Some bug fixes + added rules for the 6 new variants
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Shatranj / en.pug
... / ...
2 | Bishops and queen are less powerful then in standard chess.
5 li Elephants replace the orthodox bishops.
6 li General or vizir replace the orthodox queen.
7 li The only special pawn move is the promotion, always to a vizir.
8 li There is no castling option.
9 li Stalemate or bare king counts as a win, but two bare kings count as a draw.
11 Note: the general is still represented as a queen, because I didn't find an
12 appropriate image. Please tell me if you have one :)
15 | I implemented a slightly different version of Shatranj
16 | as described for example
17 a(href="") on
18 | , because otherwise elephants could only evolve on a quarter of the board,
19 | and the vizirs would be colorbound as well as the promoted pawns.
22 So, while trying to keep the feeling of this old game,
23 here is what I came up with:
25 li.
26 Elephants can move by one or two squares diagonally.
27 Only the 2-squares moves (maybe jumping over a piece) can capture.
28 li.
29 Generals can move (without capturing) to any adjacent square
30 horizontally or vertically.
31 They capture on any diagonally adjacent square, so that a general corresponds
32 to a natural pawn promotion.
33p All other pieces move like in orthodoxe chess.
36 .diagram
37 | fen:2bkn3/7R/2qPP3/8/8/3n4/1r3r2/3K4:
38 figcaption White can mate in two moves: see problems section.