update to get a valse programm which could be run
[valse.git] / pkg / R / constructionModelesLassoMLE.R
... / ...
1constructionModelesLassoMLE = function(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,
2 X,Y,seuil,tau,selected, parallel = FALSE)
4 if (parallel) {
5 #TODO: parameter ncores (chaque tâche peut aussi demander du parallélisme...)
6 cl = parallel::makeCluster( parallel::detectCores() / 4 )
7 parallel::clusterExport(cl=cl,
8 varlist=c("phiInit","rhoInit","gamInit","mini","maxi","X","Y","seuil","tau"),
9 envir=environment())
10 #Pour chaque lambda de la grille, on calcule les coefficients
11 out = parLapply( seq_along(glambda), function(lambda)
12 {
13 n = dim(X)[1]
14 p = dim(phiInit)[1]
15 m = dim(phiInit)[2]
16 k = dim(phiInit)[3]
18 #TODO: phiInit[selected] et X[selected] sont bien sûr faux; par quoi remplacer ?
19 #lambda == 0 c'est normal ? -> ED : oui, ici on calcule le maximum de vraisembance, donc on ne pénalise plus
20 res = EMGLLF(phiInit[selected],rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,0.,X[selected],Y,tau)
22 #comment évaluer la dimension à partir du résultat et de [not]selected ?
23 #dimension = ...
25 #on veut calculer la vraisemblance avec toutes nos estimations
26 densite = vector("double",n)
27 for (r in 1:k)
28 {
29 delta = Y%*%rho[,,r] - (X[selected]%*%res$phi[selected,,r])
30 densite = densite + pi[r] *
31 det(rho[,,r])/(sqrt(2*base::pi))^m * exp(-tcrossprod(delta)/2.0)
32 }
33 llh = c( sum(log(densite[,lambda])), (dimension+m+1)*k-1 )
34 list("phi"=res$phi, "rho"=res$rho, "pi"=res$pi, "llh" = llh)
35 })
36 parallel::stopCluster(cl)
37 out
38 }
39 else {
40 #Pour chaque lambda de la grille, on calcule les coefficients
41 n = dim(X)[1]
42 p = dim(phiInit)[1]
43 m = dim(phiInit)[2]
44 k = dim(phiInit)[3]
45 L = length(selected)
46 phi = list()
47 phiLambda = array(0, dim = c(p,m,k))
48 rho = list()
49 pi = list()
50 llh = list()
52 for (lambda in 1:L){
53 sel.lambda = selected[[lambda]]
54 col.sel = which(colSums(sel.lambda)!=0)
55 res_EM = EMGLLF(phiInit[col.sel,,],rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,0.,X[,col.sel],Y,tau)
56 phiLambda2 = res_EM$phi
57 rhoLambda = res_EM$rho
58 piLambda = res_EM$pi
59 for (j in 1:length(col.sel)){
60 phiLambda[col.sel[j],,] = phiLambda2[j,,]
61 }
63 dimension = 0
64 for (j in 1:p){
65 b = setdiff(1:m, sel.lambda[,j])
66 if (length(b) > 0){
67 phiLambda[j,b,] = 0.0
68 }
69 dimension = dimension + sum(sel.lambda[,j]!=0)
70 }
72 #on veut calculer la vraisemblance avec toutes nos estimations
73 densite = vector("double",n)
74 for (r in 1:k)
75 {
76 delta = Y%*%rhoLambda[,,r] - (X[, col.sel]%*%phiLambda[col.sel,,r])
77 densite = densite + piLambda[r] *
78 det(rhoLambda[,,r])/(sqrt(2*base::pi))^m * exp(-tcrossprod(delta)/2.0)
79 }
80 llhLambda = c( sum(log(densite)), (dimension+m+1)*k-1 )
81 rho[[lambda]] = rhoLambda
82 phi[[lambda]] = phiLambda
83 pi[[lambda]] = piLambda
84 llh[[lambda]] = llhLambda
85 }
86 }
87 return(list("phi"=phi, "rho"=rho, "pi"=pi, "llh" = llh))