Inputparametters.R + SelecModel
[valse.git] / selmix.m
... / ...
1classdef selmix < handle
3 properties (SetAccess = private)
4 %always user defined
5 X; % regression data (size n*p, where n is the number of observations, and p is the number of regressors)
6 Y; % response data (size n*m, where n is the number of observations, and m is the number of responses)
8 %optionally user defined some default values
9 gamma; % power in the penalty
10 mini; % minimum number of iterations for EM algorithm
11 maxi; % maximum number of iterations for EM algorithm
12 eps; % threshold for stopping EM algorithm
13 kmin; % minimum number of components in the mixture
14 kmax; % maximum number of components in the mixture
15 rangmin;
16 rangmax;
18 %computed through the workflow
19 phiInit; % initialisation for the reparametrized conditional mean parameter
20 rhoInit; % initialisation for the reparametrized variance parameter
21 piInit; % initialisation for the proportions
22 tauInit; % initialisation for the allocations probabilities in each component
23 gridLambda = []; % values for the regularization parameter grid
24 A1; %je ne crois pas vraiment qu'il faille les mettre en sortie, d'autant plus qu'on construit une matrice A1 et A2 pour chaque k, et elles sont grandes, donc ca coute un peu cher ...
25 A2;
26 Phi; % collection of estimations for the reparametrized conditional mean parameters
27 Rho; % collection of estimations for the reparametrized variance parameters
28 Pi; % collection of estimations for the proportions parameters
29 end
31 properties (Constant)
32 %immutable
33 seuil = 1e-15;
34 end
36 methods
37 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
38 %initialize main object
39 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
41 function sx = selmix(X,Y,varargin)
42 %set defaults for optional inputs
43 optargs = {1.0 5 10 1e-6 2 3 2 3};
44 %replace defaults by user parameters
45 optargs(1:length(varargin)) = varargin;
46 sx.X = X;
47 sx.Y = Y;
48 [sx.gamma,,sx.maxi,sx.eps,sx.kmin,sx.kmax,sx.rangmin,sx.rangmax] = optargs{:};
49 % z = somme(sx.X,sx.Y);
50 % sx.Z=z;
51 end
54 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
55 %core workflow: compute all models
56 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
58 function initParameters(sx,k)
59 [phi0,rho0,pi0,tau0] = initSmallEM(k,sx.X,sx.Y,sx.eps); %smallEM initializes parameters by k-means and regression model in each component, doing this 20 times, and keeping the values maximizing the likelihood after 10 iterations of the EM algorithm.
60 sx.phiInit = phi0;
61 sx.rhoInit = rho0;
62 sx.piInit = pi0;
63 sx.tauInit = tau0;
64 end
66 function computeGridLambda(sx)
67 [sx.gridLambda] = grillelambda(sx.phiInit,sx.rhoInit,sx.piInit,sx.tauInit,sx.X,sx.Y,sx.gamma,,sx.maxi,sx.eps);
68 % computation of the regularization grid, according to explicit
69 % formulae given by EM algorithm.
70 end
72 function computeRelevantParameters(sx)
73 [sx.A1,sx.A2,sx.Rho,sx.Pi] = selectiontotale(sx.phiInit,sx.rhoInit,sx.piInit,sx.tauInit,,sx.maxi,sx.gamma,sx.gridLambda,sx.X,sx.Y,sx.seuil,sx.eps);
74 %select variables according to each regularization parameter
75 %from the grid: sx.A1 corresponding to selected variables, and
76 %sx.A2 corresponding to unselected variables.
77 end
79 function [sx,phi,rho,pi]=runProcedure1(sx)
80 [phi,rho,pi,~] = constructionModelesLassoMLE(sx.phiInit,sx.rhoInit,sx.piInit,sx.tauInit,,sx.maxi,sx.gamma,sx.gridLambda,sx.X,sx.Y,sx.seuil,sx.eps,sx.A1,sx.A2);
81 %compute parameter estimations, with the Maximum Likelihood
82 %Estimator, restricted on selected variables.
83 end
85 function [phi] =runProcedure2(sx)
86 [phi,~] = constructionModelesLassoRank(sx.Pi,sx.Rho,,sx.maxi,sx.X,sx.Y,sx.eps,sx.A1,sx.rangmin,sx.rangmax);
87 %compute parameter estimations, with the Low Rank
88 %Estimator, restricted on selected variables.
89 end
91 % main loop: over all k and all lambda
92 function run(sx,procedure) % Run the all procedure, 1 with the
93 %maximum likelihood refitting, and 2 with the Low Rank refitting.
94 [p,m,~]=size(sx.phiInit);
95 for k=sx.kmin:sx.kmax
96 k
97 initParameters(sx,k);
98 computeGridLambda(sx);
99 computeRelevantParameters(sx);
100 if (procedure == 1)
101 [~,phi,rho,pi] = runProcedure1(sx);
102 Phi2 = sx.Phi;
103 Rho2 = sx.Rho;
104 Pi2 = sx.Pi;
105 p = size(sx.X,2);
106 m = size(sx.Y,2);
107 if size(Phi2) == 0
108 sx.Phi(:,:,1:k,:) = phi;
109 sx.Rho(:,:,1:k,:) = rho;
110 sx.Pi(1:k,:) = pi;
111 else
112 sx.Phi = zeros(p,m,sx.kmax,size(Phi2,4)+size(phi,4));
113 sx.Phi(:,:,1:size(Phi2,3),1:size(Phi2,4)) = Phi2;
114 sx.Phi(:,:,1:k,size(Phi2,4)+1:end) = phi;
115 sx.Rho = zeros(m,m,sx.kmax,size(Rho2,4)+size(rho,4));
116 sx.Rho(:,:,1:size(Rho2,3),1:size(Rho2,4)) = Rho2;
117 sx.Rho(:,:,1:k,size(Rho2,4)+1:end) = rho;
118 sx.Pi = zeros(sx.kmax,size(Pi2,2)+size(pi,2));
119 sx.Pi(1:size(Pi2,1),1:size(Pi2,2)) = Pi2;
120 sx.Pi(1:k,size(Pi2,2)+1:end) = pi;
121 end
122 else
123 [phi] = runProcedure2(sx);
124 phi
125 Phi2 = sx.Phi;
126 if size(Phi2,1) == 0
127 sx.Phi(:,:,1:k,:) = phi;
128 else
129 size(Phi2)
130 sx.Phi = zeros(p,m,sx.kmax,size(Phi2,4)+size(phi,4));
131 size(sx.Phi)
132 sx.Phi(:,:,1:size(Phi2,3),1:size(Phi2,4)) = Phi2;
133 sx.Phi(:,:,1:k,size(Phi2,4)+1:end) = phi;
134 end
136 end
139 end
140 end
142 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
143 %pruning: select only one (or a few best ?!) model
144 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
145 %
146 % function[model] selectModel(sx)
147 % %TODO
148 % %model = sxModel(...);
149 % end
151 end
159%~ for k=K
160%~ % On initialise
161%~ initialisation
162%~ disp('Initialisé')
163%~ % On construit la grille des lambdas : variables informatives
164%~ [glambda,phiEmv,rhoEmv,piEmv]=grillelambda(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,tauInit,x,y,gamma,mini,maxi,tau);
165%~ glambda=glambda(1:3);
166%~ disp('glambda construite')
167%~ % On trouve les variables informatives pour chaque lambda : S est la
168%~ % matrice des coefficients des variables informatives
169%~ % on parallelise à l interieur du selectiontotale()
170%~ [B1,B2,rhoLasso,piLasso]=selectiontotale(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit,tauInit,mini,maxi,gamma,glambda,x,y,10^-15,tau);
171%~ %S1 les variables informatives, S2 celles qui ne le sont pas
172%~ [B1bis,B2bis,glambda2bis,ind,rhoLasso,piLasso]=suppressionmodelesegaux(B1,B2,glambda,rhoLasso,piLasso);
173%~ dessinVariablesSelectionnees;
174%~ disp('Le Lasso est fait')
175%~ % Pour chaque lambda ainsi construit, on veut calculer l'EMV pour la procédure Lasso-MLE
176%~ %On obtient une collection de modèles pour Lasso-MLE
177%~ % ICI AUSSI ON PEUT PARALLELISER a l interieur de constructionModelesLassoMLE
178%~ nombreLambda=size(B1bis,3);
179%~ %[phiLassoMLE,rhoLassoMLE,piLassoMLE,vraisLassoMLE]=constructionModelesLassoMLE(phiInit,rhoInit,piInit, tauInit,mini,maxi,gamma,glambda2bis,X,Y,seuil,tau,B1bis,B2bis)
180%~ %Pour Lasso-Rank
181%~ %on ne garde que les colonnes actives
182%~ B1ter=B1bis(:,1,:);
183%~ % [B1ter,ind,rhoLasso,piLasso]=suppressionmodelesegaux2(B1ter,rhoLasso,piLasso)
184%~ %Pour chaque lambda, on veut calculer l'estimateur low rank pour la procédure Lasso-Rank
185%~ %On obtient une collection de modèles pour Lasso-Rank
186%~ %ICI AUSSI ON PEUT PARALLELISER a linterieur de constructionModelesLassoRank
187%~ nombreLambda2=size(B1ter,2);
188%~ [phi,lvraisemblance,Z] = constructionModelesLassoRank(...
189%~ piEmv,rhoEmv,mini,maxi,X,Y,tau,B1ter,2,4);
190%~ disp('On a construit les modèles pour les deux procédures')
191%~ end
192%~ %selectionModelesLassoMLE;
193%~ %selectionModelesLassoRank;
194%~ disp('On a sélectionné les modèles dans les deux procédures')