[vchess.git] / client / public / images / pieces / SOURCE
... / ...
1TODO: use some from
4SVG standard images found on chesstempo website:
5https://www4.chesstempo.com/images/pieces/svg/merida/whitepawn.vers1.svg (...)
6+ Adaptation for checkered pieces
7Some fairy pieces found on the web and icon scout: https://iconscout.com/
8PNG images for Eightpieces from https://greenchess.net/index.php and Jeff Kubach design.
9Images of the Hawk and Elephant were designed by "Couch Tomato #2218" on Discord,
10for the pychess-variants website (http://pychess-variants.herokuapp.com/)
11He also designed all the Horde pieces in Orda, the Shako Cannon and Elephant,
12the Synochess and Empire pieces, the black Colorbound + Sittuyin pieces set,
13and he sent me the wizard and champion SVG files as well (modified from Wikipedia).
14He also designed pieces for the CWDA armies.
15Letter D: https://svgsilh.com/image/2051714.html
16Mammoth: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/mammoth_925138
17Castle icon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/castle_89009