From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 16:32:28 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Some fixes + improvements (Vector) + code reformatting

Some fixes + improvements (Vector) + code reformatting

diff --git a/src/BufferTop.c b/src/BufferTop.c
index 46a793e..a7d5f95 100644
--- a/src/BufferTop.c
+++ b/src/BufferTop.c
@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ BufferTop* _buffertop_new(
 BufferTop* buffertop_copy(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-  BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = _buffertop_new(
-    bufferTop->heap->dataSize, bufferTop->capacity,
-    bufferTop->heap->hType, bufferTop->heap->arity);
-  heap_destroy(bufferTopCopy->heap); //TODO: bad style...
+  BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = (BufferTop*) safe_malloc(sizeof (BufferTop));
+  bufferTopCopy->capacity = bufferTop->capacity;
+  bufferTopCopy->bType = bufferTop->bType;
   bufferTopCopy->heap = heap_copy(bufferTop->heap);
   return bufferTopCopy;
@@ -32,10 +31,10 @@ List* buffertop_2list(BufferTop* bufferTop)
   // Copy the buffer, and then use the copy to build the list
   BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = buffertop_copy(bufferTop);
-  List* bufferInList = _list_new(bufferTop->heap->array->dataSize);
+  List* bufferInList = _list_new(bufferTop->heap->items->dataSize);
   while (!buffertop_empty(bufferTopCopy))
-    void* topItem = buffertop_first_raw(bufferTopCopy)->item;
+    void* topItem = _heap_top(bufferTopCopy->heap).item;
     // NOTE: list_insert_front(), to reverse (wrong) items order
     // ==> in the returned list, top element is at head.
     _list_insert_front(bufferInList, topItem);
@@ -57,15 +56,15 @@ UInt buffertop_size(BufferTop* bufferTop)
 void _buffertop_tryadd(BufferTop* bufferTop, void* item, Real value)
-  if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) >= bufferTop->capacity &&
-    ((bufferTop->bType == MIN_T &&
-    value >= ((ItemValue*) (bufferTop->heap->array->datas[0]))->value)
-    ||
-    (bufferTop->bType == MAX_T &&
-    value <= ((ItemValue*) (bufferTop->heap->array->datas[0]))->value)))
-  {
-    // Shortcut : if value "worse" than top->value and buffer is full, skip
-    return;
+  if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) >= bufferTop->capacity) {
+    Real topValue = *((Real*) (bufferTop->heap->values->datas));
+    if (
+      (bufferTop->bType == MIN_T && value >= topValue) ||
+      (bufferTop->bType == MAX_T && value <= topValue)
+    ) {
+      // Shortcut : if value "worse" than top->value and buffer is full, skip
+      return;
+    }
   // Insertion somewhere in the item-values heap
@@ -76,9 +75,9 @@ void _buffertop_tryadd(BufferTop* bufferTop, void* item, Real value)
-ItemValue* buffertop_first_raw(BufferTop* bufferTop)
+ItemValue _buffertop_first(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-  return heap_top_raw(bufferTop->heap);
+  return _heap_top(bufferTop->heap);
 void buffertop_pop(BufferTop* bufferTop)
diff --git a/src/BufferTop.h b/src/BufferTop.h
index 89a5e1f..7906a31 100644
--- a/src/BufferTop.h
+++ b/src/BufferTop.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 typedef struct BufferTop {
   UInt capacity; ///< Buffer capacity (in items count).
   OrderType bType; ///< Type of buffer: keep max or min items (MAX_T or MIN_T).
-  Heap* heap; ///< Item-ValueS are internally organized into a heap.
+  Heap* heap; ///< Items + values are internally organized into a heap.
 } BufferTop;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void _buffertop_tryadd(
  * @brief Return the top ("worst among best") ItemValue inside current buffer.
-ItemValue* buffertop_first_raw(
+ItemValue _buffertop_first(
   BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ ItemValue* buffertop_first_raw(
  * @param bufferTop "this" pointer.
  * @param item_ Variable to be assigned.
- * Usage: void buffertop_first(BufferTop* bufferTop, void item)
+ * Usage: void buffertop_first(BufferTop* bufferTop, void item_)
 #define buffertop_first(bufferTop, item_) \
 { \
-  void* pItem = buffertop_first_raw(bufferTop)->item; \
-  item_ = *((typeof(&item_))pItem); \
+  ItemValue iv = _buffertop_first(bufferTop); \
+  item_ = *((typeof(item_)*)(iv.item)); \
diff --git a/src/Heap.c b/src/Heap.c
index 6bdbc0e..417a4d0 100644
--- a/src/Heap.c
+++ b/src/Heap.c
@@ -8,46 +8,32 @@
 Heap* _heap_new(size_t dataSize, OrderType hType, UInt arity)
-  Heap* heap = (Heap*)safe_malloc(sizeof(Heap));
+  Heap* heap = (Heap*) safe_malloc(sizeof(Heap));
   heap->arity = arity;
   heap->hType = hType;
-  heap->dataSize = dataSize;
-  heap->array = _vector_new(sizeof(ItemValue));
+  heap->items = _vector_new(dataSize);
+  heap->values = _vector_new(sizeof(Real));
   return heap;
 Heap* heap_copy(Heap* heap)
-  Heap* heapCopy = _heap_new(heap->dataSize, heap->hType, heap->arity);
-  // HACK: vector_copy is not enough,
-  // since we also have to allocate ItemValue(->item)
-  heapCopy->array->size = heap->array->size;
-  heapCopy->array->capacity = heap->array->capacity;
-  heapCopy->array->datas =
-    (void**)safe_malloc(heap->array->capacity*sizeof(void*));
-  for (UInt i = 0; i < heap->array->size; i++)
-  {
-    heapCopy->array->datas[i] = safe_malloc(sizeof(ItemValue));
-    ItemValue itemValueCopy = (ItemValue){
-      .item=safe_malloc(heap->dataSize),
-      .value=((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->value};
-    memcpy(
-      itemValueCopy.item,
-      ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->item,
-      heap->dataSize);
-    memcpy(heapCopy->array->datas[i], &itemValueCopy, sizeof(ItemValue));
-  }
+  Heap* heapCopy = (Heap*) safe_malloc(sizeof(Heap));
+  heapCopy->arity = heap->arity;
+  heapCopy->hType = heap->hType;
+  heapCopy->items = vector_copy(heap->items);
+  heapCopy->values = vector_copy(heap->values);
   return heapCopy;
 bool heap_empty(Heap* heap)
-  return vector_empty(heap->array);
+  return vector_empty(heap->items);
 UInt heap_size(Heap* heap)
-  return vector_size(heap->array);
+  return vector_size(heap->items);
 // NOTE: [perf] in two following methods, full heap[k] exchanges are
@@ -57,127 +43,221 @@ UInt heap_size(Heap* heap)
 void _heap_bubble_up(Heap* heap, UInt startIndex)
+  if (startIndex == 0)
+    // Nothing to do in this case
+    return;
   UInt currentIndex = startIndex;
-  ItemValue* startItemValue = heap->array->datas[startIndex];
+  void* startItem = _vector_get(heap->items, startIndex);
+  Real startValue = *((Real*)(_vector_get(heap->values, startIndex)));
+  bool startItemReallocated = false;
   while (true)
-    // get parent
-    UInt nextIndex = currentIndex / heap->arity;
-    Real nextValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[nextIndex]))->value;
-    // compare to parent (if applicable)
-    if (currentIndex == 0 ||
-      (heap->hType == MIN_T && startItemValue->value >= nextValue) ||
-      (heap->hType == MAX_T && startItemValue->value <= nextValue))
+    bool land = (currentIndex == 0), //at root: can't go up
+         applyExchange = true;
+    if (!land)
+    {
+      // Get parent and compare to it
+      UInt nextIndex = (currentIndex - 1) / heap->arity;
+      Real nextValue = *((Real*)(_vector_get(heap->values, nextIndex)));
+      land = (
+        (heap->hType == MIN_T && startValue >= nextValue) ||
+        (heap->hType == MAX_T && startValue <= nextValue)
+      );
+      if (!land)
+      {
+        // Move one level up: the parent goes one level down
+        if (currentIndex == startIndex)
+        {
+          // Save startItem (because *startItem is about to be changed)
+          void* newStartItem = safe_malloc(heap->items->dataSize);
+          memcpy(newStartItem, startItem, heap->items->dataSize);
+          startItem = newStartItem;
+          startItemReallocated = true;
+        }
+        void* nextItem = _vector_get(heap->items, nextIndex);
+        _vector_set(heap->items, currentIndex, nextItem);
+        _vector_set(heap->values, currentIndex, &nextValue);
+        currentIndex = nextIndex;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // At correct relative place: will now land
+      if (currentIndex == startIndex)
+        applyExchange = false;
+    }
+    if (applyExchange)
-      // moving element has landed: apply final affectation
-      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
-      break;
+      _vector_set(heap->items, currentIndex, startItem);
+      _vector_set(heap->values, currentIndex, &startValue);
-    // move one level up: the parent goes one level down
-    heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = heap->array->datas[nextIndex];
-    currentIndex = nextIndex;
+    break;
+  if (startItemReallocated)
+    safe_free(startItem);
 void _heap_bubble_down(Heap* heap, UInt startIndex)
+  if (startIndex * heap->arity + 1 >= heap->items->size)
+    // Nothing to do: already in a leaf
+    return;
   UInt currentIndex = startIndex;
-  ItemValue* startItemValue = heap->array->datas[startIndex];
+  void* startItem = _vector_get(heap->items, startIndex);
+  Real startValue = *((Real*)(_vector_get(heap->values, startIndex)));
+  bool startItemReallocated = false;
   while (true)
-    if (currentIndex * heap->arity >= heap->array->size)
+    bool land = (currentIndex * heap->arity + 1 >= heap->items->size),
+         applyExchange = true;
+    if (!land)
-      // moving element has landed (in a leaf): apply final affectation
-      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
-      break;
-    }
-    // find top child (min or max)
-    UInt topChildIndex;
-    Real topChildValue = (heap->hType == MIN_T ? INFINITY : -INFINITY);
-    for (UInt i = 0; i < heap->arity; i++)
-    {
-      UInt childIndex = i + currentIndex * heap->arity;
-      if (childIndex >= heap->array->size)
-        break;
-      Real childValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[childIndex]))->value;
-      if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && childValue < topChildValue) ||
-        (heap->hType == MAX_T && childValue > topChildValue))
+      // Find top child (min or max)
+      UInt topChildIndex;
+      Real topChildValue = (heap->hType == MIN_T ? INFINITY : -INFINITY);
+      for (UInt i = 1; i <= heap->arity; i++)
-        topChildIndex = childIndex;
-        topChildValue = childValue;
+        UInt childIndex = currentIndex * heap->arity + i;
+        if (childIndex >= heap->items->size)
+          break;
+        Real childValue = *((Real*)(_vector_get(heap->values, childIndex)));
+        if (
+          (heap->hType == MIN_T && childValue < topChildValue) ||
+          (heap->hType == MAX_T && childValue > topChildValue)
+        ) {
+          topChildIndex = childIndex;
+          topChildValue = childValue;
+        }
+      // Compare to top child
+      land = (
+        (heap->hType == MIN_T && startValue <= topChildValue) ||
+        (heap->hType == MAX_T && startValue >= topChildValue)
+      );
+      if (!land)
+      {
+        // Move one level down: the child goes one level up
+        if (currentIndex == startIndex)
+        {
+          // Save startItem (because *startItem is about to be changed)
+          void* newStartItem = safe_malloc(heap->items->dataSize);
+          memcpy(newStartItem, startItem, heap->items->dataSize);
+          startItem = newStartItem;
+          startItemReallocated = true;
+        }
+        void* topChildItem = _vector_get(heap->items, topChildIndex);
+        _vector_set(heap->items, currentIndex, topChildItem);
+        _vector_set(heap->values, currentIndex, &topChildValue);
+        currentIndex = topChildIndex;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // At correct relative place: will now land
+      if (currentIndex == startIndex)
+        applyExchange = false;
-    // compare to top child
-    if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && startItemValue->value > topChildValue) ||
-      (heap->hType == MAX_T && startItemValue->value < topChildValue))
-    {
-      // move one level down: the child goes one level up
-      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = heap->array->datas[topChildIndex];
-    }
-    else
+    if (applyExchange)
-      // moving element has landed: apply final affectation
-      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
-      break;
+      // Moving element has landed (in a leaf): apply final affectation
+      _vector_set(heap->items, currentIndex, startItem);
+      _vector_set(heap->values, currentIndex, &startValue);
-    currentIndex = topChildIndex;
+    break;
+  if (startItemReallocated)
+    safe_free(startItem);
 void _heap_insert(Heap* heap, void* item, Real value)
-  ItemValue itemValue =
-    (ItemValue){.item=safe_malloc(heap->dataSize), .value=value};
-  memcpy(itemValue.item, item, heap->dataSize);
-  _vector_push(heap->array, &itemValue);
-  _heap_bubble_up(heap, heap->array->size-1);
+  _vector_push(heap->items, item);
+  _vector_push(heap->values, &value);
+  _heap_bubble_up(heap, heap->items->size - 1);
-void _heap_modify(Heap* heap, UInt index, Real newValue)
+Int _heap_get_index(Heap* heap, void* item)
-  double oldValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->value;
-  ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->value = newValue;
-  if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && newValue > oldValue) ||
-    (heap->hType == MAX_T && newValue < oldValue))
+  for (Int index = 0; index < heap->items->size; index++)
+    if (
+      memcmp(
+        heap->items->datas + index * heap->items->dataSize,
+        item,
+        heap->items->dataSize
+      ) == 0
+    ) {
+      return index;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+void _heap_modify(Heap* heap, void* item, Real newValue)
+  // First, find index of the item:
+  const Int index = _heap_get_index(heap, item);
+  if (index < 0)
+    // Element not found
+    return;
+  Real oldValue = *((Real*)_vector_get(heap->values, index));
+  _vector_set(heap->values, index, &newValue);
+  if (
+    (heap->hType == MIN_T && newValue > oldValue) ||
+    (heap->hType == MAX_T && newValue < oldValue)
+  ) {
     _heap_bubble_down(heap, index);
     _heap_bubble_up(heap, index);
-void _heap_remove(Heap* heap, UInt index)
+void _heap_remove_at_index(Heap* heap, Int index)
-  safe_free(((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item);
-  ItemValue* tmp = heap->array->datas[index];
-  heap->array->datas[index] = heap->array->datas[heap_size(heap)-1];
-  heap->array->datas[heap_size(heap)-1] = tmp;
-  vector_pop(heap->array);
-  if (heap->array->size > 0)
+  const bool removeLast = (index == heap->items->size - 1);
+  if (!removeLast)
+  {
+    _vector_set(
+      heap->items,
+      index,
+      _vector_get(heap->items, heap->items->size - 1));
+    _vector_set(
+      heap->values,
+      index,
+      _vector_get(heap->values, heap->values->size - 1));
+  }
+  vector_pop(heap->items);
+  vector_pop(heap->values);
+  if (!removeLast && heap->items->size > 0)
     _heap_bubble_down(heap, index);
-ItemValue* heap_top_raw(Heap* heap)
+void _heap_remove(Heap* heap, void* item)
+  // First, find index of the item:
+  const Int index = _heap_get_index(heap, item);
+  if (index >= 0)
+    _heap_remove_at_index(heap, index);
+ItemValue _heap_top(Heap* heap)
-  return (ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[0]);
+  ItemValue top;
+  top.item = _vector_get(heap->items, 0);
+  vector_get(heap->values, 0, top.value);
+  return top;
 void heap_pop(Heap* heap)
-  _heap_remove(heap, 0);
+  _heap_remove_at_index(heap, 0);
 void heap_clear(Heap* heap)
-  for (UInt i = 0; i < heap->array->size; i++)
-    // Extra memory releases which wouldn't be done in vector_clear()
-    safe_free(((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->item);
-  vector_clear(heap->array);
+  vector_clear(heap->items);
+  vector_clear(heap->values);
 void heap_destroy(Heap* heap)
-  heap_clear(heap);
-  safe_free(heap->array);
+  vector_destroy(heap->items);
+  vector_destroy(heap->values);
diff --git a/src/Heap.h b/src/Heap.h
index 3452aa0..50abaa4 100644
--- a/src/Heap.h
+++ b/src/Heap.h
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
  * @brief Generic d-ary heap.
 typedef struct Heap {
-  size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a heap item in bytes.
   OrderType hType; ///< Type of heap: max first (MAX_T) or min first (MIN_T).
   UInt arity; ///< Arity of the underlying tree.
-  Vector* array; ///< Vector of ItemValue* (internal representation).
+  Vector* items; ///< Vector of items (any type).
+  Vector* values; ///< Vector of items values (real numbers).
 } Heap;
@@ -109,31 +109,23 @@ void _heap_insert(
 void _heap_modify(
   Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-  UInt index, ///< Index of the item to modify.
+  void* item, ///< Pointer to item to modify.
   Real newValue ///< New value for the item.
  * @brief Change the value of an item inside the heap.
  * @param heap "this" pointer.
- * @param item_ Item to modify.
+ * @param item Item to modify.
  * @param newValue New value for the item.
  * @note If several similar items are present, only the first is affected.
- * Usage: void heap_modify(Heap* heap, void item_, Real newValue)
- *
- * WARNING: does not work if items are not basic type nor pointers.
+ * Usage: void heap_modify(Heap* heap, void item, Real newValue)
-#define heap_modify(heap, item_, newValue) \
+#define heap_modify(heap, item, newValue) \
 { \
-  UInt index = 0; \
-  typeof(item_) item__ = item_; \
-  for (; index<heap->array->size; index++) \
-  { \
-    void* pItem = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item; \
-    if (*((typeof(&item__))pItem) == item__) break; \
-  } \
-  _heap_modify(heap, index, newValue); \
+  typeof(item) item_ = item; \
+  _heap_modify(heap, &item_, newValue); \
@@ -141,49 +133,41 @@ void _heap_modify(
 void _heap_remove(
   Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-  UInt index  ///< Index of the item to remove.
+  void* item ///< Pointer to item to remove.
  * @brief Remove an item-value inside the heap.
  * @param heap "this" pointer.
- * @param item_ Item to remove.
+ * @param item Item to remove.
  * @note If several similar items are present, only the first is deleted.
- * Usage: void heap_remove(Heap* heap, void item_)
- *
- * WARNING: does not work if items are not basic type nor pointers.
+ * Usage: void heap_remove(Heap* heap, void item)
-#define heap_remove(heap, item_) \
+#define heap_remove(heap, item) \
 { \
-  UInt index = 0; \
-  typeof(item_) item__ = item_; \
-  for (; index<heap->array->size; index++) \
-  { \
-    void* pItem = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item; \
-    if (*((typeof(&item__))pItem) == item__) break; \
-  } \
-  _heap_remove(heap, index); \
+  typeof(item) item_ = item; \
+  _heap_remove(heap, &item_); \
  * @brief Return what is at the beginning of the heap.
-ItemValue* heap_top_raw(
+ItemValue _heap_top(
   Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
- * @brief Return what is at the beginning of the heap.
+ * @brief Get the top heap element in 'item'.
  * @param heap "this" pointer.
- * @param item_ Item to be assigned.
+ * @param item_ Item to affect.
  * Usage: void heap_top(Heap* heap, void item_)
 #define heap_top(heap, item_) \
 { \
-  void* pItem = heap_top_raw(heap)->item; \
-  item_ = *((typeof(&item_))pItem); \
+  ItemValue iv = _heap_top(heap); \
+  item_ = *((typeof(item_)*) iv.item); \
diff --git a/src/List.c b/src/List.c
index b78af26..35e5739 100644
--- a/src/List.c
+++ b/src/List.c
@@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ void listI_remove(ListIterator* listI, Direction direction)
   ListCell* toTrash = listI->current;
   switch (direction)
-  case FORWARD:
-    listI->current = listI->current->next;
-    break;
-  case BACKWARD:
-    listI->current = listI->current->prev;
-    break;
+    case FORWARD:
+      listI->current = listI->current->next;
+      break;
+    case BACKWARD:
+      listI->current = listI->current->prev;
+      break;
   list_remove(listI->list, toTrash);
diff --git a/src/PriorityQueue.c b/src/PriorityQueue.c
index ef7079b..9b3d785 100644
--- a/src/PriorityQueue.c
+++ b/src/PriorityQueue.c
@@ -11,17 +11,14 @@ PriorityQueue* _priorityqueue_new(size_t dataSize, OrderType pType, UInt arity)
   PriorityQueue* priorityQueue =
     (PriorityQueue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (PriorityQueue));
-  Heap* heap = _heap_new(dataSize, pType, arity);
-  priorityQueue->heap = heap;
+  priorityQueue->heap = _heap_new(dataSize, pType, arity);
   return priorityQueue;
 PriorityQueue* priorityqueue_copy(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-  PriorityQueue* priorityQueueCopy = _priorityqueue_new(
-    priorityQueue->heap->array->dataSize,
-    priorityQueue->heap->hType, priorityQueue->heap->arity);
-  heap_destroy(priorityQueueCopy->heap); //TODO: bad style...
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueueCopy =
+    (PriorityQueue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (PriorityQueue));
   priorityQueueCopy->heap = heap_copy(priorityQueue->heap);
   return priorityQueueCopy;
@@ -36,9 +33,9 @@ UInt priorityqueue_size(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
   return heap_size(priorityQueue->heap);
-ItemValue* priorityqueue_peek_raw(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
+ItemValue _priorityqueue_peek(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-  return heap_top_raw(priorityQueue->heap);
+  return _heap_top(priorityQueue->heap);
 void priorityqueue_pop(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
diff --git a/src/PriorityQueue.h b/src/PriorityQueue.h
index 4ddabfd..d3328f9 100644
--- a/src/PriorityQueue.h
+++ b/src/PriorityQueue.h
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ UInt priorityqueue_size(
  * @brief Return what is at the beginning of the queue.
- * @return An ItemValue* 'iv' with iv->item = data, and iv->value its priority.
+ * @return An ItemValue* 'iv' with iv.item = data, and iv.value its priority.
-ItemValue* priorityqueue_peek_raw(
+ItemValue _priorityqueue_peek(
   PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/Set.c b/src/Set.c
index 0502bf6..29ba947 100644
--- a/src/Set.c
+++ b/src/Set.c
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ Set* set_copy(Set* set)
       cellCopy = (SetCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof(SetCell));
       cellCopy->item = safe_malloc(set->dataSize);
       memcpy(cellCopy->item, cell->item, set->dataSize);
-      if (prev == NULL) setCopy->head[i] = cellCopy;
-      else prev->next = cellCopy;
+      if (prev == NULL)
+        setCopy->head[i] = cellCopy;
+      else
+        prev->next = cellCopy;
       prev = cellCopy;
       cell = cell->next;
diff --git a/src/Tree.c b/src/Tree.c
index f9d989d..63193a2 100644
--- a/src/Tree.c
+++ b/src/Tree.c
@@ -275,47 +275,49 @@ void treeI_move_next(TreeIterator* treeI)
   TreeIteratorMode mode = treeI->mode;
   switch (mode)
-  case IN_DEPTH:
-    if (!tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
-    {
-      // easy case: just descend deeper in the tree
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
-      return;
-    }
-    // leaf: while no next sibling is available, move up
-    while (treeI->current != NULL && treeI->current->next == NULL)
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->parent;
-    if (treeI->current != NULL)
-      // run goes on from next sibling
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
-    break;
-  case IN_BREADTH:
-    if (treeI->current->next != NULL)
-    {
-      // easy case : just move to the next sibling
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
-      return;
-    }
-    // try to go to next "cousin" on same level
-    if (treeI->current->parent != NULL && treeI->current->parent->next != NULL)
-    {
-      TreeNode* treeNodeParent = treeI->current->parent->next;
-      while (treeNodeParent != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNodeParent))
-        treeNodeParent = treeNodeParent->next;
-      if (treeNodeParent != NULL)
+    case IN_DEPTH:
+      if (!tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
-        treeI->current = treeNodeParent->firstChild;
+        // easy case: just descend deeper in the tree
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
-    }
-    // try to go to next level
-    while (treeI->current->prev != NULL)
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->prev;
-    while (treeI->current != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
-    if (treeI->current != NULL)
-      treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
-    break;
+      // leaf: while no next sibling is available, move up
+      while (treeI->current != NULL && treeI->current->next == NULL)
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->parent;
+      if (treeI->current != NULL)
+        // run goes on from next sibling
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
+      break;
+    case IN_BREADTH:
+      if (treeI->current->next != NULL)
+      {
+        // easy case : just move to the next sibling
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
+        return;
+      }
+      // try to go to next "cousin" on same level
+      if (
+        treeI->current->parent != NULL &&
+        treeI->current->parent->next != NULL
+      ) {
+        TreeNode* treeNodeParent = treeI->current->parent->next;
+        while (treeNodeParent != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNodeParent))
+          treeNodeParent = treeNodeParent->next;
+        if (treeNodeParent != NULL)
+        {
+          treeI->current = treeNodeParent->firstChild;
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      // try to go to next level
+      while (treeI->current->prev != NULL)
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->prev;
+      while (treeI->current != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
+      if (treeI->current != NULL)
+        treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
+      break;
diff --git a/src/Vector.c b/src/Vector.c
index a072ff3..c031b2c 100644
--- a/src/Vector.c
+++ b/src/Vector.c
@@ -28,12 +28,8 @@ Vector* vector_copy(Vector* vector)
   Vector* vectorCopy = _vector_new(vector->dataSize);
   vectorCopy->size = vector->size;
   vectorCopy->capacity = vector->capacity;
-  vectorCopy->datas = (void**) safe_malloc(vector->capacity * sizeof (void*));
-  for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
-  {
-    vectorCopy->datas[i] = safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
-    memcpy(vectorCopy->datas[i], vector->datas[i], vector->dataSize);
-  }
+  vectorCopy->datas = (void*) safe_malloc(vector->capacity * vector->dataSize);
+  memcpy(vectorCopy->datas, vector->datas, vector->size * vector->dataSize);
   return vectorCopy;
@@ -49,13 +45,8 @@ UInt vector_size(Vector* vector)
 void _vector_realloc(Vector* vector, UInt newCapacity)
-  void** rellocatedDatas = (void**) safe_malloc(newCapacity * sizeof (void*));
-  for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
-  {
-    rellocatedDatas[i] = (void*) safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
-    memcpy(rellocatedDatas[i], vector->datas[i], vector->dataSize);
-    safe_free(vector->datas[i]);
-  }
+  void* rellocatedDatas = (void*) safe_malloc(newCapacity * vector->dataSize);
+  memcpy(rellocatedDatas, vector->datas, vector->size * vector->dataSize);
   vector->datas = rellocatedDatas;
   vector->capacity = newCapacity;
@@ -63,20 +54,20 @@ void _vector_realloc(Vector* vector, UInt newCapacity)
 void _vector_push(Vector* vector, void* data)
-  void* pData = safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
-  memcpy(pData, data, vector->dataSize);
   if (vector->size >= vector->capacity)
     UInt increasedCapacity = vector->capacity > 0 ? 2 * vector->capacity : 1;
     _vector_realloc(vector, increasedCapacity);
-  vector->datas[vector->size] = pData;
+  memcpy(
+    vector->datas + vector->size * vector->dataSize,
+    data,
+    vector->dataSize);
 void vector_pop(Vector* vector)
-  safe_free(vector->datas[vector_size(vector) - 1]);
   if (vector_size(vector) <= (vector->capacity >> 1))
     _vector_realloc(vector, vector->capacity >> 1);
@@ -84,18 +75,16 @@ void vector_pop(Vector* vector)
 void* _vector_get(Vector* vector, UInt index)
-  return vector->datas[index];
+  return vector->datas + index * vector->dataSize;
 void _vector_set(Vector* vector, UInt index, void* data)
-  memcpy(vector->datas[index], data, vector->dataSize);
+  memcpy(vector->datas + index * vector->dataSize, data, vector->dataSize);
 void vector_clear(Vector* vector)
-  for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
-    safe_free(vector->datas[i]);
   _vector_init(vector, vector->dataSize);
@@ -126,33 +115,38 @@ void vectorI_reset_begin(VectorIterator* vectorI)
 void vectorI_reset_end(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-  vectorI->current = vectorI->vector->datas + vectorI->vector->size - 1;
+  vectorI->current = vectorI->vector->datas +
+    (vectorI->vector->size - 1) * vectorI->vector->dataSize;
 bool vectorI_has_data(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-  return (vectorI->current >= vectorI->vector->datas &&
-    vectorI->current < vectorI->vector->datas + vectorI->vector->size);
+  return (
+    vectorI->current >= vectorI->vector->datas &&
+    vectorI->current <
+      vectorI->vector->datas +
+      vectorI->vector->size * vectorI->vector->dataSize
+  );
 void* _vectorI_get(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-  return *(vectorI->current);
+  return vectorI->current;
 void _vectorI_set(VectorIterator* vectorI, void* data)
-  *(vectorI->current) = data;
+  memcpy(vectorI->current, data, vectorI->vector->dataSize);
 void vectorI_move_next(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-  vectorI->current++;
+  vectorI->current += vectorI->vector->dataSize;
 void vectorI_move_prev(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-  vectorI->current--;
+  vectorI->current -= vectorI->vector->dataSize;
 void vectorI_destroy(VectorIterator* vectorI)
diff --git a/src/Vector.h b/src/Vector.h
index b6584ac..2dc91d3 100644
--- a/src/Vector.h
+++ b/src/Vector.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  * @brief Generic resizable array.
 typedef struct Vector {
-  void** datas; ///< Data array of fixed length (reallocated if needed).
+  void* datas; ///< Data array of fixed length (reallocated if needed).
   size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
   UInt size; ///< Count elements in the vector.
   UInt capacity; ///< Current maximal capacity; always larger than size.
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void vector_destroy(
 typedef struct VectorIterator {
   Vector* vector; ///< Vector to be iterated.
-  void** current; ///< Current vector element.
+  void* current; ///< Current vector element.
 } VectorIterator;