3 <h1>This is an about page</h1>
6 // "My" games: tabs my archived local games, my correspondance games
7 // + my imported games (of any type).
8 // TODO: later, also add possibility to upload a game (parse PGN).
9 Vue.component("my-tab-games", {
21 <div class="button-group">
22 <button @click="display='local'">Local games</button>
23 <button @click="display='corr'">Correspondance games</button>
24 <button @click="display='imported'">Imported games</button>
26 <my-game-list v-show="display=='local'" :games="local">
28 <my-game-list v-show="display=='corr'" :games="corr">
30 <my-game-list v-show="display=='imported'" :games="imported">
32 <button @click="update">Refresh</button>
36 // TODO: fetch corr games, local and corr
37 // if any corr game where it's my turn, set display = "corr",
38 // else set display = "local" (if any) or imported (if any and no local)
42 // TODO: scan local + imported games, if any new then add it