From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2020 14:06:58 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Translations


diff --git a/client/src/translations/about/en.pug b/client/src/translations/about/en.pug
index 695c27ee..fed63220 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/about/en.pug
+++ b/client/src/translations/about/en.pug
@@ -1,57 +1,46 @@
-  This website was born after Patrick Bernier told me about
-  a variant he invented, called 'l'Échiqueté', which involves mixed pieces,
-  half-black and half-white. Back then in 2012, I developed a small website
-  allowing to play by correspondance with this variant only. I already had
-  in mind other variants to be added to the website, 'Zen chess' being the
-  first on the list because it changed so much the thinking process that I
-  was very curious to play it.
+h3 History
-  After a long break, a prototype website allowing to play
-  live games was tested in the end of 2017, with only a few players.
-  One year later the first version of the final website was published:
-  it offered three modes, against a human, a computer engine or analyzing,
-  with about twenty variants available. The current website is a more modern
-  rewriting of this initial version: it now has the basic features expected
-  from a chess playing website :)
+  This website was born after Patrick Bernier told me about
+  a variant he invented: l'Échiqueté ('Checkered' here), which involves
+  pieces that both sides can play.
+  Back then in 2012, I developed a small website allowing to play this variant
+  by correspondance.
+  A few years later I had a prototype to play in live, then other variants
+  were added and the website was improved to be more attractive.
-  From the main Hall, you can see and talk to online players,
-  send and accept challenges (live or correspondance), and also watch current
-  games. If this is your first contact with chess variants, you probably should
-  start with the 'Variants' page from the top menu: it explains all the rules
-  and allows to observe sample games or play against basic bots. Finally,
-  at any moment in a game you can click on the 'Analyze' button to analyze
-  the position. Try not to do that in live games, your opponent would know ;)
+h3 Contribute
-  a(href="") The source code 
-  | is freely available on Github: the main ingredients are Express, Node.js,
-  | Vue and Webpack. The chosen DBMS is SQLite for now because of its simplicity.
-  | It can be easily changed if needed later. All contributions are welcome:
+  a(href="") The source code
+  | &nbsp;is freely available on Github: the main ingredients are Express, Node.js,
+  | Vue and Webpack. The chosen DBMS is SQLite for now at least.
+  | All contributions are welcome:
     li Translations: see client/src/translations/ folder
       Styling: see &lt;style&gt; parts of .vue files
       in client/src/{components,views}
-    li.
-      Back-end and front-end code: a lot can be improved!
-      Feel free to send pull requests :)
+    li The code in general: see section 'Issues' on Github
+h3 Acknowledgments
-  | A considerable number of people helped for this website,
-  | testing, giving ideas, motivating me to achieve this project. Thanks in
-  | relatively random order to Patrick Bernier, Frédéric Fradet, Olive Martin,
-  | Bevis Martin, Laurent Nouhaud and Christian Poisson for early testing and
-  | advices from 2012; to Yovann Gatineau and Anatole Vlachos for their
-  | enthusiasm about the website; to Jérôme Auclair who told me about the
-  | Dynamo variant; to Nathalie Merlin and lichess players O42, oceansideview,
-  | okei and opperwezen who tested 
-  a(href="") the 2018/12 version 
-  | ; and of course to the websites 
-  a(href="") 
-  | and 
-  a(href="") 
-  | which are two great resources about variants.
-  | If I forget someone in this list, sorry and please tell me!
+  | Quite many people helped for this website,
+  | testing, giving ideas, motivating me to achieve this project.
+  | To avoid writing a long list I will only mention two groups:
+  | thanks to
+  ul
+    li.
+      Patrick Bernier [*], Frédéric Fradet, Olive Martin, Bevis Martin,
+      Laurent Nouhaud and Christian Poisson (version 2012 [*] and subsequent);
+    li
+      | Nathalie Merlin and lichess players O42, oceansideview, okei and
+      | opperwezen who tried 
+      a(href="") the 2018/12 version
+      | .
+  | Finally, the websites 
+  a(href="")
+  | &nbsp;and 
+  a(href="")
+  | &nbsp;were very helpful.
diff --git a/client/src/translations/about/es.pug b/client/src/translations/about/es.pug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9adcbeca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/translations/about/es.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+h3 Historia
+  Este sitio nació después de una discusión con Patrick Bernier, quien me contó
+  habló sobre una variante de su invención : l'Échiqueté ('Checkered' aquí),
+  involucrando piezas que pueden ser jugadas por ambos lados.
+  En 2012, desarrollé un primer sitio pequeño permitiendo jugar esta
+  variante por correspondencia. Unos años mas tarde tuve un prototipo
+  para jugar en vivo, y luego otras variantes se agregaron
+  y el sitio finalmente se hizo más atractivo.
+h3 Contribuir
+  a(href="") El código fuente
+  | &nbsp;es de libre acceso en Github : los ingredientes principales son
+  | Express, Node.js, Vue y Webpack. SQLite ha sido elegido como DBMS al
+  | menos por el momento. Cualquier contribución es bienvenida :
+  ul
+    li Traducciones : carpeta client/src/translations/
+    li Estilo : secciónes &lt;style&gt; de los archivos .vue en client/src/{components,views}
+    li Código en general : sección 'Issues' en Github.
+h3 Agradecimientos
+  | Mucha gente ayudó en este sitio, probando, dando ideas, motivándome a
+  | completar el proyecto. Para no escribir demasiado, solo mencionaré dos
+  | grupos: gracias a
+  ul
+    li.
+      Patrick Bernier [*], Frédéric Fradet, Olive Martin, Bevis Martin,
+      Laurent Nouhaud y Christian Poisson (versión 2012 [*] y subsiguiente) ;
+    li
+      | Nathalie Merlin y los jugadores lichess O42, oceansideview, okei y
+      | opperwezen que han probado
+      a(href="") la versión 2018/12
+      | .
+  | Finalmente, los sitios
+  a(href="")
+  | &nbsp;y 
+  a(href="")
+  | &nbsp;han sido de mucha ayuda.
diff --git a/client/src/translations/about/fr.pug b/client/src/translations/about/fr.pug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9213789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/translations/about/fr.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+h3 Histoire
+  Ce site est né à la suite d'une discussion avec Patrick bernier, qui m'avait
+  parlé d'une variante de son invention : l'Échiqueté ('Checkered' ici),
+  impliquant des pièces pouvant être jouées par les deux camps.
+  À l'époque en 2012, j'ai développé un premier petit site
+  permettant de jouer à cette variante par correspondance. Quelques années plus
+  tard je disposais d'un prototype pour jouer en direct, puis d'autres
+  variantes se sont ajoutées et le site a finalement été rendu plus attractif.
+h3 Contribuer
+  a(href="") Le code source
+  | &nbsp;est librement accessible sur Github : les principaux ingrédients sont
+  | Express, Node.js, Vue et Webpack. SQLite a été choisi comme SGBD pour
+  | le moment au moins. Toute contribution est la bienvenue :
+  ul
+    li Traductions : dossier client/src/translations/
+    li Style : sections &lt;style&gt; des fichiers .vue dans client/src/{components,views}
+    li Code en général : section 'Issues' sur Github.
+h3 Remerciements
+  | Pas mal de gens ont aidé sur ce site, en testant, donnant des idées, me
+  | motivant pour achever le projet. Afin de ne pas en écrire des tartines je
+  | ne mentionnerai que deux groupes : merci à
+  ul
+    li.
+      Patrick Bernier [*], Frédéric Fradet, Olive Martin, Bevis Martin,
+      Laurent Nouhaud et Christian Poisson (version 2012 [*] et ultérieures) ;
+    li
+      | Nathalie Merlin et les joueurs lichess O42, oceansideview, okei et
+      | opperwezen qui ont essayé 
+      a(href="") la version 2018/12
+      | .
+  | Enfin, les sites 
+  a(href="")
+  | &nbsp;et 
+  a(href="")
+  | &nbsp;ont été très utiles.
diff --git a/client/src/views/About.vue b/client/src/views/About.vue
index 36c01ef3..3b1a2cb9 100644
--- a/client/src/views/About.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/About.vue
@@ -10,18 +10,13 @@ import { store } from "@/store";
 export default {
   name: 'my-about',
-  data: function() {
-    return {
-      st: store.state,
-      content: "",
-    };
-  },
-  mounted: function() {
-    this.content =
-      require("raw-loader!@/translations/about/" + + ".pug")
-      // Next two lines fix a weird issue after last update (2019-11)
-      .replace(/\\[n"]/g, " ")
-      .replace('module.exports = "', '').replace(/"$/, "");
+  computed: {
+    content: function() {
+      return require("raw-loader!@/translations/about/" + store.state.lang + ".pug")
+        // Next two lines fix a weird issue after last update (2019-11)
+        .replace(/\\[n"]/g, " ")
+        .replace('module.exports = "', '').replace(/"$/, "");
+    },
diff --git a/client/src/views/Rules.vue b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
index b6a374aa..1f9a0a44 100644
--- a/client/src/views/Rules.vue
+++ b/client/src/views/Rules.vue
@@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ export default {
   data: function() {
     return {
       st: store.state,
-      content: "",
       display: "rules",
       gameInProgress: false,
       // variables passed to ComputerGame:
       gameInfo: {
-        vname: "_unknown",
+        vname: "",
         mode: "versus",
         fen: "",
         score: "*",
@@ -45,12 +44,25 @@ export default {
   watch: {
     "$route": function(newRoute) {
-      this.tryChangeVariant(newRoute.params["vname"]);
+      this.re_setVariant(newRoute.params["vname"]);
   created: async function() {
     // NOTE: variant cannot be set before store is initialized
-    this.tryChangeVariant(this.$route.params["vname"]);
+    this.re_setVariant(this.$route.params["vname"]);
+  },
+  computed: {
+    content: function() {
+      if (!this.gameInfo.vname)
+        return ""; //variant not set yet
+      // (AJAX) Request to get rules content (plain text, HTML)
+      return require("raw-loader!@/translations/rules/" +
+          this.gameInfo.vname + "/" + + ".pug")
+        // Next two lines fix a weird issue after last update (2019-11)
+        .replace(/\\n/g, " ").replace(/\\"/g, '"')
+        .replace('module.exports = "', '').replace(/"$/, "")
+        .replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, this.replaceByDiag);
+    },
   methods: {
     clickReadRules: function() {
@@ -68,24 +80,15 @@ export default {
         shadow: fenParts[3],
-    tryChangeVariant: async function(vname) {
-      if (!vname || vname == "_unknown")
-        return;
-      this.gameInfo.vname = vname;
+    // Method to replace diagrams in loaded HTML
+    replaceByDiag: function(match, p1, p2) {
+      const args = this.parseFen(p2);
+      return getDiagram(args);
+    },
+    re_setVariant: async function(vname) {
       const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js");
       window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
-      // Method to replace diagrams in loaded HTML
-      const replaceByDiag = (match, p1, p2) => {
-        const args = this.parseFen(p2);
-        return getDiagram(args);
-      };
-      // (AJAX) Request to get rules content (plain text, HTML)
-      this.content =
-        require("raw-loader!@/translations/rules/" + vname + "/" + + ".pug")
-        // Next two lines fix a weird issue after last update (2019-11)
-        .replace(/\\n/g, " ").replace(/\\"/g, '"')
-        .replace('module.exports = "', '').replace(/"$/, "")
-        .replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, replaceByDiag);
+      this.gameInfo.vname = vname;
     startGame: function(mode) {
       if (this.gameInProgress)
diff --git a/server/routes/users.js b/server/routes/users.js
index abe987cd..ebc77cce 100644
--- a/server/routes/users.js
+++ b/server/routes/users.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ router.get("/whoami", access.ajax, (req,res) => {
 // NOTE: this method is safe because only IDs and names are returned
 router.get("/users", access.ajax, (req,res) => {
   const ids = req.query["ids"];
-  if (!ids.match(/^([0-9]+,?)+$/)) //NOTE: slightly too permissive
+  if (!!ids && !ids.match(/^([0-9]+,?)+$/)) //NOTE: slightly too permissive
     return res.json({errmsg: "Bad IDs array"});
   UserModel.getByIds(ids, (err,users) => {
     if (!!err)