[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Koth / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Bring the king to the middle to win. Giving check is forbidden.
4 p Orthodox rules apply, with two changes:
5 ul
6 li.
7 The goal is to bring the king on one of the central squares
8 d4, e4, d5 or e5. "Koth" stands indeed for "King of the Hill".
9 li Giving check is forbidden (thus no checkmate is possible).
11 figure.diagram-container
12 .diagram
13 | fen:k4r2/1p2p3/2P4p/5pp1/p2B4/5KP1/PPQ1P2P/R7:
14 figcaption White can win in two moves: 1.Qxf5 and 2.Ke4#
16 h3 Source
18 p
19 | Modified from Koth as playable
20 a(href="https://lichess.org/variant/kingOfTheHill") on lichess
21 | . Experimental change: I'd like to see how it plays without checks :)