stage 2\n")
307 indices_medoids = clusteringTask1(indices_medoids_all, getContribs, K1, algoClust1,
308 nb_items_clust, ncores_tasks*ncores_clust, verbose, parll)
309 indices_medoids = clusteringTask2(indices_medoids, getContribs, K2, algoClust2,
310 nb_series_per_chunk, nvoice, nbytes, endian, ncores_last_stage, verbose, parll)
312 # Compute synchrones, that is to say the cumulated power consumptions for each of the K2
313 # final groups.
314 medoids = getSeries(indices_medoids)
315 synchrones = computeSynchrones(medoids, getSeries, nb_curves, nb_series_per_chunk,
316 ncores_last_stage, verbose, parll)
318 # NOTE: no need to use big.matrix here, since there are only K2 << K1 << N remaining curves
319 list("medoids"=medoids, "ranks"=indices_medoids, "synchrones"=synchrones)
320 }