2 Pieces are colorbound and capture on the other color.
3 The goal is to capture a king. Captures are mandatory.
5 figure.diagram-container
7 | fen:rbnkknbr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RBNKKNBR:
8 figcaption Initial deterministic position
11 Each side has two small teams of four pieces (and four pawns), one on light
12 squares and the other, identical, on dark squares.
13 Kings have no royal status, and the goal is to capture one of them.
14 Captures are mandatory, but if there are several available you can choose.
17 All pieces end their move on a square of the same color as the initial one.
18 They all capture pieces only on the other color.
21 If after a capture the capturer can take another piece, then the move
22 continue with this new capture. As in international Draughts.
27 The King moves without capturing one square diagonally.
28 He captures by a short orthogonal leap. There is no castling.
30 figure.diagram-container
32 | fen:8/8/4b3/3nK3/8/8/8/8 d6,f6,f4,d4:
34 | fen:8/8/4b3/3nK3/8/8/8/8 c5,e7:
36 King moves without captures on the left, and with captures on the right.
41 The Smasher may slide any distance diagonally without capturing.
42 It may slide orthogonally as well, potentially capturing.
43 Captures are achieved by approach, by stopping just before the enemy piece.
45 figure.diagram-container
47 | fen:8/8/5p2/8/8/8/1R3p2/8 a1,c1,d2,a3,b4,c3,d4,e5,b6,b8:
49 | fen:8/1p6/8/8/8/8/1R4p1/8 b6,f2:
51 Rook moves without captures on the left, and with captures on the right.
56 The Leaper may slide any distance diagonally without capturing.
57 It may slide orthogonally as well, potentially capturing.
58 It may also make a double knight's move (a 4x2 'L'), as long as there
59 isn't a friendly piece at the midpoint of the move.
60 Captures are achieved by jumping over a piece, either with an orthogonal
61 or double-knight move.
63 figure.diagram-container
65 | fen:8/p7/5p2/8/8/1P/8/N5p1 e3,c1,e1,a3,a5,b2,c3,d4,e5:
67 | fen:8/8/8/8/p7/8/2p5/N6b e3,a5,a7:
69 Knight moves without captures on the left, and with captures on the right.
74 The Remover may slide any distance diagonally without capturing.
75 It may capture any orthogonally adjacent opposing piece without moving.
77 figure.diagram-container
79 | fen:8/8/8/4p3/4Bp2/8/8/8 e5,f4:
80 figcaption The bishop must capture both pawns.
85 A Pawn may move one square diagonally forward to an empty square, or
86 optionally two squares if it hasn't moved yet (in this case it may be
87 captured en-passant by short leap).
88 Pawns capture by a short leap forward, and by orthogonal custodian capture
89 where the Pawn completes the sequence FEP (Friend, Enemy, Pawn, or
92 figure.diagram-container
94 | fen:8/8/3P4/8/8/8/1P6/8 a3,c3,d4,e7,c7:
96 | fen:8/Nr5R/2rP3n/2N5/7b/4b2P/4P3/8 c7,e4,h5:
98 Pawn moves without captures on the left, and with captures on the right.
101 A Pawn that reaches the second-to-last rank of the board may promote to any
102 previously captured friendly piece (not yet returned to play).
103 Upon reaching the last rank, the Pawn is required to promote; if there are
104 no pieces available for promotion, then the move is not possible.
110 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/other.dir/interweave.html")
112 | on chessvariants.com.
114 p Inventor: Peter Aronson (2002)