[vchess.git] / client / src / views / Variants.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 .row
3 .nopadding.col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
4 label(for="prefixFilter") Type first letters...
5 input#prefixFilter(v-model="curPrefix")
6 .variant.col-sm-12.col-md-5.col-lg-4(
7 v-for="(v,idx) in filteredVariants"
8 :class="{'col-md-offset-1': idx%2==0, 'col-lg-offset-2': idx%2==0}"
9 )
10 router-link(:to="getLink(v.name)")
11 h4.boxtitle.text-center {{ v.name }}
12 p.description.text-center {{ st.tr[v.desc] }}
13 </template>
15 <script>
16 import { store } from "@/store";
17 export default {
18 name: "my-variants",
19 data: function() {
20 return {
21 curPrefix: "",
22 st: store.state,
23 };
24 },
25 computed: {
26 filteredVariants: function () {
27 const capitalizedPrefix = this.curPrefix.replace(/^\w/, c => c.toUpperCase());
28 const variants = this.st.variants
29 .filter( v => {
30 return v.name.startsWith(capitalizedPrefix);
31 })
32 .map( v => {
33 return {
34 name: v.name,
35 desc: v.description,
36 };
37 })
38 .sort((a,b) => {
39 return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
40 });
41 return variants;
42 },
43 },
44 methods: {
45 getLink: function(vname) {
46 return "/variants/" + vname;
47 },
48 },
49 };
50 </script>
52 <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
53 <style scoped lang="sass">
54 // TODO: box-shadow or box-sizing ? https://stackoverflow.com/a/13517809
55 .variant
56 box-sizing: border-box
57 border: 1px solid brown
58 background-color: lightyellow
59 &:hover
60 background-color: yellow
61 a
62 color: #663300
63 text-decoration: none
64 .boxtitle
65 font-weight: bold
66 margin-bottom: 0
67 .description
68 @media screen and (max-width: 767px)
69 margin-top: 0
70 </style>