[epclust.git] / epclust / src / filter.cpp
1 #include <Rcpp.h>
3 using namespace Rcpp;
5 //' filter
6 //'
7 //' Filter [time-]series by replacing all values by the moving average of previous, current and
8 //' next value. Possible extensions: larger window, gaussian kernel... (but would be costly!).
9 //' Note: border values are unchanged.
10 //'
11 //' @param cwt Continuous wavelets transform (in columns): a matrix of size LxD
12 //'
13 //' @return The filtered CWT, in a matrix of same size (LxD)
14 // [[Rcpp::export]]
15 RcppExport SEXP filterMA(SEXP cwt_)
16 {
17 // NOTE: C-style for better efficiency (this must be as fast as possible)
18 int L = INTEGER(Rf_getAttrib(cwt_, R_DimSymbol))[0],
19 D = INTEGER(Rf_getAttrib(cwt_, R_DimSymbol))[1];
20 double *cwt = REAL(cwt_);
22 SEXP fcwt_; //the filtered result
23 PROTECT(fcwt_ = Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, L, D));
24 double* fcwt = REAL(fcwt_); //pointer to the encapsulated vector
26 // NOTE: unused loop parameter: shifting at the end of the loop is more efficient
27 for (int col=D-1; col>=0; col--)
28 {
29 double v1 = cwt[0]; //first value
30 double ms = v1 + cwt[1] + cwt[2]; //moving sum at second value
31 for (int i=1; i<L-2; i++)
32 {
33 fcwt[i] = ms / 3.; //ms / 3: moving average at current index i
34 ms = ms - v1 + cwt[i+2]; //update ms: remove oldest items, add next
35 v1 = cwt[i]; //update first value for next iteration
36 }
38 // Fill a few border values not computed in the loop
39 fcwt[0] = cwt[0];
40 fcwt[L-2] = ms / 3.;
41 fcwt[L-1] = cwt[L-1];
43 // Shift by L == increment column index by 1 (storage per column)
44 cwt = cwt + L;
45 fcwt = fcwt + L;
46 }
49 return fcwt_;
50 }