add test folder
[valse.git] / src / test / utils.c
1 // Check if array == refArray
2 void compareArray(const char* ID, const void* array, const void* refArray, int size,
3 int isInteger)
4 {
5 Real EPS = 1e-5; //precision
6 printf("Checking %s\n",ID);
7 Real maxError = 0.0;
8 for (mwSize i=0; i<size; i++)
9 {
10 Real error = isInteger
11 ? fabs(((Int*)array)[i] - ((Int*)refArray)[i])
12 : fabs(((Real*)array)[i] - ((Real*)refArray)[i]);
13 if (error >= maxError)
14 maxError = error;
15 }
16 if (maxError >= EPS)
17 printf(" Inaccuracy: max(abs(error)) = %g >= %g\n",maxError,EPS);
18 else
19 printf(" OK\n");
20 }
22 void compareArray_real(const char* ID, const void* array, const void* refArray, int size)
23 {
24 return compareArray(ID, array, refArray, size, 0);
25 }
27 void compareArray_int(const char* ID, const void* array, const void* refArray, int size)
28 {
29 return compareArray(ID, array, refArray, size, 1);
30 }
32 // Read array by columns (as in MATLAB) and return by-rows encoding
33 void* readArray(const char* fileName, int isInteger)
34 {
35 // need to prepend '../data/' (not really nice code...)
36 char* fullFileName = (char*)calloc(5+strlen(fileName)+1,sizeof(char));
37 strcat(fullFileName, "data/");
38 strcat(fullFileName, fileName);
39 FILE* file = fopen(fullFileName, "r");
40 free(fullFileName);
42 // first pass to know how many elements to allocate
43 // /////................... TODO
45 int d = 1;
46 for (int i=0; i<nbDims; i++)
47 totalDim *= dimensions[i];
48 size_t elementSize = isInteger
49 ? sizeof(Int)
50 : sizeof(Real);
52 // read all values, and convert them to by-rows matrices format
53 void* matlabArray = malloc(totalDim*elementSize);
54 char curChar = ' ';
55 char bufferNum[64];
56 for (mwSize u=0; u<totalDim; u++)
57 {
58 // position to next non-separator character
59 while (!feof(file) && (curChar==' ' || curChar=='\n' || curChar=='\t' || curChar==','))
60 curChar = fgetc(file);
61 // read number (as a string)
62 int bufferIndex = 0;
63 while (!feof(file) && curChar!=' ' && curChar!='\n' && curChar!='\t' && curChar!=',')
64 {
65 bufferNum[bufferIndex++] = curChar;
66 curChar = fgetc(file);
67 }
68 bufferNum[bufferIndex] = 0;
69 // transform string into Real, and store it at appropriate location
70 if (isInteger)
71 ((Int*)matlabArray)[u] = atoi(bufferNum);
72 else
73 ((Real*)matlabArray)[u] = atof(bufferNum);
74 }
75 fclose(file);
77 void* brArray = matlabToBrArray(matlabArray, dimensions, nbDims, isInteger);
78 free(matlabArray);
79 return brArray;
80 }