From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:11:53 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Bigger digits for Emergo and Avalam

Bigger digits for Emergo and Avalam

diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/ b/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/
index d400d79b..8d526787 100755
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Avalam/
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ preamble = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
 <svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="230" height="230">"""
-black = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="red" stroke="darkslategray"/>'
-white = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="yellow" stroke="darkslategray"/>'
+black = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="crimson" stroke="darkslategray"/>'
+white = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="gold" stroke="darkslategray"/>'
 digits = [
     # 1
-    '<path d="M125,95 v40"',
+    '<path d="M130,85 v60"',
     # 2
-    '<path d="M105,95 h20 v20 h-20 v20 h20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"',
     # 3
-    '<path d="M105,95 h20 v20 h-20 M125,115 v20 h-20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 h30 v30 h-30 M130,115 v30 h-30"',
     # 4
-    '<path d="M105,95 v20 h20 v20 M125,95 v20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 v30 h30 v30 M130,85 v30"',
     # 5
-    '<path d="M125,95 h-20 v20 h20 v20 h-20"'
+    '<path d="M130,85 h-30 v30 h30 v30 h-30"'
 final = "</svg>"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ for color in ["white", "black"]:
         f.write(white if color == "white" else black)
-        f.write(digits[number] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="4" ' + ('stroke="red"' if color == "white" else 'stroke="yellow"') + '/>')
+        f.write(digits[number] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if color == "white" else 'stroke="yellow"') + '/>')
diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
index 915404b6..aaae1898 100755
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
@@ -22,55 +22,55 @@ black_right = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="black"/>'
 digits = {
     "left": [
         # 1
-        '<path d="M90,95 v40"',
+        '<path d="M95,85 v60"',
         # 2
-        '<path d="M70,95 h20 v20 h-20 v20 h20"',
+        '<path d="M65,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"',
         # 3
-        '<path d="M70,95 h20 v20 h-20 M90,115 v20 h-20"',
+        '<path d="M65,85 h30 v30 h-30 M95,115 v30 h-30"',
         # 4
-        '<path d="M70,95 v20 h20 v20 M90,95 v20"',
+        '<path d="M65,85 v30 h30 v30 M95,95 v30"',
         # 5
-        '<path d="M90,95 h-20 v20 h20 v20 h-20"',
+        '<path d="M95,85 h-30 v30 h30 v30 h-30"',
         # 6
-        '<path d="M90,95 h-20 v40 h20 v-20 h-20"',
+        '<path d="M95,85 h-30 v60 h30 v-30 h-30"',
         # 7
-        '<path d="M70,95 h20 v40"',
+        '<path d="M65,85 h30 v60"',
         # 8
-        '<path d="M70,95 h20 v40 h-20 z M70,115 h20"',
+        '<path d="M65,85 h30 v60 h-30 z M65,115 h30"',
         # 9
-        '<path d="M70,135 h20 v-40 h-20 v20 h20"',
+        '<path d="M65,145 h30 v-60 h-30 v30 h30"',
         # 10
-        '<path d="M60,95 v40 M70,95 h20 v40 h-20 v-40"',
+        '<path d="M55,85 v60 M65,85 h30 v60 h-30 v-60"',
         # 11
-        '<path d="M60,95 v40 M90,95 v40"',
+        '<path d="M55,85 v60 M95,85 v60"',
         # 12
-        '<path d="M60,95 v40 M70,95 h20 v20 h-20 M90,115 v20 h-20"'
+        '<path d="M55,85 v60 M65,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"'
     "right": [
         # 1
-        '<path d="M180,95 v40"',
+        '<path d="M185,85 v60"',
         # 2
-        '<path d="M160,95 h20 v20 h-20 v20 h20"',
+        '<path d="M155,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"',
         # 3
-        '<path d="M160,95 h20 v20 h-20 M180,115 v20 h-20"',
+        '<path d="M155,85 h30 v30 h-30 M185,115 v30 h-30"',
         # 4
-        '<path d="M160,95 v20 h20 v20 M180,95 v20"',
+        '<path d="M155,85 v30 h30 v30 M185,85 v30"',
         # 5
-        '<path d="M180,95 h-20 v20 h20 v20 h-20"',
+        '<path d="M185,85 h-30 v30 h30 v30 h-30"',
         # 6
-        '<path d="M180,95 h-20 v40 h20 v-20 h-20"',
+        '<path d="M185,85 h-30 v60 h30 v-30 h-30"',
         # 7
-        '<path d="M160,95 h20 v40"',
+        '<path d="M155,85 h30 v60"',
         # 8
-        '<path d="M160,95 h20 v40 h-20 z M160,115 h20"',
+        '<path d="M155,85 h30 v60 h-30 z M155,115 h30"',
         # 9
-        '<path d="M160,135 h20 v-40 h-20 v20 h20"',
+        '<path d="M155,145 h30 v-60 h-30 v30 h30"',
         # 10
-        '<path d="M150,95 v40 M160,95 h20 v40 h-20 v-40"',
+        '<path d="M145,85 v60 M155,85 h30 v60 h-30 v-60"',
         # 11
-        '<path d="M150,95 v40 M180,95 v40"',
+        '<path d="M145,85 v60 M185,85 v60"',
         # 12
-        '<path d="M150,95 v40 M160,95 h20 v20 h-20 M180,115 v20 h-20"'
+        '<path d="M145,85 v60 M155,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"'
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ for colorLeft in ["white", "black"]:
             f.write(white_left if colorLeft == "white" else black_left)
-            f.write(digits["left"][left] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="4" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorLeft == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
+            f.write(digits["left"][left] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorLeft == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
-            f.write(digits["right"][right] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="4" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorLeft == "black" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
+            f.write(digits["right"][right] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if colorLeft == "black" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
diff --git a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
index 64533624..301c2796 100755
--- a/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
+++ b/client/public/images/pieces/Emergo/
@@ -13,29 +13,29 @@ white = '<circle cx="115" cy="115" r="100" fill="whitesmoke" stroke="orange"/>'
 digits = [
     # 1
-    '<path d="M125,95 v40"',
+    '<path d="M130,85 v60"',
     # 2
-    '<path d="M105,95 h20 v20 h-20 v20 h20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"',
     # 3
-    '<path d="M105,95 h20 v20 h-20 M125,115 v20 h-20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 h30 v30 h-30 M130,115 v30 h-30"',
     # 4
-    '<path d="M105,95 v20 h20 v20 M125,95 v20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 v30 h30 v30 M130,85 v30"',
     # 5
-    '<path d="M125,95 h-20 v20 h20 v20 h-20"',
+    '<path d="M130,85 h-30 v30 h30 v30 h-30"',
     # 6
-    '<path d="M125,95 h-20 v40 h20 v-20 h-20"',
+    '<path d="M130,85 h-30 v60 h30 v-30 h-30"',
     # 7
-    '<path d="M105,95 h20 v40"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 h30 v60"',
     # 8
-    '<path d="M105,95 h20 v40 h-20 z M105,115 h20"',
+    '<path d="M100,85 h30 v60 h-30 z M100,115 h30"',
     # 9
-    '<path d="M105,135 h20 v-40 h-20 v20 h20"',
+    '<path d="M100,135 h30 v-60 h-30 v30 h30"',
     # 10
-    '<path d="M100,95 v40 M110,95 h20 v40 h-20 v-40"',
+    '<path d="M95,85 v60 M105,85 h30 v60 h-30 v-60"',
     # 11
-    '<path d="M100,95 v40 M130,95 v40"',
+    '<path d="M95,85 v60 M135,85 v60"',
     # 12
-    '<path d="M100,95 v40 M110,95 h20 v20 h-20 M130,115 v20 h-20"'
+    '<path d="M95,85 v60 M105,85 h30 v30 h-30 v30 h30"'
 final = "</svg>"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ for color in ["white", "black"]:
         f.write(white if color == "white" else black)
-        f.write(digits[number] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="4" ' + ('stroke="red"' if color == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')
+        f.write(digits[number] + ' fill="none" stroke-width="5" ' + ('stroke="red"' if color == "white" else 'stroke="orange"') + '/>')