| 1 | p.boxed. |
| 2 | Each capture results in an "explosion" through which all surrounding |
| 3 | pieces other than pawns are removed from the board. |
| 4 | |
| 5 | p. |
| 6 | When a piece P captures an opponent figure on some square S, all pieces |
| 7 | sitting on a square reachable by a king move from S are removed, including P |
| 8 | itself. |
| 9 | The pawns, however, remain: they have to be taken directly to disappear. |
| 10 | |
| 11 | p. |
| 12 | Suicide is forbidden. Thus a king can touch the opponent king and become |
| 13 | immune to checks, like on the following diagrams: 1.Rxf5 is impossible. |
| 14 | |
| 15 | figure.diagram-container |
| 16 | .diagram.diag12 |
| 17 | | fen:rnb5/pp4pp/2p5/N4pK1/3P2k1/8/PP4PP/5R2 a5,b7: |
| 18 | .diagram.diag22 |
| 19 | | fen:8/p5pp/2p5/5pK1/3P2k1/8/PP4PP/5R2: |
| 20 | figcaption Left: before 1.Nxb7. Right: after capture. |
| 21 | |
| 22 | h3 End of the game |
| 23 | |
| 24 | p There are two ways to win, by decreasing strength order: |
| 25 | ol |
| 26 | li Explode opponent king |
| 27 | li Checkmate opponent king |
| 28 | |
| 29 | p Explosions have priority: a checkmate followed by a king explosion loses. |
| 30 | |
| 31 | figure.diagram-container |
| 32 | .diagram.diag12 |
| 33 | | fen:3rkbnr/pb1pp2p/npp5/q4ppQ/P1B1P3/NP5N/1BPP1PPP/R3K2R: |
| 34 | .diagram.diag22 |
| 35 | | fen:3rkbnr/pb1pp2p/npp5/5ppQ/P1B1P3/NP5N/1BP2PPP/R6R: |
| 36 | figcaption 1.Qh5+ (left) 1...Qxd2# (right), black wins. |
| 37 | |
| 38 | h3 Balancing |
| 39 | |
| 40 | p. |
| 41 | White has a big advantage in this variant. In order to balance the odds, |
| 42 | you can select "Balanced" to let white choose any pawn (any color) to |
| 43 | remove before the game starts. |
| 44 | The game then continues normally, black playing first. |
| 45 | |
| 46 | p |
| 47 | | This was suggested (relayed?) and analyzed recently (2020) by a strong |
| 48 | | Atomic player (Gannet on Discord). See |
| 49 | a(href="https://discord.com/channels/686736099959504907/687076744095858762/762398439043498046") |
| 50 | | the messages |
| 51 | | on Discord vchess server. |
| 52 | |
| 53 | h3 More information |
| 54 | |
| 55 | p. |
| 56 | Many resources can be found on the web (this variation is played on lichess |
| 57 | and FICS, among others). |
| 58 | This game was played first in 1995 at the German Internet Chess Server (GICS) |
| 59 | according to Wikipedia. |