temporary fix: use R version of EMGLLF and EMGrank in package
[valse.git] / reports / bazar Emilie / dessinBeta.m
3f62d540 1niveauColores
3for L=ind
4 for r=1:max(b(:,L))
5 betaLassoMLE(:,:,r)=inv(rhoLassoMLE(:,:,r,L)) * phiLassoMLE(:,:,r,L);
6 end
8dessinRho = zeros(max(K),size(rhoLassoMLE,1),max(ind));
10gr = gray(64);
12 for L=ind
13 k=size(find(piLassoMLE(:,L)~=0),1)
14 figure(1)
15 %for r=1:k
16 r=1
17 subplot(1,k+1,r)
18 cpt=cpt+1;
19 colormap(gr(end:-1:1,:));
20 imagesc(abs(betaLassoMLE(:,:,r)))
21 set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[])
22 set(gca, 'FontSize', 30)
23 title(['$\hat{\underline{\beta}_1}$'],'FontSize', 45,'Interpreter','latex')
24 h=colorbar;
25 set(gca, 'FontSize', 30)
26 r=2
27 subplot(1,k+1,r)
28 cpt=cpt+1;
29 colormap(gr(end:-1:1,:));
30 imagesc(abs(betaLassoMLE(:,:,r)))
31 set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[])
32 set(gca, 'FontSize', 30)
33 title(['$\hat{\underline{\beta}_2}$'],'FontSize', 45,'Interpreter','latex')
34 h=colorbar;
35 set(gca, 'FontSize', 30)
37 %end
38 subplot(1,k+1,k+1)
39 gr = gray(64);
40 colormap(gr(end:-1:1,:));
41 imagesc(abs(betaLassoMLE(:,:,1)-betaLassoMLE(:,:,2)))
42 set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[])
43 title('$|\hat{\underline{\beta}_1}-\hat{\underline{\beta}}_2|$','FontSize',45,'Interpreter','latex')
44 h=colorbar;
45 set(gca, 'FontSize', 30)
46 figure(L+k+1)
47 for r=1:k
48 for z=1:size(rhoLassoMLE,1)
49 dessinRho(r,z,L) = inv(rhoLassoMLE(z,z,r,L)^2);
50 end
51 end
53 %for r=1:k
54 r=1
55 subplot(k,1,r)
56% if r==1
57% colormap(cmapRouge(end:-1:1,:));
58% else if r==2
59% colormap(cmapBleu(end:-1:1,:));
60% else colormap(cmapVert(end:-1:1,:));
61% end
62% end
63 imagesc(dessinRho(r,:,L))
64 set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[])
65 xlabh = get(gca,'XLabel');
66 set(xlabh,'Position',get(xlabh,'Position') + [0 .15 0])
67 title('$\hat{\Sigma}_1$','FontSize', 55,'Interpreter','latex')
68 xlabel('d_4[1] d_4[2] d_4[3] d_3[1] d_3[2] d_3[3] d_3[4] d_3[5] d_3[6]','FontSize', 30)
69 set(gca, 'FontSize', 45)
70 set(gca,'Position',[0.01 0.1+0.5*(2-r) 0.9 0.2])
72 r=2
73 subplot(k,1,r)
74% if r==1
75% colormap(cmapRouge(end:-1:1,:));
76% else if r==2
77% colormap(cmapBleu(end:-1:1,:));
78% else colormap(cmapVert(end:-1:1,:));
79% end
80% end
81 imagesc(dessinRho(r,:,L))
82 set(gca,'xtick',[],'ytick',[])
83 xlabh = get(gca,'XLabel');
84 set(xlabh,'Position',get(xlabh,'Position') + [0 .15 0])
85 title('$\hat{\Sigma}_2$','FontSize', 55,'Interpreter','latex')
86 xlabel('d_4[1] d_4[2] d_4[3] d_3[1] d_3[2] d_3[3] d_3[4] d_3[5] d_3[6]','FontSize', 30)
87 set(gca, 'FontSize', 45)
88 set(gca,'Position',[0.01 0.1+0.5*(2-r) 0.9 0.2])
89 %end
90 %h=colorbar;
91 gr = gray(64);
92 colormap(gr(end:-1:1,:));
93 axes('Position', [0.14 0.1 0.8 0.8], 'Visible', 'off');
94% c=colorbar;
95% set(gca, 'FontSize', 40)
96% caxis([0 max(max(dessinRho(:,:,L)))])