Start thinking about generalization format + parametrization
[qomet.git] / public / javascripts / monitor.js
1 let socket = null; //monitor answers in real time
3 new Vue({
4 el: "#monitor",
5 data: {
6 password: "", //from password field
7 assessment: { }, //obtained after authentication
8 // Stage 0: unauthenticated (password),
9 // 1: authenticated (password hash validated), start monitoring
10 stage: 0,
11 answers: {
12 displayAll: true,
13 showSolution: true, //TODO: allow to hide, to let teachers search too
14 inputs: [ ],
15 index : -1,
16 },
17 students: [ ], //to know their names
18 display: "assessment", //or student's answers
19 },
20 methods: {
21 // TODO: redundant code, next 4 funcs already exist in course.js
22 toggleDisplay: function(area) {
23 if (this.display == area)
24 this.display = "";
25 else
26 this.display = area;
27 },
28 studentList: function(group) {
29 return this.students
30 .filter( s => { return group==0 || == group; })
31 .map( s => { return Object.assign({}, s); }) //not altering initial array
32 .sort( (a,b) => { return; });
33 },
34 groupList: function() {
35 let maxGrp = 1;
36 this.students.forEach( s => {
37 if ( > maxGrp)
38 maxGrp =;
39 });
40 return _.range(1,maxGrp+1);
41 },
42 groupId: function(group, prefix) {
43 return (prefix || "") + "group" + group;
44 },
45 getColor: function(number, qIdx) {
46 // For the moment, green if correct and red if wrong; grey if unanswered yet
47 // TODO: in-between color for partially right (especially for multi-questions)
48 const paperIdx = this.assessment.papers.findIndex( item => { return item.number == number; });
49 if (paperIdx === -1)
50 return "grey"; //student didn't start yet
51 const inputIdx = this.assessment.papers[paperIdx].inputs.findIndex( item => {
52 const qNum = parseInt(item.index.split(".")[0]); //indexes separated by dots
53 return qIdx == qNum;
54 });
55 if (inputIdx === -1)
56 return "grey";
57 if (_.isEqual(this.assessment.papers[paperIdx].inputs[inputIdx].input, this.assessment.questions[qIdx].answer))
58 return "green";
59 return "red";
60 },
61 seeDetails: function(number, i) {
62 // UNIMPLEMENTED: see question details, with current answer(s)
63 },
64 // stage 0 --> 1
65 startMonitoring: function() {
66 $.ajax("/start/monitoring", {
67 method: "GET",
68 data: {
69 password: Sha1.Compute(this.password),
70 aname: examName,
71 ccode: courseCode,
72 initials: initials,
73 },
74 dataType: "json",
75 success: s => {
76 if (!!s.errmsg)
77 return alert(s.errmsg);
78 this.assessment = s.assessment;
79 this.answers.inputs = q => {
80 let input = _(q.options.length).times( _.constant(false) );
81 q.answer.forEach( idx => { input[idx] = true; });
82 return input;
83 });
84 this.students = s.students;
85 this.stage = 1;
86 socket = io.connect("/", {
87 query: "aid=" + this.assessment._id + "&secret=" + s.secret
88 });
89 socket.on(message.studentBlur, m => {
90 const sIdx = this.students.findIndex( item => { return item.number == m.number; });
91 Vue.set(this.students, sIdx, Object.assign({},this.students[sIdx],{blur: true}));
92 //this.students[sIdx].blur = true;
93 });
94 socket.on(message.studentFocus, m => {
95 const sIdx = this.students.findIndex( item => { return item.number == m.number; });
96 this.students[sIdx].blur = false;
97 });
98 socket.on(message.studentResize, m => {
99 const sIdx = this.students.findIndex( item => { return item.number == m.number; });
100 Vue.set(this.students, sIdx, Object.assign({},this.students[sIdx],{resize: true}));
101 //this.students[sIdx].resize = true;
102 });
103 socket.on(message.studentFullscreen, m => {
104 const sIdx = this.students.findIndex( item => { return item.number == m.number; });
105 this.students[sIdx].resize = false;
106 });
107 socket.on(message.studentDisconnect, m => {
108 const sIdx = this.students.findIndex( item => { return item.number == m.number; });
109 Vue.set(this.students, sIdx, Object.assign({},this.students[sIdx],{disco: true}));
110 //this.students[sIdx].disco = true;
111 });
112 socket.on(message.studentConnect, m => {
113 const sIdx = this.students.findIndex( item => { return item.number == m.number; });
114 this.students[sIdx].disco = false;
115 });
116 socket.on(message.newAnswer, m => {
117 let paperIdx = this.assessment.papers.findIndex( item => {
118 return item.number == m.number;
119 });
120 if (paperIdx === -1)
121 {
122 // First answer
123 paperIdx = this.assessment.papers.length;
124 this.assessment.papers.push({
125 number: m.number,
126 inputs: [ ], //other fields irrelevant here
127 });
128 }
129 // TODO: notations not coherent (input / answer... when, which ?)
130 this.assessment.papers[paperIdx].inputs.push(JSON.parse(m.answer)); //input+index
131 });
132 },
133 });
134 },
135 endMonitoring: function() {
136 // In the end, send answers to students
137 // TODO: disable this button until everyone finished (need ability to mark absents)
138 socket.emit(
139 message.allAnswers,
140 { answers: JSON.stringify( q => { return q.answer; })) }
141 );
142 },
143 },
144 });