Simplified underCheck / getCheckSquares logic. Debugging Berolina
[vchess.git] / routes / all.js
1 let express = require('express');
2 let router = express.Router();
3 const createError = require('http-errors');
4 const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3');//.verbose();
5 const DbPath = __dirname.replace("/routes", "/db/vchess.sqlite");
6 const db = new sqlite3.Database(DbPath);
7 const sanitizeHtml = require('sanitize-html');
8 const MaxNbProblems = 20;
10 const supportedLang = ["en","es","fr"];
11 function selectLanguage(req, res)
12 {
13 // If preferred language already set:
14 if (!!req.cookies["lang"])
15 return req.cookies["lang"];
17 // Else: search and set it
18 const langString = req.headers["accept-language"];
19 let langArray = langString
20 .replace(/;q=[0-9.]+/g, "") //priority
21 .replace(/-[A-Z]+/g, "") //region (skipped for now...)
22 .split(",") //may have some duplicates, but removal is too costly
23 let bestLang = "en"; //default: English
24 for (let lang of langArray)
25 {
26 if (supportedLang.includes(lang))
27 {
28 bestLang = lang;
29 break;
30 }
31 }
32 // Cookie expires in 183 days (expressed in milliseconds)
33 res.cookie('lang', bestLang, { maxAge: 183*24*3600*1000 });
34 return bestLang;
35 }
37 // Home
38 router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
39 db.serialize(function() {
40 db.all("SELECT * FROM Variants", (err,variants) => {
41 if (!!err)
42 return next(err);
43 res.render('index', {
44 title: 'club',
45 variantArray: variants,
46 lang: selectLanguage(req, res),
47 languages: supportedLang,
48 });
49 });
50 });
51 });
53 // Variant
54 router.get("/:variant([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", (req,res,next) => {
55 const vname = req.params["variant"];
56 db.serialize(function() {
57 db.all("SELECT * FROM Variants WHERE name='" + vname + "'", (err,variant) => {
58 if (!!err)
59 return next(err);
60 if (!variant || variant.length==0)
61 return next(createError(404));
62 // Get only N most recent problems
63 const query2 = "SELECT * FROM Problems " +
64 "WHERE variant='" + vname + "' " +
65 "ORDER BY added DESC " +
66 "LIMIT " + MaxNbProblems;
67 db.all(query2, (err2,problems) => {
68 if (!!err2)
69 return next(err2);
70 res.render('variant', {
71 title: vname + ' Variant',
72 variant: vname,
73 problemArray: problems,
74 lang: selectLanguage(req, res),
75 languages: supportedLang,
76 });
77 });
78 });
79 });
80 });
82 // Load a rules page (AJAX)
83 router.get("/rules/:variant([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", (req,res) => {
84 if (!req.xhr)
85 return res.json({errmsg: "Unauthorized access"});
86 const lang = selectLanguage(req, res);
87 res.render("rules/" + req.params["variant"] + "/" + lang);
88 });
90 // Fetch N previous or next problems (AJAX)
91 router.get("/problems/:variant([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", (req,res) => {
92 if (!req.xhr)
93 return res.json({errmsg: "Unauthorized access"});
94 const vname = req.params["variant"];
95 const directionStr = (req.query.direction == "forward" ? ">" : "<");
96 const lastDt = req.query.last_dt;
97 if (!lastDt.match(/[0-9]+/))
98 return res.json({errmsg: "Bad timestamp"});
99 db.serialize(function() {
100 const query = "SELECT * FROM Problems " +
101 "WHERE variant='" + vname + "' " +
102 " AND added " + directionStr + " " + lastDt + " " +
103 "ORDER BY added " + (directionStr=="<" ? "DESC " : "") +
104 "LIMIT " + MaxNbProblems;
105 db.all(query, (err,problems) => {
106 if (!!err)
107 return res.json(err);
108 return res.json({problems: problems});
109 });
110 });
111 });
113 // Upload a problem (AJAX)
114"/problems/:variant([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", (req,res) => {
115 if (!req.xhr)
116 return res.json({errmsg: "Unauthorized access"});
117 const vname = req.params["variant"];
118 const timestamp =;
119 // Sanitize them
120 const fen = req.body["fen"];
121 if (!fen.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9, /-]*$/))
122 return res.json({errmsg: "Bad characters in FEN string"});
123 const instructions = sanitizeHtml(req.body["instructions"]).trim();
124 const solution = sanitizeHtml(req.body["solution"]).trim();
125 if (instructions.length == 0)
126 return res.json({errmsg: "Empty instructions"});
127 if (solution.length == 0)
128 return res.json({errmsg: "Empty solution"});
129 db.serialize(function() {
130 let stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO Problems " +
131 "(added,variant,fen,instructions,solution) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
132, vname, fen, instructions, solution);
133 stmt.finalize();
134 });
135 res.json({});
136 });
138 module.exports = router;