One type per plot for coefs
[morpheus.git] / pkg / tests / testthat / test-Moments_M2.R
1 context("Moments_M2")
3 # (Slower, but trusted) R version of Moments_M2
4 .Moments_M2_R = function(X,Y)
5 {
6 library(tensor)
7 n = nrow(X)
8 d = ncol(X)
9 v = rep(0,d)
10 e = diag(rep(1,d))
12 M21 = M2_1 = tensor(v,v)
13 for (i in 1:n)
14 M21 = M21 + Y[i] * tensor(X[i,],X[i,])
15 M21 = (1/n) * M21
17 for (j in 1:d)
18 {
19 L = tensor(v,v)
20 for (i in 1:n)
21 L = L + Y[i]*tensor(e[,j],e[,j])
22 L = (1/n) * L
23 M2_1 = M2_1 + L
24 }
26 M2 = M21 - M2_1
27 return (M2)
28 }
30 test_that("both versions of Moments_M2 agree on various inputs",
31 {
32 for (n in c(20,200))
33 {
34 for (d in c(2,10,20))
35 {
36 X = matrix( runif(n*d,min=-1,max=1), nrow=n )
37 Y = runif(n,min=-1,max=1)
38 M2 = .Moments_M2(X,Y)
39 M2_R = .Moments_M2_R(X,Y)
40 expect_equal(max(abs(M2 - M2_R)), 0)
41 }
42 }
43 })