Update TODO
[vchess.git] / models / Problem.js
1 var db = require("../utils/database");
3 /*
4 * Structure:
5 * id: problem number (int)
6 * uid: user id (int)
7 * vid: variant id (int)
8 * added: timestamp
9 * instructions: text
10 * solution: text
11 */
13 exports.create = function(uid, vid, fen, instructions, solution, cb)
14 {
15 db.serialize(function() {
16 const insertQuery =
17 "INSERT INTO Problems (added, uid, vid, fen, instructions, solution) " +
18 "VALUES (" + Date.now() + "," + uid + "," + vid + ",'" + fen + "',?,?)";
19 db.run(insertQuery, [instructions, solution], err => {
20 if (!!err)
21 return cb(err);
22 db.get("SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS rowid", cb);
23 });
24 // const stmt = db.prepare(query);
25 // stmt.run(instructions, solution);
26 // stmt.finalize();
27 });
28 }
30 exports.getOne = function(id, callback)
31 {
32 db.serialize(function() {
33 const query =
34 "SELECT * " +
35 "FROM Problems " +
36 "WHERE id = " + id;
37 db.get(query, callback);
38 });
39 }
41 exports.fetchN = function(vid, uid, type, directionStr, lastDt, MaxNbProblems, callback)
42 {
43 db.serialize(function() {
44 let typeLine = "";
45 if (uid > 0)
46 typeLine = "AND uid " + (type=="others" ? "!=" : "=") + " " + uid;
47 const query =
48 "SELECT * FROM Problems " +
49 "WHERE vid = " + vid +
50 " AND added " + directionStr + " " + lastDt + " " + typeLine + " " +
51 "ORDER BY added " + (directionStr=="<" ? "DESC " : "") +
52 "LIMIT " + MaxNbProblems;
53 db.all(query, callback);
54 });
55 }
57 // TODO: update fails (but insert is OK)
58 exports.update = function(id, uid, fen, instructions, solution, cb)
59 {
60 db.serialize(function() {
61 const query =
62 "UPDATE Problems SET " +
63 "fen = '" + fen + "', " +
64 "instructions = ?, " +
65 "solution = ? " +
66 "WHERE id = " + id + " AND uid = " + uid;
67 db.run(query, [instructions,solution], cb);
68 });
69 }
71 exports.remove = function(id, uid)
72 {
73 db.serialize(function() {
74 const query =
75 "DELETE FROM Problems " +
76 "WHERE id = " + id + " AND uid = " + uid;
77 db.run(query);
78 });
79 }