[vchess.git] / TODO
1 # Functionality:
2 On Game page "mconnect" events =>
3 send lastate to them (because they have the game infos) or just "your turn" - if their turn
4 remember them to send next "newmove" (or just "it's your turn") later - if not their turn
5 (=> listen for "mdisconnect" as well, and gameover, and newgame)
6 From MyGames page: send "mconnect" to all online players (me included: potential multi-tabs)
7 When quit, send mdisconnect (relayed by server if no other MyGames tab).
9 # Misc:
10 Saw once a "double challenge" bug, one anonymous and a second one logged
11 Both were asked a challenge probably, and both challenges added as different ones.
12 => would probably be solved by waiting for identity before adding people to people array
14 Color bug
15 anonymous on game name but username OK in chat
16 game not showing on "live games" ... ?
18 # New variants
19 8-pieces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ8K02Da7Ps&list=PLRyjH8DPuzTBiym6lA0r84P8N0HnTtZyN&index=6&t=0s
20 https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/8-piece-chess
21 Eightpieces : non-symmetric
22 Sym8pieces : symmetric (960)
24 Generator vatiant, called "Matrix" ?
25 Peces on first rank never move but generate new pieces. Pawn don't generate.
26 A generator captured and replaced by a similar piece does not generate.
27 King does not generate. No castling. En passant possible?
28 Goal is still checkmate.
30 Take(a)n(d)make : if capture a piece, take its power for the last of the turn and make a move like it.
31 If a pawn taken: direction of the capturer.
33 + Maxima, Interweave, Roccoco, Dynamo, Synchrone, Cannibal (force captures)
35 S-chess https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seirawan_chess