With sync_mean to average synchrones: bad idea, will be removed
[epclust.git] / epclust / tests / testthat / test.filter.R
1 context("epclustFilter")
3 #TODO: find a better name
4 test_that("[time-]serie filtering behave as expected",
5 {
6 # Currently just a mean of 3 values
7 M = matrix(runif(1000,min=-7,max=7), ncol=10)
8 ref_fM = stats::filter(M, c(1/3,1/3,1/3), circular=FALSE)
9 fM = epclust:::epclustFilter(M)
11 #Expect an agreement on all inner values
12 expect_equal(dim(fM), c(100,10))
13 expect_equal(fM[2:99,], ref_fM[2:99,])
15 #Border values should be unchanged
16 expect_equal(fM[1,], M[1,])
17 expect_equal(fM[100,], M[100,])
18 })