Start thinking about Coregal
[xogo.git] / variants / Coregal / Coregal.js
... / ...
1import { ChessRules, Move, PiPo } from "@/base_rules";
2import { ArrayFun } from "@/utils/array";
3import { randInt, sample } from "@/utils/alea";
5export class CoregalRules extends ChessRules {
7// TODO: special symbol (l) for royal queen...
9 getPPpath(m) {
10 if (
11 m.vanish.length == 2 &&
12 m.appear.length == 2 &&
13 m.vanish[0].p == V.QUEEN
14 ) {
15 // Large castle: show castle symbol
16 return "Coregal/castle";
17 }
18 return super.getPPpath(m);
19 }
21 genRandInitBaseFen() {
22 const s = FenUtil.setupPieces(
23 ['r', 'n', 'b', 'l', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r'],
24 {
25 randomness: this.options["randomness"],
26 between: [{p1: 'k', p2: 'r'}, {p1: 'l', p2: 'r'}],
27 diffCol: ['b'],
28 flags: ['r', 'k', 'l']
29 }
30 );
31 return {
32 fen: s.b.join("") + "/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/" +
33 s.w.join("").toUpperCase(),
34 o: {flags: s.flags}
35 };
36 }
38 pieces() {
39 let res = super.pieces();
40 res['l'] = {...};
41 return res;
42 }
44 setFlags(fenflags) {
45 // white pieces positions, then black pieces positions
46 this.castleFlags = { w: [...Array(4)], b: [...Array(4)] };
47 for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
48 this.castleFlags[i < 4 ? "w" : "b"][i % 4] =
49 parseInt(fenflags.charAt(i), 10);
50 }
51 }
53 getPotentialQueenMoves([x, y]) {
54 let moves = super.getPotentialQueenMoves([x, y]);
55 const c = this.getColor(x, y);
56 if (this.castleFlags[c].slice(1, 3).includes(y))
57 moves = moves.concat(this.getCastleMoves([x, y]));
58 return moves;
59 }
61 getPotentialKingMoves([x, y]) {
62 let moves = this.getSlideNJumpMoves(
63 [x, y], V.steps[V.ROOK].concat(V.steps[V.BISHOP]), 1);
64 const c = this.getColor(x, y);
65 if (this.castleFlags[c].slice(1, 3).includes(y))
66 moves = moves.concat(this.getCastleMoves([x, y]));
67 return moves;
68 }
70 getCastleMoves([x, y]) {
71 // Relative position of the selected piece: left or right ?
72 // If left: small castle left, large castle right.
73 // If right: usual situation.
74 const c = this.getColor(x, y);
75 const relPos = (this.castleFlags[c][1] == y ? "left" : "right");
77 const finalSquares = [
78 relPos == "left" ? [1, 2] : [2, 3],
79 relPos == "right" ? [6, 5] : [5, 4]
80 ];
81 const saveFlags = JSON.stringify(this.castleFlags[c]);
82 // Alter flags to follow base_rules semantic
83 this.castleFlags[c] = [0, 3].map(i => this.castleFlags[c][i]);
84 const moves = super.getCastleMoves([x, y], finalSquares);
85 this.castleFlags[c] = JSON.parse(saveFlags);
86 return moves;
87 }
89 // "twoKings" arg for the similar Twokings variant.
90 updateCastleFlags(move, piece, twoKings) {
91 const c = V.GetOppCol(this.turn);
92 const firstRank = (c == "w" ? V.size.x - 1 : 0);
93 // Update castling flags if castling pieces moved or were captured
94 const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(c);
95 const oppFirstRank = V.size.x - 1 - firstRank;
96 if (move.start.x == firstRank) {
97 if (piece == V.KING || (!twoKings && piece == V.QUEEN)) {
98 if (this.castleFlags[c][1] == move.start.y)
99 this.castleFlags[c][1] = 8;
100 else if (this.castleFlags[c][2] == move.start.y)
101 this.castleFlags[c][2] = 8;
102 // Else: the flag is already turned off
103 }
104 }
105 else if (
106 move.start.x == firstRank && //our rook moves?
107 [this.castleFlags[c][0], this.castleFlags[c][3]].includes(move.start.y)
108 ) {
109 const flagIdx = (move.start.y == this.castleFlags[c][0] ? 0 : 3);
110 this.castleFlags[c][flagIdx] = 8;
111 } else if (
112 move.end.x == oppFirstRank && //we took opponent rook?
113 [this.castleFlags[oppCol][0], this.castleFlags[oppCol][3]]
114 .includes(move.end.y)
115 ) {
116 const flagIdx = (move.end.y == this.castleFlags[oppCol][0] ? 0 : 3);
117 this.castleFlags[oppCol][flagIdx] = 8;
118 }
119 }