Add Pacifist1 & 2. Missing french + spanish translations for now
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Rampage / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Units may move to any square that is guarded by more friendly units
3 | than enemy units.
5 p.
6 In addition to their usual abilities, pieces may jump to controlled squares,
7 that is to say squares attacked by more friendly pieces than enemy pieces.
8 The king in check may only move as in orthodox chess, but "rampage" moves
9 of other pieces are allowed to cover the check.
11 p.
12 Attacks on the same row, file or diagonal are cumulative. So,
13 on the next diagram the marked square (e5) is guarded twice by each side:
14 "rampage" moves to that square are impossible.
16 figure.diagram-container
17 .diagram
18 | fen:k7/p7/2n1r3/8/8/8/4R2P/4Q2K e5:
19 figcaption No repositioning moves to e5.
21 h3 Source
23 p
24 | This variant is
25 a(href="")
26 | mentioned here
27 | .
29 p Inventor: Bruce R. Trose (1976)