update the output to have the classification
[valse.git] / reports / bazar Emilie / ondelettes2.m
1 ondelettes
2 niveauColores
3 figure(2)
4 subplot(6,1,1)
5 plot(1:7,courbe(1:7),'b','LineWidth',2)
6 hold on
7 plot(8:48,courbe(8:48),'b','LineWidth',2)
8 set(gca,'ytick',[])
9 ylabel('z','FontSize', 30)
10 set(gca, 'FontSize', 20)
11 axis([0 48 -1.6 1.6])
12 set(B, 'Position', [.91 .11 .03 .8150])
13 subplot(6,1,2:6)
14 colormap([cmapVert([1:1:end],:);cmapBleu(end:-1:1,:)]);
15 %colormap(gr(end:-1:1,:));
16 indice = [3,3,6,12,24];
17 indice2=[0,cumsum(indice)];
18 beta = zeros(5,48);
19 for j=1:indice(1)
20 for l=1:2^4
21 beta(1,(j-1)*2^4+l) = C(indice2(1)+j);
22 end
23 end
24 for r=2:5
25 for j=1:indice(r)
26 for l=1:2^(5-(r-1))
27 beta(r,(j-1)*2^(5-(r-1))+l) = C(indice2(r)+j);
28 end
29 end
30 end
33 imagesc(beta)
34 ylabel('d_1 d_2 d_3 d_4 a_4','FontSize', 30)
35 set(gca, 'FontSize', 20)
36 %gr = gray(64);
40 set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[])
41 set(gca, 'FontSize', 20)
43 % axes('Position', [0.05 0.05 0.9 0.9], 'Visible', 'off');
44 % c=colorbar ('FontSize',18);
45 B=colorbar;
46 set(B, 'Position', [.91 .11 .03 .8150])
47 %set(gca,'Position',[.1 0.1 0.9 0.9])
48 set(gca, 'FontSize', 15)
49 % figure(3)
50 % subplot(6,1,1)
51 % plot(courbe,'LineWidth',2)
52 % axis([0 48 -0.7 0.7])
53 % subplot(6,1,2)
54 % plot([8,24,40],C(1:3),'+','LineWidth',2)
55 % axis([0 48 -1.6 1.6])
56 % subplot(6,1,3)
57 % plot([8:16:48],C(4:6),'+','LineWidth',2)
58 % axis([0 48 -0.6 0.6])
59 % subplot(6,1,4)
60 % plot([4:8:48],C(7:12),'+','LineWidth',2)
61 % axis([0 48 -0.4 0.4])
62 % subplot(6,1,5)
63 % plot([2:4:48],C(13:24),'+','LineWidth',2)
64 % axis([0 48 -0.2 0.2])
65 % subplot(6,1,6)
66 % plot([1:2:48],C(25:48),'+','LineWidth',2)
67 % axis([0 48 -0.2 0.2])