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[talweg.git] / pkg / man / getError.Rd
1 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
2 % Please edit documentation in R/getError.R
3 \name{getError}
4 \alias{getError}
5 \title{Get error}
6 \usage{
7 getError(data, forecast, horizon = data$getStdHorizon())
8 }
9 \arguments{
10 \item{data}{Dataset, object of class \code{Data} output of \code{getData}}
12 \item{forecast}{Forecast object, class \code{Forecast} output of \code{getForecast}}
14 \item{horizon}{Horizon where to compute the error (<= horizon used in \code{getForecast})}
15 }
16 \value{
17 A list (abs,MAPE) of lists (day,indices)
18 }
19 \description{
20 Obtain the errors between forecast and data
21 }