[vchess.git] / client / src / components / ChallengeList.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 div
3 table(v-if="challenges.length > 0")
4 thead
5 tr
6 th {{ st.tr["Variant"] }}
7 th {{ st.tr["With"] }}
8 th {{ st.tr["Cadence"] }}
9 th {{ st.tr["Options"] }}
10 tbody
11 tr(
12 v-for="c in sortedChallenges"
13 :class="{toyou:c.priority==1,fromyou:c.priority==2}"
14 @click="$emit('click-challenge',c)"
15 )
16 td {{ c.vname }}
17 td {{ withWho(c) }}
18 td {{ c.cadence }}
19 td(:class="getRandomnessClass(c)") {{ c.options.abridged || '' }}
20 p(v-else)
21 | {{ st.tr["No challenges found :( Click on 'New game'!"] }}
22 </template>
24 <script>
25 import { store } from "@/store";
26 export default {
27 name: "my-challenge-list",
28 props: ["challenges"],
29 data: function() {
30 return {
31 st: store.state
32 };
33 },
34 computed: {
35 sortedChallenges: function() {
36 // Show in order:
37 // challenges I sent, challenges I received, other challenges
38 let minAdded = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
39 let maxAdded = 0;
40 let augmentedChalls = this.challenges.map(c => {
41 let priority = 0;
42 if (!!c.to && c.to == this.st.user.name) priority = 1;
43 else if (
44 c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid ||
45 (c.from.id > 0 && c.from.id == this.st.user.id)
46 ) {
47 priority = 2;
48 }
49 if (c.added < minAdded) minAdded = c.added;
50 if (c.added > maxAdded) maxAdded = c.added;
51 return Object.assign({ priority: priority }, c);
52 // TODO: remove patch soon
53 if (!c.options) c.options = {}
54 });
55 const deltaAdded = maxAdded - minAdded;
56 return augmentedChalls.sort((c1, c2) => {
57 return c2.priority - c1.priority + (c2.added - c1.added) / deltaAdded;
58 });
59 }
60 },
61 methods: {
62 withWho: function(c) {
63 if (c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid || c.from.id == this.st.user.id)
64 return c.to || this.st.tr["Any player"];
65 return c.from.name || "@nonymous";
66 },
67 // TODO: duplicated from Hall
68 getRandomnessClass: function(c) {
69 const opts = c.options;
70 if (opts.randomness === undefined && opts.random === undefined)
71 return {};
72 if (opts.randomness !== undefined)
73 return { ["random-" + opts.randomness]: true };
74 return { ["random-" + (opts.random ? 2 : 0)]: true };
75 }
76 }
77 };
78 </script>
80 <style lang="sass" scoped>
81 p
82 text-align: center
83 font-weight: bold
85 // NOTE: the style applied to <tr> element doesn't work
86 tr.fromyou > td
87 font-style: italic
88 tr.toyou > td
89 background-color: #fcd785
91 tr > td:last-child
92 &.random-0
93 background-color: #FEAF9E
94 &.random-1
95 background-color: #9EB2FE
96 &.random-2
97 background-color: #A5FE9E
98 </style>