From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere> Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2022 11:14:56 +0000 (+0200) Subject: rename pieces X-Git-Url:'mixstore/mini-custom.min.css?a=commitdiff_plain;h=b0cf998b1f63aa23916ab35a3d978b6972d273c5;p=xogo.git rename pieces --- diff --git a/pieces/black_king_bishop.svg b/pieces/black_king_bishop.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 508381b..0000000 --- a/pieces/black_king_bishop.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -<svg xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc="" viewBox="0 0 2048 2048"> - <path style="color:black;" d="m1290 582l-42 102q-102 22-224 22-121 0-222-22l-42-101q124 31 264 31 138 0 266-32zm-84 206l-29 70v27q-76 11-153 11-75 0-152-11l-1-27-27-70q85 15 180 15 96 0 182-15zm-35-378q-40 30-80 95h-32q0-49 23-95h89zm-206 0q23 49 23 95h-32q-39-64-81-95h90zm59-18q-14-57-34-79t-53-46q-36-25-85-42t-109-9l-281 39q-17 2-30 0t-26-2q-21 0-53-9t-51-28l-97 159q18 20 32 28t33 17q58 27 124 33 28 2 55 1t56 2q54-9 108-16t110-16q60 0 81 12 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7zm903-5q23-7 51-7 61 0 114 38l55 346-220-377zm60-506-30 113q-196 43-480 43-281 0-479-43l-31-114q186 56 511 56 317 0 509-55zm106-128q-49-43-220-72t-394-29q-227 0-399 30t-217 75l63 240-28 157-88 153-85 622 49 19 274-462 6 550 68 12 209-553 112 595h69l112-593 207 551 69-12 6-550 275 463 47-22-83-619-89-153-28-159 65-243zm-81 36q-183 76-531 76-355 0-537-78 175-69 534-69 172 0 314 19t220 52zm-955 1252q-57 0-97 39t-40 97q0 56 40 96t97 40q56 0 96-40t40-96q0-57-40-96t-96-40zm0 70q66 0 66 66t-66 66q-67 0-67-66t67-66zm840 0q67 0 67 66t-67 66q-66 0-66-66t66-66zm0-70q-57 0-96 39t-40 97q0 56 39 96t97 40q57 0 97-40t40-96q0-57-40-96t-97-40zm-1208-110q-57 0-96 39t-40 97q0 56 39 96t97 41q57 0 97-40t40-97-40-96-97-40zm0 70q67 0 67 66 0 67-67 67-66 0-66-67 0-66 66-66zm1578 0q66 0 66 66 0 67-66 67-67 0-67-67 0-66 67-66zm0-70q-57 0-97 39t-40 97q0 56 40 96t97 41q56 0 96-40t40-97-40-96-96-40z" fill-rule="nonzero" transform="translate(0,2048) scale(1,-1)" display="block" fill="#000"/> + <g 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114-38l55-346-220 377z" display="block"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m1534 1637-30-113q-196-43-480-43-281 0-479 43l-31 114q186-56 511-56 317 0 509 55z" display="block"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m1559 1729q-183-76-531-76-355 0-537 78 175 69 534 69 172 0 314-19t220-52z" display="block"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m604 407q66 0 66-66t-66-66q-67 0-67 66t67 66z" display="block"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m1444 407q67 0 67-66t-67-66q-66 0-66 66t66 66z" display="block"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m236 517q67 0 67-66 0-67-67-67-66 0-66 67 0 66 66 66z" display="block"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m1814 517q66 0 66-66 0-67-66-67-67 0-67 67 0 66 67 66z" display="block"/> + </g> +</svg> diff --git a/pieces/yellow_rook.svg b/pieces/yellow_rook.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c6528f --- /dev/null +++ b/pieces/yellow_rook.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +<svg xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc="" viewBox="0 0 2048 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display="block" fill="#fc0"/> + <path style="color:black;" d="m1349 683 127-103h-904l128 103h649z" fill-rule="nonzero" display="block" fill="#fc0"/> +</svg> diff --git a/variants/Chakart/class.js b/variants/Chakart/class.js index 0403624..9b62150 100644 --- a/variants/Chakart/class.js +++ b/variants/Chakart/class.js @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules { b: Array.toObject(pieces, allCapts.slice(6, 12)) }; this.reserve = { w: {}, b: {} }; //to be replaced by this.captured - this.effect = ""; + this.moveStack = []; } // For Toadette bonus @@ -186,10 +186,57 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules { // TODO: rethink from here: + +// allow pawns + // queen invisible move, king shell: special functions + +// prevent pawns from capturing invisible queen (post) +// post-process: + +//events : playPlusVisual after mouse up, playReceived (include animation) on opp move +// ==> if move.cont (banana...) self re-call playPlusVisual (rec ?) + + // Initial call: effects resolved after playing getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]) { let moves = []; - if (this.subTurn == 1) { - moves = super.getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]); + switch (this.getPiece(x, y)) { + case 'p': + moves = this.getPawnMovesFrom([x, y]); //apply promotions + break; + case 'q': + moves = this.getQueenMovesFrom([x, y]); + break; + case 'k', + moves = this.getKingMoves([x, y]); + break; + default: + moves = super.getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y]); + } + return moves; + } + + + + tryMoveFollowup(move) { + if (this.getColor(move.end.x, move.end.y) == 'a') { + // effect, or bonus/malus + const endType = this.getPiece(m.end.x, m.end.y); + if (endType == V.EGG) + this.applyRandomBonus(m); + else { + this.moveStack.push(m); + switch (endType) { + case V.BANANA: + this.randomRedirect( + case V.BOMB: + case V.MUSHROOM: + // aller dans direction, saut par dessus pièce adverse + // ou amie (tjours), new step si roi caval pion + } + } + } + + const finalPieces = V.PawnSpecs.promotions; const color = this.turn; const lastRank = (color == "w" ? 0 : 7); @@ -271,8 +318,8 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules { // Helper for getBasicMove(): banana/bomb effect getRandomSquare([x, y], steps) { - const validSteps = steps.filter(s => V.OnBoard(x + s[0], y + s[1])); - const step = validSteps[randInt(validSteps.length)]; + const validSteps = steps.filter(s => this.onBoard(x + s[0], y + s[1])); + const step = validSteps[Random.randInt(validSteps.length)]; return [x + step[0], y + step[1]]; } @@ -923,7 +970,8 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules { - +/// if any of my pieces was immobilized, it's not anymore. + //if play set a piece immobilized, then mark it prePlay(move) { if (move.effect == "toadette") this.reserve = this.captured;