A few fixes, and write rules for Grand + Wildebeest
[vchess.git] / views / rules / Antiking.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | You have a king and an antiking. King must stay away from checks, but antiking must always stay in check.
3 | Antiking captures his own kind.
5 h3 Specifications
7 ul
8 li Chessboard: standard.
9 li Material: additional antiking.
10 li Non-capturing moves: standard.
11 li Special moves: standard.
12 li Captures: special case of antiking (see below).
13 li End of game: Checkmate or anti-checkmate.
15 h3 Basics
17 p
18 | The additional piece is a royal figure, thus cannot be captured.
19 | It captures the pieces of his color (to help checkmate opponent antiking, but by doing so it also make standard checkmate more difficult...).
20 | It should always remains under check (if it cannot, game is over).
22 figure.diagram-container
23 .diagram
24 | fen:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/3A4/8/8/3a4/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR:
25 figcaption Initial position (non-random). 1.Ae5 is forbidden.
27 h3 End of the game
29 p There are two ways to win:
30 ol
31 li Checkmate opponent king
32 li Anti-checkmate opponent antiking
33 p ...Or maybe do both at the same time?
35 p Note 1: athough antiking captures his color, it doesn't check his king.
37 p Note 2: since it would allow a basic tactic (keep antiking touching opponent's king), kings do not attack antikings.
39 h3 Credits
41 p
42 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/diffobjective.dir/anti-king-chess.html") Antiking chess
43 | on chessvariants.com.