From: Benjamin Auder Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 22:57:58 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Add 'display' DB field for nicer variants display. Remove join on Variants table... X-Git-Url:;h=eaa5ad3e93b761fefb16b32071be0b439761f843;p=vchess.git Add 'display' DB field for nicer variants display. Remove join on Variants table in Games SQL requests. Group variants in DB --- diff --git a/TODO b/TODO index b13d9b59..d3b62270 100644 --- a/TODO +++ b/TODO @@ -6,9 +6,18 @@ If new live game starts in background, "new game" notify OK but not first move. Will be used for variants with custom non-rectangular board (Hex, at least) Or, with other board shapes (see for example) -Would be nice to display some better variants names (Pacosako -> Paco-Ŝako etc), -but the "formatted" name with uppercase + all lower cases would still be required. -(For example in variants list, or tournament variant field). +Merge variants 1, 2 (3) into one with sub-variant selection when starting a game (New Game + vs engine + analyse) +E.g. Checkered 1 & 2 into one, and so on. +Need additional field in variant code... in a generic way (radiobutton or select or checkbox?) +#New variants: Chessplode Tablut + + Massacre Chess + +CWDA : need game options (also useful at least for Monster) +PizzaKings + + + :-) diff --git a/client/src/translations/en.js b/client/src/translations/en.js index 38155cf2..b8c1cd94 100644 --- a/client/src/translations/en.js +++ b/client/src/translations/en.js @@ -338,5 +338,74 @@ export const translations = { "Walk on a graph": "Walk on a graph", "White move twice": "White move twice", "Win by castling long": "Win by castling long", - "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7" + "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7", + + // Variants by categories: + "What is a chess variant?": "What is a chess variant?", + "Why play chess variants?": "Why play chess variants?", + "chess_v": ": to play under standard rules, with a random (or not) symmetric (or not) initial position.", + "vt0": "Simplified games to learn chess", + "vg0": "Variants with very few different pieces, and a simplified goal.", + "vt1": "Forced captures", + "vg1": "In a given position, there are generally less possible moves than in the orthodox games since you must capture.", + "vt2": "Transformations", + "vg2": "Pieces generally transform when capturing.", + "vt3": "Modified boundaries", + "vg3": "Boards which communicating sides.", + "vt4": "Different pawn movements", + "vg4": "Everything is as in the orthodox game, but pawns move unusually.", + "vt5": "Different armies", + "vg5": "Standard pieces versus a team of different pieces.", + "vt6": "Inspired by ball games", + "vg6": "Variants involving a ball, abstract or not, which must cross the board.", + "vt7": "New pieces", + "vg7": "A large variety of fairy pieces can be defined. Some very powerful like the Amazon, others rather weak like the Grasshopper.", + "vt8": "Augmenting pieces", + "vg8": "In the following variants, fairy (or not) pieces may appear later in the game.", + "vt9": "Several royal pieces", + "vg9": "In these games you must take care of two or more \"kings\".", + "vt10": "Unorthodox captures by replacement", + "vg10": "Non-standard captures, but using known mechanisms.", + "vt11": "Unorthodox captures - others", + "vg11": "Captures are generally achieved without replacement. That is to say, you don't replace the enemy piece on its square to capture it.", + "vt12": "Pieces changing side, shared pieces", + "vg12": "Pieces' owners (color) may change during the game", + "vt13": "Incomplete information", + "vg13": "Some speculation is required in these variants, where some game informations are hidden.", + "vt14": "Random factors", + "vg14": "These games include random effects, which can be funny, frustrating or both :)", + "vt15": "Inpired by knight movement", + "vg15": "Variants based on the knight move, which augment or transform pieces' abilities.", + "vt16": "Unusual initial setup", + "vg16": "Initial setup causes a lot of captures early in the game.", + "vt17": "\"Easy\" variants: simple rules", + "vg17": "Only minor changes are made to the orthodox rules, resulting in a very similar game.", + "vt18": "Simple rules, but not so easy", + "vg18": "Minor changes to the orthodox rules leading to a very different strategy.", + "vt19": "Initially empty board", + "vg19": "All pieces are progressively added from an empty board.", + "vt20": "Repositioning", + "vg20": "Pieces can be dropped on the board, either immediately or later in the game.", + "vt21": "Immobilization, hypnotism", + "vg21": "Pieces can be paralyzed or controlled under certain circumstances.", + "vt22": "Regional and historical variants", + "vg22": "(Partial) Game evolution in time and space.", + "vt23": "Kings race", + "vg23": "The goal is to cross the board with your king.", + "vt24": "Several moves in one turn", + "vg24": "In these variants, you can play two or more moves per turn.", + "vt25": "Single powerful piece versus army", + "vg25": "Very few but powerful pieces against a full army.", + "vt26": "Exchanging pieces positions", + "vg26": "Some or all pieces can be swapped.", + "vt27": "Different objective", + "vg27": "Orthodox rules, but the goal is not checkmate (or not only).", + "vt28": "Non-chess", + "vg28": "Some games not chess related.", + "vt29": "Change opponent's move", + "vg29": "You can change some enemy moves after they are played.", + "vt30": "Augmented pieces", + "vg30": "Pieces can temporarily borrow powers from others.", + "vt31": "Miscelleanous", + "vg31": "These variants are not classified yet, generally because they are the only one of their kind on this website.", }; diff --git a/client/src/translations/es.js b/client/src/translations/es.js index 9e8088b9..55dd3045 100644 --- a/client/src/translations/es.js +++ b/client/src/translations/es.js @@ -318,7 +318,8 @@ export const translations = { "Shogi 5 x 5": "Shogi 5 x 5", "Shoot pieces": "Tirar de las piezas", "Spartan versus Persians": "Espartanos contra Persas", - "Squares disappear": "Las casillas desaparecen", + "Squares disappear (v1)": "Las casillas desaparecen (v1)", + "Squares disappear (v2)": "Las casillas desaparecen (v2)", "Squat last rank (v1)": "Ocupa la última fila (v1)", "Squat last rank (v2)": "Ocupa la última fila (v2)", "Stacking Checkers variant": "Variante de damas con pilas", @@ -337,5 +338,74 @@ export const translations = { "Walk on a graph": "Camino en un gráfico", "White move twice": "Las blancas juegan dos veces", "Win by castling long": "Ganar jugando al enroque largo", - "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7" + "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7", + + // Variants by categories: + "What is a chess variant?": "¿Qué es una variante?", + "Why play chess variants?": "¿Por qué jugar las variantes?", + "chess_v": ": para jugar con reglas estándar, desde una posición inicial aleatorio (o no) simétrico (o no).", + "vt0": "Juegos simplificados para aprender ajedrez", + "vg0": "Variantes con muy pocas piezas diferentes y un propósito simplificado.", + "vt1": "Capturas obligatorias", + "vg1": "En una posición dada, generalmente hay menos movimientos posibles que en juego ortodoxo ya que tienes que capturar.", + "vt2": "Transformaciones", + "vg2": "En general, las piezas se transforman mediante la captura.", + "vt3": "Bordes modificados", + "vg3": "Tableros de ajedrez con bordes comunicantes.", + "vt4": "Diferentes movimientos de peones", + "vg4": "Todo va como en el juego ortodoxo, pero los peones se mueven de una manera inusual.", + "vt5": "Diferentes ejércitos", + "vg5": "Piezas estándar contra un equipo de diferentes piezas.", + "vt6": "Inspirado por juegos de pelota", + "vg6": "Variantes que usan un globo, abstracto o no, quien tiene que cruzar el tablero de ajedrez.", + "vt7": "Piezas nuevas", + "vg7": "Se puede introducir una amplia gama de piezas mágicas. Algunas son muy poderosos como la Amazona, otros bastante débiles como el Saltamontes.", + "vt8": "Piezas crecientes", + "vg8": "En las siguientes variantes, piezas mágicas (o no) puede aparecer más adelante en el juego.", + "vt9": "Varias piezas reales", + "vg9": "En estos juegos debes mantener a salvo a dos o más \"reyes\".", + "vt10": "Capturas no ortodoxas por reemplazo", + "vg10": "Capturas no estándar, pero utilizando mecanismos conocidos.", + "vt11": "Capturas no ortodoxas - otras", + "vg11": "Las capturas generalmente se realizan sin reemplazo. Es decir que no reemplaces las piezas opuestas en su espacio de captura.", + "vt12": "Piezas que cambian de lado, piezas compartidas", + "vg12": "Los propietarios (colores) de las piezas pueden cambiar durante el juego.", + "vt13": "Información incompleta", + "vg13": "Se requiere cierta especulación para estas variantes, donde se oculta alguna información sobre el juego.", + "vt14": "Factores aleatorios", + "vg14": "Estos juegos incluyen efectos aleatorios, que puede ser divertido, frustrante o ambos :)", + "vt15": "Inspiradas por el movimiento del caballo", + "vg15": "Variantes basadas en el movimiento del caballo, que aumenta o transforma las capacidades de las piezas.", + "vt16": "Disposición inicial inusual", + "vg16": "Del diseño inicial resultado muchas capturas al principio del juego.", + "vt17": "Variantes \"fáciles\": reglas simples", + "vg17": "Las reglas ortodoxas solo cambian ligeramente, lo que da un juego muy similar.", + "vt18": "Reglas simples, pero no tanto", + "vg18": "Pequeños cambios en las reglas del juego que conducen a estrategias muy diferentes.", + "vt19": "Tablero inicialmente vacío", + "vg19": "Todas las piezas se agregan gradualmente desde un tablero vacío.", + "vt20": "Reposicionamiento", + "vg20": "Las piezas se pueden dejar caer en el tablero de ajedrez, ya sea inmediatamente o más tarde en el juego.", + "vt21": "Inmovilización", + "vg21": "Las piezas pueden paralizarse o controlarse en ciertas circunstancias.", + "vt22": "Variantes regionales e históricas", + "vg22": "Evolución (parcial) del juego en espacio y tiempo.", + "vt23": "Carrera de reyes", + "vg23": "El objetivo es cruzar el tablero de ajedrez con tu rey.", + "vt24": "Varias jugadas por turno", + "vg24": "En estas variantes, puedes jugar dos o más movimientos por turno.", + "vt25": "Una sola pieza poderosa contra un ejército", + "vg25": "Muy pocas piezas pero muy poderosas contra todo un ejército.", + "vt26": "Intercambio de posiciones de piezas", + "vg26": "Algunas o todas las piezas pueden intercambiarse.", + "vt27": "Objetivo diferente", + "vg27": "Reglas ortodoxas, pero el objetivo no es jaque mate (o no solo).", + "vt28": "Aparte del Ajedrez", + "vg28": "Algunos juegos no están relacionados con el ajedrez.", + "vt29": "Cambiar el movimiento del oponente", + "vg29": "Puedes cambiar los movimientos de algunas jugadas del oponente después de haberlos jugado", + "vt30": "Piezas aumentadas", + "vg30": "Las piezas pueden temporalmente tomar prestados poderes de otras", + "vt31": "Varios", + "vg31": "Estas variantes aún no están clasificadas, en general porque son el único representante de su tipo en este sitio.", }; diff --git a/client/src/translations/fr.js b/client/src/translations/fr.js index c095bb0b..48029dce 100644 --- a/client/src/translations/fr.js +++ b/client/src/translations/fr.js @@ -318,7 +318,8 @@ export const translations = { "Shogi 5 x 5": "Shogi 5 x 5", "Shoot pieces": "Tirez sur les pièces", "Spartan versus Persians": "Spartiates contre Perses", - "Squares disappear": "Les cases disparaissent", + "Squares disappear (v1)": "Les cases disparaissent (v1)", + "Squares disappear (v2)": "Les cases disparaissent (v2)", "Squat last rank (v1)": "Occupez la dernière rangée (v1)", "Squat last rank (v2)": "Occupez la dernière rangée (v2)", "Stacking Checkers variant": "Variante des Dames avec empilements", @@ -337,5 +338,74 @@ export const translations = { "Walk on a graph": "Marche sur un graphe", "White move twice": "Les blancs jouent deux fois", "Win by castling long": "Gagnez en jouant grand roque", - "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7" + "Xiangqi 7 x 7": "Xiangqi 7 x 7", + + // Variants by categories: + "What is a chess variant?": "Qu'est-ce qu'une variante ?", + "Why play chess variants?": "Pourquoi jouer aux variantes ?", + "chess_v": " : pour jouer avec les règles standard, depuis une position initiale aléatoire (ou non) symétrique (ou non).", + "vt0": "Jeux simplifiés pour apprendre les échecs", + "vg0": "Variantes avec très peu de pièces différentes, et un but simplifié.", + "vt1": "Captures obligatoires", + "vg1": "Dans une position donnée, il y a généralement moins de coups possibles que dans le jeu orthodoxe puisque vous devez capturer.", + "vt2": "Transformations", + "vg2": "En général les pièces se transforment en capturant.", + "vt3": "Frontières modifiées", + "vg3": "Échiquiers aux bords communiquants.", + "vt4": "Différents coups de pions", + "vg4": "Tout se déroule comme au jeu orthodoxe, mais les pions se déplacent d'une manière inhabituelle.", + "vt5": "Armées différentes", + "vg5": "Pièces standard contre une équipe de pièces différentes.", + "vt6": "Inspirées par des jeux de ballon", + "vg6": "Variantes utilisant un ballon, abstrait ou non, qui doit traverser l'échiquier.", + "vt7": "Nouvelles pièces", + "vg7": "Une large gamme de pièces féériques peuvent être introduites. Certaines sont très puissantes comme l'Amazone, d'autres plutôt faibles comme la Sauterelle.", + "vt8": "Pièces augmentantes", + "vg8": "Dans les variantes suivantes, des pièces féériques (ou non) peuvent apparaître plus tard dans le jeu.", + "vt9": "Plusieurs pièces royales", + "vg9": "Dans ces jeux vous devez garder à l'abri deux \"rois\" ou plus.", + "vt10": "Captures non orthodoxes par remplacement", + "vg10": "Captures non-standard, mais utilisant des mécanismes connus.", + "vt11": "Captures non orthodoxes - autres", + "vg11": "Les captures s'effectuent généralement sans remplacement. C'est-à-dire que vous ne remplacez pas les pièces adverses sur leur case de capture.", + "vt12": "Pièces changeant de camp, pièces partagées", + "vg12": "Les propriétaires (couleurs) des pièces peuvent changer pendant la partie.", + "vt13": "Information incomplète", + "vg13": "Une part de spéculation est requise pour ces variantes, où certaines informations sur le jeu sont cachées.", + "vt14": "Facteurs aléatoires", + "vg14": "Ces jeux incluent des effets aléatoires, qui peuvent être amusants, frustrants ou bien les deux :)", + "vt15": "Inspirées par le déplacement du cavalier", + "vg15": "Variantes basées sur le coup de cavalier, qui augmente ou transforme les capacités des pièces.", + "vt16": "Arrangement initial inhabituel", + "vg16": "L'agencement initial entraîne de nombreuses captures tôt dans la partie.", + "vt17": "Variantes \"faciles\" : règles simples", + "vg17": "Les règles orthodoxes ne sont que légèrement modifiées, ce qui donne un jeu très similaire.", + "vt18": "Règles simples, mais pas tant", + "vg18": "Changements mineurs dans les règles du jeu menant à des stratégies très différentes.", + "vt19": "Échiquier initialement vide", + "vg19": "Toutes les pièces sont ajoutées progressivement depuis un échiquier vide.", + "vt20": "Repositionnement", + "vg20": "Les pièces peuvent être parachutées sur l'échiquier, immédiatement ou bien plus tard dans la partie.", + "vt21": "Immobilisation", + "vg21": "Les pièces peuvent être paralysées ou contrôlées dans certaines circonstances.", + "vt22": "Variantes régionales et historiques", + "vg22": "Évolution (partielle) du jeu dans l'espace et le temps.", + "vt23": "Course de rois", + "vg23": "L'objectif est de traverser l'échiquier avec votre roi.", + "vt24": "Plusieurs coups par tour", + "vg24": "Dans ces variantes, vous pouvez jouer deux coups ou plus par tour.", + "vt25": "Une seule pièce puissante face à une armée", + "vg25": "Très peu de pièces mais très puissantes face à une armée entière.", + "vt26": "Échange des positions des pièces", + "vg26": "Certaines ou toutes les pièces peuvent être échangées.", + "vt27": "Objectif différent", + "vg27": "Règles orthodoxes, mais le but n'est pas de mater (ou pas seulement).", + "vt28": "Hors Échecs", + "vg28": "Quelques jeux a priori sans liens avec les échecs.", + "vt29": "Changez le coup adverse", + "vg29": "Vous pouvez changer certains coups adverses après qu'ils ont été joués", + "vt30": "Pièces augmentées", + "vg30": "Les pièces peuvent temporairement emprunter des pouvoir aux autres", + "vt31": "Divers", + "vg31": "Ces variantes ne sont pas encore classées, en général car elles sont l'unique représentant de leur type sur ce site.", }; diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/en.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/en.pug similarity index 99% rename from client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/en.pug rename to client/src/translations/rules/Chess/en.pug index d46c5a09..e7645eff 100644 --- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/en.pug +++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/en.pug @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ p.boxed - | Orthodox rules (with shuffled starting position). + | Orthodox rules (with potentially shuffled starting position). p. Chess is played between two players, one moving the white pieces and the diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/es.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/es.pug similarity index 99% rename from client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/es.pug rename to client/src/translations/rules/Chess/es.pug index 358bc9b9..b60b7b3c 100644 --- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/es.pug +++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/es.pug @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ p.boxed - | Juego ortodoxo (con una posición inicial aleatoria). + | Juego ortodoxo (con una posición inicial potencialmente aleatoria). p. El ajedrez es un juego entre dos jugadores, uno que mueve las piezas blancas diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/fr.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/fr.pug similarity index 99% rename from client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/fr.pug rename to client/src/translations/rules/Chess/fr.pug index f7436100..9a54a917 100644 --- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chess960/fr.pug +++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chess/fr.pug @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ p.boxed - | Jeu orthodoxe (avec une position de départ aléatoire). + | Jeu orthodoxe (avec une position de départ potentiellement aléatoire). p. Les échecs sont un jeu entre deux joueurs, l'un déplaçant les pièces blanches diff --git a/client/src/translations/variants/en.pug b/client/src/translations/variants/en.pug deleted file mode 100644 index 0da01791..00000000 --- a/client/src/translations/variants/en.pug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,497 +0,0 @@ -p.text-center - a(href="") What is a chess variant? - |      - a(href="") Why play chess variants? - -p - a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960 - |  variant allows to play under standard rules, with a random - | (or not) symmetric (or not) initial position. - -h3 Simplified games to learn chess - -p Variants with very few different pieces, and a simplified goal. -- - var varlist = [ - "Bishopawns", - "Discoduel", - "Dobutsu", - "Knightpawns", - "Pawns", - "Pawnsking", - "Queenpawns", - "Rookpawns" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Forced captures - -p. - In a given position, there are generally less possible moves than in the - orthodox games since you must capture. -- - var varlist = [ - "Arena", - "Capture", - "Losers", - "Monocolor", - "Suicide" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Transformations - -p Pieces generally transform when capturing. -- - var varlist = [ - "Absorption", - "Cannibal1", - "Cannibal2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Modified boundaries - -p Boards which communicating sides. -- - var varlist = [ - "Circular", - "Cylinder" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Different pawn movements - -p Everything is as in the orthodox game, but pawns move unusually. -- - var varlist = [ - "Berolina", - "Diamond", - "Vchess" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Different armies - -p Standard pieces versus a team of different pieces. -- - var varlist = [ - "Colorbound", - "Empire", - "Horde", - "Orda", - "Shinobi", - "Spartan", - "Synochess" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inspired by ball games - -p Variants involving a ball, abstract or not, which must cross the board. -- - var varlist = [ - "Ball", - "Football", - "Rugby" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 New pieces - -p. - A large variety of fairy pieces can be defined. - Some very powerful like the Amazon, some rather weak like the Grasshopper. -- - var varlist = [ - "Capablanca", - "Eightpieces", - "Fullcavalry", - "Grand", - "Grasshopper", - "Hoppelpoppel", - "Newzealand", - "Omega", - "Ordamirror", - "Perfect", - "Shako", - "Tencubed", - "Wildebeest" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p. - In the following variants, fairy (or not) pieces may - appear later in the game. -- - var varlist = [ - "Musketeer", - "Schess", - "Titan" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Several royal pieces - -p In these games you must take care of two or more "kings". -- - var varlist = [ - "Coregal", - "Twokings", - "Antiking1", - "Antiking2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Unorthodox captures - -p Non-standard captures, but using known mechanisms. -- - var varlist = [ - "Enpassant", - "Rifle", - "Zen" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p. - Captures are generally achieved without replacement. That is to say, - you don't replace the enemy piece on its square to capture it. -- - var varlist = [ - "Allmate1", - "Allmate2", - "Baroque", - "Dynamo", - "Fugue", - "Interweave", - "Rococo", - "Maxima" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Pieces changing side, shared pieces - -p Pieces' owners (color) may change during the game -- - var varlist = [ - "Benedict", - "Checkered1", - "Checkered2", - "Otage", - "Pacifist1", - "Pacifist2", - "Pacosako" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Incomplete information - -p. - Some speculation is required in these variants, - where some game informations are hidden. -- - var varlist = [ - "Apocalypse", - "Dark", - "Hidden", - "Hiddenqueen", - "Stealthbomb1", - "Stealthbomb2", - "Synchrone1", - "Synchrone2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Random factors - -p. - These games include random effects, - which can be funny, frustrating or both :) -- - var varlist = [ - "Chakart", - "Dice" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inpired by knight movement - -p. - Variants based on the knight move, - which augment or transform pieces' abilities. -- - var varlist = [ - "Balaklava", - "Knightmate1", - "Knightmate2", - "Knightrelay1", - "Knightrelay2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Unusual initial setup - -p Initial setup causes a lot of captures early in the game. -- - var varlist = [ - "Doublearmy", - "Upsidedown", - "Pawnmassacre" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 "Easy" variants: simple rules - -p. - Only minor changes are made to the orthodox rules, - resulting in a very similar game. -- - var varlist = [ - "Coronation", - "Freecapture", - "Pocketknight" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p ...Or leading to a very different strategy: -- - var varlist = [ - "Antimatter", - "Atomic1", - "Atomic2", - "Brotherhood", - "Checkless" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Initially empty board - -p. - All pieces are progressively added from an empty board. -- - var varlist = [ - "Parachute", - "Screen" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Repositioning - -p Pieces can be dropped on the board, either immediately or later in the game. -- - var varlist = [ - "Clorange", - "Crazyhouse", - "Madhouse", - "Rampage", - "Recycle", - "Shogun", - "Teleport1", - "Teleport2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Immobilization, hypnotism - -p Pieces can be paralyzed or controlled under certain circumstances. -- - var varlist = [ - "Hypnotic", - "Isardam", - "Koopa", - "Madrasi", - "Mesmer" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Regional and historical variants - -p (Partial) Game evolution in time and space. -- - var varlist = [ - "Janggi", - "Karouk", - "Makpong", - "Makruk", - "Minishogi", - "Minixiangqi", - "Shatranj", - "Shogi", - "Sittuyin", - "Xiangqi" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Kings race - -p The goal is to cross the board with your king. -- - var varlist = [ - "Racingkings", - "Royalrace" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Several moves in one turn - -p In these variants, you can play two or more moves per turn. -- - var varlist = [ - "Avalanche", - "Doublemove1", - "Doublemove2", - "Progressive1", - "Progressive2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Single powerful piece versus army - -p Very few but powerful pieces against a full army. -- - var varlist = [ - "Maharajah", - "Monster" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Exchanging pieces positions - -p Some or all pieces can be swapped. -- - var varlist = [ - "Joker", - "Suction", - "Swap", - "Switching" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Different objective - -p Orthodox rules, but the goal is not checkmate (or not only). -- - var varlist = [ - "Alapo", - "Castle", - "Crossing", - "Extinction", - "Threechecks", - "Kinglet", - "Koth", - "Squatter1", - "Squatter2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Non-chess - -p Some games not chess related. -- - var varlist = [ - "Atarigo", - "Avalam1", - "Avalam2", - "Emergo", - "Fanorona", - "Gomoku", - "Konane", - "Yote" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Miscelleanous - -p. - These variants are not classified yet, generally because they are the only - one of their kind on this website. -- - var varlist = [ - "Alice", - "Align4", - "Ambiguous", - "Bario", - "Bicolour", - "Convert", - "Copycat", - "Evolution", - "Forward", - "Fusion", - "Gridolina", - "Hamilton", - "Iceage", - "Kingsmaker", - "Magnetic", - "Pandemonium1", - "Pandemonium2", - "Refusal1", - "Refusal2", - "Relayup", - "Rollerball", - "Selfabsorb", - "Takenmake", - "Wormhole1", - "Wormhole2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] diff --git a/client/src/translations/variants/es.pug b/client/src/translations/variants/es.pug deleted file mode 100644 index cc246bd5..00000000 --- a/client/src/translations/variants/es.pug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,507 +0,0 @@ -p.text-center - a(href="") ¿Qué es una variante? - |      - a(href="") - | ¿Por qué jugar las variantes? - -p - | La variante - a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960 - |  te permite jugar con reglas estándar, desde una posición - | inicial aleatorio (o no) simétrico (o no). - -h3 Juegos simplificados para aprender ajedrez - -p Variantes con muy pocas piezas diferentes y un propósito simplificado. -- - var varlist = [ - "Bishopawns", - "Discoduel", - "Dobutsu", - "Knightpawns", - "Pawns", - "Pawnsking", - "Queenpawns", - "Rookpawns" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Capturas obligatorias - -p. - En una posición dada, generalmente hay menos movimientos posibles que - en juego ortodoxo ya que tienes que capturar. -- - var varlist = [ - "Arena", - "Capture", - "Losers", - "Monocolor", - "Suicide" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Transformaciones - -p En general, las piezas se transforman mediante la captura. -- - var varlist = [ - "Absorption", - "Cannibal1", - "Cannibal2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Bordes modificados - -p Tableros de ajedrez con bordes comunicantes. -- - var varlist = [ - "Circular", - "Cylinder" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Diferentes movimientos de peones - -p. - Todo va como en el juego ortodoxo, - pero los peones se mueven de una manera inusual. -- - var varlist = [ - "Berolina", - "Diamond", - "Vchess" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Diferentes ejércitos - -p Piezas estándar contra un equipo de diferentes piezas. -- - var varlist = [ - "Colorbound", - "Empire", - "Horde", - "Orda", - "Shinobi", - "Spartan", - "Synochess" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inspirado por juegos de pelota - -p. - Variantes que usan un globo, abstracto o no, - quien tiene que cruzar el tablero de ajedrez. -- - var varlist = [ - "Ball", - "Football", - "Rugby" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Piezas nuevas - -p. - Se puede introducir una amplia gama de piezas mágicas. - Algunas son muy poderosos como la Amazona, - otros bastante débiles como el Saltamontes. -- - var varlist = [ - "Capablanca", - "Eightpieces", - "Fullcavalry", - "Grand", - "Grasshopper", - "Hoppelpoppel", - "Newzealand", - "Omega", - "Ordamirror", - "Perfect", - "Shako", - "Tencubed", - "Wildebeest" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p. - En las siguientes variantes, piezas mágicas (o no) - puede aparecer más adelante en el juego: -- - var varlist = [ - "Musketeer", - "Schess", - "Titan" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Varias piezas reales - -p En estos juegos debes mantener a salvo a dos o más "reyes". -- - var varlist = [ - "Coregal", - "Twokings", - "Antiking1", - "Antiking2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Capturas no ortodoxas - -p Capturas no estándar, pero utilizando mecanismos conocidos. -- - var varlist = [ - "Enpassant", - "Rifle", - "Zen" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p. - Las capturas generalmente se realizan sin reemplazo. Es decir - que no reemplaces las piezas opuestas en su espacio de captura. -- - var varlist = [ - "Allmate1", - "Allmate2", - "Baroque", - "Dynamo", - "Fugue", - "Interweave", - "Rococo", - "Maxima" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Piezas que cambian de lado, piezas compartidas - -p Los propietarios (colores) de las piezas pueden cambiar durante el juego. -- - var varlist = [ - "Benedict", - "Checkered1", - "Checkered2", - "Otage", - "Pacifist1", - "Pacifist2", - "Pacosako" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Información incompleta - -p. - Se requiere cierta especulación para estas variantes, - donde se oculta alguna información sobre el juego. -- - var varlist = [ - "Apocalypse", - "Dark", - "Hidden", - "Hiddenqueen", - "Stealthbomb1", - "Stealthbomb2", - "Synchrone1", - "Synchrone2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Factores aleatorios - -p. - Estos juegos incluyen efectos aleatorios, - que puede ser divertido, frustrante o ambos :) -- - var varlist = [ - "Chakart", - "Dice" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inspiradas por el movimiento del caballo - -p. - Variantes basadas en el movimiento del caballo, - que aumenta o transforma las capacidades de las piezas. -- - var varlist = [ - "Balaklava", - "Knightmate1", - "Knightmate2", - "Knightrelay1", - "Knightrelay2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Disposición inicial inusual - -p Del diseño inicial resultado muchas capturas al principio del juego. -- - var varlist = [ - "Doublearmy", - "Upsidedown", - "Pawnmassacre" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Variantes "fáciles": reglas simples - -p. - Las reglas ortodoxas solo cambian ligeramente, - lo que da un juego muy similar. -- - var varlist = [ - "Coronation", - "Freecapture", - "Pocketknight" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p ...O conduce a estrategias muy diferentes: -- - var varlist = [ - "Antimatter", - "Atomic1", - "Atomic2", - "Brotherhood", - "Checkless" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Tablero inicialmente vacío - -p. - Todas las piezas se agregan gradualmente desde un tablero vacío. -- - var varlist = [ - "Parachute", - "Screen" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Reposicionamiento - -p. - Las piezas se pueden dejar caer en el tablero de ajedrez, - ya sea inmediatamente o más tarde en el juego. -- - var varlist = [ - "Clorange", - "Crazyhouse", - "Madhouse", - "Rampage", - "Recycle", - "Shogun", - "Teleport1", - "Teleport2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inmovilización - -p Las piezas pueden paralizarse o controlarse en ciertas circunstancias. -- - var varlist = [ - "Hypnotic", - "Isardam", - "Koopa", - "Madrasi", - "Mesmer" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Variantes regionales e históricas - -p Evolución (parcial) del juego en espacio y tiempo. -- - var varlist = [ - "Janggi", - "Karouk", - "Makpong", - "Makruk", - "Minishogi", - "Minixiangqi", - "Shatranj", - "Shogi", - "Sittuyin", - "Xiangqi" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Carrera de reyes - -p El objetivo es cruzar el tablero de ajedrez con tu rey. -- - var varlist = [ - "Racingkings", - "Royalrace" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Varias jugadas por turno - -p En estas variantes, puedes jugar dos o más movimientos por turno. -- - var varlist = [ - "Avalanche", - "Doublemove1", - "Doublemove2", - "Monster", - "Progressive1", - "Progressive2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Una sola pieza poderosa contra un ejército - -p Muy pocas piezas pero muy poderosas contra todo un ejército. -- - var varlist = [ - "Maharajah", - "Monster" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Intercambio de posiciones de piezas - -p Algunas o todas las piezas pueden intercambiarse. -- - var varlist = [ - "Joker", - "Suction", - "Swap", - "Switching" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Objetivo diferente - -p Reglas ortodoxas, pero el objetivo no es jaque mate (o no solo). -- - var varlist = [ - "Alapo", - "Castle", - "Crossing", - "Extinction", - "Threechecks", - "Kinglet", - "Koth", - "Squatter1", - "Squatter2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Aparte del Ajedrez - -p Algunos juegos no están relacionados con el ajedrez. -- - var varlist = [ - "Atarigo", - "Avalam1", - "Avalam2", - "Emergo", - "Fanorona", - "Gomoku", - "Konane", - "Yote" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Varios - -p. - Estas variantes aún no están clasificadas, en general porque son - el único representante de su tipo en este sitio. -- - var varlist = [ - "Alice", - "Align4", - "Ambiguous", - "Bario", - "Bicolour", - "Convert", - "Copycat", - "Evolution", - "Forward", - "Fusion", - "Gridolina", - "Hamilton", - "Iceage", - "Kingsmaker", - "Magnetic", - "Pandemonium1", - "Pandemonium2", - "Refusal1", - "Refusal2", - "Relayup", - "Rollerball", - "Selfabsorb", - "Takenmake", - "Wormhole1", - "Wormhole2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] diff --git a/client/src/translations/variants/fr.pug b/client/src/translations/variants/fr.pug deleted file mode 100644 index ae68c665..00000000 --- a/client/src/translations/variants/fr.pug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,505 +0,0 @@ -p.text-center - a(href="") Qu'est-ce qu'une variante ? - |      - a(href="") Pourquoi jouer aux variantes ? - -p - | La variante - a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960 - |  permet de jouer avec les règles standard, depuis une position - | initiale aléatoire (ou non) symétrique (ou non). - -h3 Jeux simplifiés pour apprendre les échecs - -p Variantes avec très peu de pièces différentes, et un but simplifié. -- - var varlist = [ - "Bishopawns", - "Discoduel", - "Dobutsu", - "Knightpawns", - "Pawns", - "Pawnsking", - "Queenpawns", - "Rookpawns" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Captures obligatoires - -p. - Dans une position donnée, il y a généralement moins de coups possibles que - dans le jeu orthodoxe puisque vous devez capturer. -- - var varlist = [ - "Arena", - "Capture", - "Losers", - "Monocolor", - "Suicide" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Transformations - -p En général les pièces se transforment en capturant. -- - var varlist = [ - "Absorption", - "Cannibal1", - "Cannibal2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Frontières modifiées - -p Échiquiers aux bords communiquants. -- - var varlist = [ - "Circular", - "Cylinder" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Différents coups de pions - -p. - Tout se déroule comme au jeu orthodoxe, - mais les pions se déplacent d'une manière inhabituelle. -- - var varlist = [ - "Berolina", - "Diamond", - "Vchess" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Armées différentes - -p Pièces standard contre une équipe de pièces différentes. -- - var varlist = [ - "Colorbound", - "Empire", - "Horde", - "Orda", - "Shinobi", - "Spartan", - "Synochess" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inspirées par des jeux de ballon - -p. - Variantes utilisant un ballon, abstrait ou non, - qui doit traverser l'échiquier. -- - var varlist = [ - "Ball", - "Football", - "Rugby" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Nouvelles pièces - -p. - Une large gamme de pièces féériques peuvent être introduites. - Certaines sont très puissantes comme l'Amazone, - d'autres plutôt faibles comme la Sauterelle. -- - var varlist = [ - "Capablanca", - "Eightpieces", - "Fullcavalry", - "Grand", - "Grasshopper", - "Hoppelpoppel", - "Newzealand", - "Omega", - "Ordamirror", - "Perfect", - "Shako", - "Tencubed", - "Wildebeest" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p. - Dans les variantes suivantes, des pièces féériques (ou non) - peuvent apparaître plus tard dans le jeu : -- - var varlist = [ - "Musketeer", - "Schess", - "Titan" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Plusieurs pièces royales - -p Dans ces jeux vous devez garder à l'abri deux "rois" ou plus. -- - var varlist = [ - "Coregal", - "Twokings", - "Antiking1", - "Antiking2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Captures non orthodoxes - -p Captures non-standard, mais utilisant des mécanismes connus. -- - var varlist = [ - "Enpassant", - "Rifle", - "Zen" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p. - Les captures s'effectuent généralement sans remplacement. C'est-à-dire - que vous ne remplacez pas les pièces adverses sur leur case de capture. -- - var varlist = [ - "Allmate1", - "Allmate2", - "Baroque", - "Dynamo", - "Fugue", - "Interweave", - "Rococo", - "Maxima" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Pièces changeant de camp, pièces partagées - -p Les propriétaires (couleurs) des pièces peuvent changer pendant la partie. -- - var varlist = [ - "Benedict", - "Checkered1", - "Checkered2", - "Otage", - "Pacifist1", - "Pacifist2", - "Pacosako" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Information incomplète - -p. - Une part de spéculation est requise pour ces variantes, - où certaines informations sur le jeu sont cachées. -- - var varlist = [ - "Apocalypse", - "Dark", - "Hidden", - "Hiddenqueen", - "Stealthbomb1", - "Stealthbomb2", - "Synchrone1", - "Synchrone2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Facteurs aléatoires - -p. - Ces jeux incluent des effets aléatoires, - qui peuvent être amusants, frustrants ou bien les deux :) -- - var varlist = [ - "Chakart", - "Dice" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Inspirées par le déplacement du cavalier - -p. - Variantes basées sur le coup de cavalier, - qui augmente ou transforme les capacités des pièces. -- - var varlist = [ - "Balaklava", - "Knightmate1", - "Knightmate2", - "Knightrelay1", - "Knightrelay2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Arrangement initial inhabituel - -p L'agencement initial entraîne de nombreuses captures tôt dans la partie. -- - var varlist = [ - "Doublearmy", - "Upsidedown", - "Pawnmassacre" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Variantes "faciles" : règles simples - -p. - Les règles orthodoxes ne sont que légèrement modifiées, - ce qui donne un jeu très similaire. -- - var varlist = [ - "Coronation", - "Freecapture", - "Pocketknight" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -p ...Ou mène à des stratégies très différentes : -- - var varlist = [ - "Antimatter", - "Atomic1", - "Atomic2", - "Brotherhood", - "Checkless" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Échiquier initialement vide - -p. - Toutes les pièces sont ajoutées progressivement depuis un échiquier vide. -- - var varlist = [ - "Parachute", - "Screen" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Repositionnement - -p. - Les pièces peuvent être parachutées sur l'échiquier, - soit immédiatement soit plus tard dans la partie. -- - var varlist = [ - "Clorange", - "Crazyhouse", - "Madhouse", - "Rampage", - "Recycle", - "Shogun", - "Teleport1", - "Teleport2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Immobilisation - -p Les pièces peuvent être paralysées ou contrôlées dans certaines circonstances. -- - var varlist = [ - "Hypnotic", - "Isardam", - "Koopa", - "Madrasi", - "Mesmer" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Variantes régionales et historiques - -p Évolution (partielle) du jeu dans l'espace et le temps. -- - var varlist = [ - "Janggi", - "Karouk", - "Makpong", - "Makruk", - "Minishogi", - "Minixiangqi", - "Shatranj", - "Shogi", - "Sittuyin", - "Xiangqi" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Course de rois - -p L'objectif est de traverser l'échiquier avec votre roi. -- - var varlist = [ - "Racingkings", - "Royalrace" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Plusieurs coups par tour - -p Dans ces variantes, vous pouvez jouer deux coups ou plus par tour. -- - var varlist = [ - "Avalanche", - "Doublemove1", - "Doublemove2", - "Progressive1", - "Progressive2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Une seule pièce puissante face à une armée - -p Très peu de pièces mais très puissantes face à une armée entière. -- - var varlist = [ - "Maharajah", - "Monster" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Échange des positions des pièces - -p Certaines ou toutes les pièces peuvent être échangées. -- - var varlist = [ - "Joker", - "Suction", - "Swap", - "Switching" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Objectif différent - -p Règles orthodoxes, mais le but n'est pas de mater (ou pas seulement). -- - var varlist = [ - "Alapo", - "Castle", - "Crossing", - "Extinction", - "Threechecks", - "Kinglet", - "Koth", - "Squatter1", - "Squatter2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Hors Échecs - -p Quelques jeux a priori sans liens avec les échecs. -- - var varlist = [ - "Atarigo", - "Avalam1", - "Avalam2", - "Emergo", - "Fanorona", - "Gomoku", - "Konane", - "Yote" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] - -h3 Divers - -p. - Ces variantes ne sont pas encore classées, en général car elles sont - l'unique représentant de leur type sur ce site. -- - var varlist = [ - "Alice", - "Align4", - "Ambiguous", - "Bario", - "Bicolour", - "Convert", - "Copycat", - "Evolution", - "Forward", - "Fusion", - "Gridolina", - "Hamilton", - "Iceage", - "Kingsmaker", - "Magnetic", - "Pandemonium1", - "Pandemonium2", - "Refusal1", - "Refusal2", - "Relayup", - "Rollerball", - "Selfabsorb", - "Takenmake", - "Wormhole1", - "Wormhole2" - ] -ul - for v in varlist - li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}] diff --git a/client/src/variants/Chess.js b/client/src/variants/Chess.js new file mode 120000 index 00000000..8e6b27cd --- /dev/null +++ b/client/src/variants/Chess.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../base_rules.js \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/client/src/variants/Chess960.js b/client/src/variants/Chess960.js deleted file mode 100644 index 15eb7ecc..00000000 --- a/client/src/variants/Chess960.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -import { ChessRules } from "@/base_rules"; - -export class Chess960Rules extends ChessRules { - // Standard rules -}; diff --git a/client/src/views/Game.vue b/client/src/views/Game.vue index fc86e90d..3d73893e 100644 --- a/client/src/views/Game.vue +++ b/client/src/views/Game.vue @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ main ) .card label.modal-close(for="modalRules") - a#variantNameInGame(:href="'/#/variants/'+game.vname") {{ game.vname }} + a#variantNameInGame(:href="'/#/variants/'+game.vname") {{ game.vdisp }} div(v-html="rulesContent") input#modalScore.modal(type="checkbox") div#scoreDiv( @@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ export default { const gameToSend = Object.keys( .filter(k => [ - "id","fen","players","vid","cadence","fenStart","vname", + "id","fen","players","vid","cadence","fenStart", "moves","clocks","score","drawOffer","rematchOffer" ].includes(k)) .reduce( @@ -1024,7 +1024,6 @@ export default { { // (other) Game infos: constant fenStart: gameInfo.fen, - vname:, created:, // Game state (including FEN): will be updated moves: [], @@ -1282,18 +1281,33 @@ export default { if (!!callback) callback(); }, loadVariantThenGame: async function(game, callback) { - await import("@/variants/" + game.vname + ".js") - .then((vModule) => { - window.V = vModule[game.vname + "Rules"]; - this.loadGame(game, callback); - }); - this.rulesContent = - afterRawLoad( - require( - "raw-loader!@/translations/rules/" + - game.vname + "/" + + ".pug" - ).default - ).replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, replaceByDiag); + const afterSetVname = async () => { + await import("@/variants/" + game.vname + ".js") + .then((vModule) => { + window.V = vModule[game.vname + "Rules"]; + this.loadGame(game, callback); + }); + this.rulesContent = + afterRawLoad( + require( + "raw-loader!@/translations/rules/" + + game.vname + "/" + + ".pug" + ).default + ).replace(/(fen:)([^:]*):/g, replaceByDiag); + }; + let variant = undefined; + const trySetVname = setInterval( + () => { + // might be uninitialized (variant == null) + variant = => == game.vid); + if (!!variant) { + clearInterval(trySetVname); + game.vname =; + game.vdisp = variant.display; + afterSetVname(); + } + }, 500 + ); }, // 3 cases for loading a game: // - from indexedDB (running or completed live game I play) diff --git a/client/src/views/Hall.vue b/client/src/views/Hall.vue index fe189413..7749dfad 100644 --- a/client/src/views/Hall.vue +++ b/client/src/views/Hall.vue @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ main :value="" :selected="" ) - | {{ }} + | {{ v.display }} fieldset label(for="cadence") {{["Cadence"] }} * div#predefinedCadences @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ export default { "st.variants": function() { // Set potential challenges and games variant names: this.challenges.concat( => { - if (!o.vname) o.vname = this.getVname(o.vid); + if (!o.vname) this.setVname(o); }); if (!this.newchallenge.V && this.newchallenge.vid > 0) this.loadNewchallVariant(); @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ export default { // Automatic challenge sending, for tournaments this.loadNewchallVariant( () => { - this.newchallenge = Object.assign( + Object.assign( this.newchallenge, { fen: "", @@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ export default { const type = this.classifyObject(c); const vname = this.getVname(c.vid); return Object.assign( - {}, { type: type, vname: vname, @@ -554,10 +553,15 @@ export default { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify(Object.assign({ code: code }, obj))); } }, - getVname: function(vid) { - const variant = => == vid); + setVname: function(obj) { + const variant = => == obj.vid); // might be uninitialized (variant == null) - return variant ? : ""; + if (!!variant) { + obj.vname =; + obj.vdisp = variant.display; + } + // NOTE: Next line is used in loadNewchallVariant + return (!variant ? "" :; }, filterChallenges: function(type) { return this.challenges.filter(c => c.type == type); @@ -876,7 +880,7 @@ export default { ) { let newGame = game; newGame.type = this.classifyObject(game); - newGame.vname = this.getVname(game.vid); + this.setVname(game); if (!game.score) // New game from Hall newGame.score = "*"; @@ -944,15 +948,9 @@ export default { } this.cursor =[L - 1].created; let moreGames = => { - const vname = this.getVname(g.vid); - return Object.assign( - {}, - g, - { - type: "corr", - vname: vname - } - ); + this.setVname(g); + g.type = "corr"; + return g; }); =; } @@ -976,7 +974,7 @@ export default { let fromValues = Object.assign({}, this.people[chall.from]); delete fromValues["pages"]; //irrelevant in this context newChall.from = Object.assign({ sid: chall.from }, fromValues); - newChall.vname = this.getVname(newChall.vid); + this.setVname(newChall); this.challenges.push(newChall); if ( (newChall.type == "live" && this.cdisplay == "corr") || @@ -998,12 +996,11 @@ export default { } }, loadNewchallVariant: async function(cb, vname) { - vname = vname || this.getVname(this.newchallenge.vid); + vname = vname || this.setVname(this.newchallenge); await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js") .then((vModule) => { window.V = vModule[vname + "Rules"]; this.newchallenge.V = window.V; - this.newchallenge.vname = vname; if (!!cb) cb(); }); }, @@ -1343,13 +1340,13 @@ export default { }, // NOTE: for live games only (corr games start on the server) startNewGame: function(gameInfo) { + this.setVname(gameInfo); const game = Object.assign( {}, gameInfo, { // (other) Game infos: constant fenStart: gameInfo.fen, - vname: this.getVname(gameInfo.vid), created:, // Game state (including FEN): will be updated moves: [], diff --git a/client/src/views/MyGames.vue b/client/src/views/MyGames.vue index 5c3522ec..3d86636f 100644 --- a/client/src/views/MyGames.vue +++ b/client/src/views/MyGames.vue @@ -84,6 +84,14 @@ export default { watch: { $route: function(to, from) { if (to.path != "/mygames") this.cleanBeforeDestroy(); + }, + // st.variants changes only once, at loading from [] to [...] + "st.variants": function() { + // Set potential games variant names + display: + this.livesGames.concat(this.corrGames).concat(this.importGames) + .forEach(o => { + if (!o.vname) this.setVname(o); + }); } }, created: function() { @@ -191,6 +199,14 @@ export default { document.getElementById(t + "Games").classList.remove("active"); } }, + // TODO: duplicated from Hall.vue: + setVname: function(obj) { + const variant = => == obj.vid); + if (!!variant) { + obj.vname =; + obj.vdisp = variant.display; + } + }, addGameImport(game) { game.type = "import"; ImportgameStorage.add(game, (err) => { @@ -230,6 +246,7 @@ export default { if ((rem == 0 && g.myColor == 'w') || (rem == 1 && g.myColor == 'b')) g.myTurn = true; } + this.setVname(g); }); }, socketMessageListener: function(msg) { @@ -260,15 +277,11 @@ export default { break; } case "notifynewgame": { - const gameInfo =; - // st.variants might be uninitialized, - // if unlucky and newgame right after connect: - const v = => == gameInfo.vid); - const vname = !!v ? : ""; + let gameInfo =; + this.setVname(gameInfo); const type = (gameInfo.cadence.indexOf('d') >= 0 ? "corr": "live"); let game = Object.assign( { - vname: vname, type: type, score: "*", created: @@ -385,7 +398,10 @@ export default { if (L > 0) { // Add "-1" because IDBKeyRange.upperBound includes boundary this.cursor["import"] = importGames[L - 1].created - 1; - importGames.forEach(g => g.type = "import"); + importGames.forEach(g => { + g.type = "import"; + this.setVname(g); + }); this.importGames = this.importGames.concat(importGames); } else this.hasMore["import"] = false; diff --git a/client/src/views/Problems.vue b/client/src/views/Problems.vue index a55126fa..057035ac 100644 --- a/client/src/views/Problems.vue +++ b/client/src/views/Problems.vue @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ main .card label.modal-close(for="modalRules") a#variantNameInProblems(:href="'/#/variants/'+game.vname") - | {{ game.vname }} + | {{ curproblem.vdisp }} div(v-html="rulesContent") input#modalNewprob.modal( type="checkbox" @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ main .button-group(v-if="canIedit(curproblem.uid)") button(@click="editProblem(curproblem)") {{["Edit"] }} button(@click="deleteProblem(curproblem)") {{["Delete"] }} - span.vname {{ curproblem.vname }} + span.vname {{ curproblem.vdisp }} span.uname ({{ curproblem.uname }}) button.marginleft(@click="backToList()") {{["Back to list"] }} button.nomargin(@click="gotoPrevNext(curproblem,1)") @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ main v-show="onlyMine || !selectedVar || p.vid == selectedVar" @click="setHrefPid(p)" ) - td {{ p.vname }} + td {{ p.vdisp }} td {{ firstChars(p.instruction) }} td {{ }} button#loadMoreBtn( @@ -141,10 +141,7 @@ export default { data: function() { return { st: store.state, - emptyVar: { - vid: 0, - vname: "" - }, + emptyVar: { vid: 0 }, // Problem currently showed, or edited: curproblem: { id: 0, //used in case of edit @@ -220,7 +217,9 @@ export default { = (t.scrollHeight + 3) + "px"; }, setVname: function(prob) { - prob.vname = => == prob.vid).name; + const variant = => == prob.vid); + prob.vname =; + prob.vdisp = variant.display; }, // Add vname and user names: decorate: function(problems, callback) { @@ -250,7 +249,8 @@ export default { } } ); - } else if (!!callback) callback(); + } + else if (!!callback) callback(); }, firstChars: function(text) { let preparedText = text @@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ export default { this.curproblem.uid = 0; this.curproblem.vid = ""; this.curproblem.vname = ""; + this.curproblem.vdisp = ""; this.curproblem.fen = ""; this.curproblem.diag = ""; this.curproblem.instruction = ""; @@ -378,7 +379,8 @@ export default { } } ); - } else processWhenWeHaveProb(); + } + else processWhenWeHaveProb(); }, gotoPrevNext: function(prob, dir) { const mode = (this.onlyMine ? "mine" : "others"); @@ -495,7 +497,8 @@ export default { // (Unless the user navigated several times by URL to show a // single problem...) .sort((p1, p2) => p2.added - p1.added); - } else this.hasMore[mode] = false; + } + else this.hasMore[mode] = false; if (!!cb) cb(L); } } @@ -570,7 +573,7 @@ button#loadMoreBtn display: inline-block #topPage - span.vname + span.vdisp font-weight: bold padding-left: var(--universal-margin) span.uname diff --git a/client/src/views/Rules.vue b/client/src/views/Rules.vue index c069eb29..09d5e06a 100644 --- a/client/src/views/Rules.vue +++ b/client/src/views/Rules.vue @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ main | {{["Analysis mode"] }} .row .col-sm-12.col-md-8.col-md-offset-2.col-lg-6.col-lg-offset-3 - h4#variantName(v-show="display=='rules'") {{ gameInfo.vname }} + h4#variantName(v-show="display=='rules'") {{ getVariantDisplay }} div( v-show="display=='rules'" v-html="content" @@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ export default { showAnalyzeBtn: function() { return !!this.V && this.V.CanAnalyze; }, + getVariantDisplay: function() { + if (!this.gameInfo.vname) return ""; //variant not set yet + return => == this.gameInfo.vname).display; + }, content: function() { if (!this.gameInfo.vname) return ""; //variant not set yet return ( diff --git a/client/src/views/VariantList.vue b/client/src/views/VariantList.vue index e5d02856..5f230107 100644 --- a/client/src/views/VariantList.vue +++ b/client/src/views/VariantList.vue @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ main :class="getVclasses(filteredVariants, idx)" ) router-link(:to="getLink(") - h4.boxtitle.text-center {{ }} + h4.boxtitle.text-center {{ v.display }} p.description.text-center {{[v.desc] }} @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ export default { .map(v => { return { name:, - desc: v.description + desc: v.description, + display: v.display }; }) .sort((a, b) => { diff --git a/client/src/views/Variants.vue b/client/src/views/Variants.vue index da6478b4..4374fd04 100644 --- a/client/src/views/Variants.vue +++ b/client/src/views/Variants.vue @@ -4,27 +4,57 @@ main .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2 a#mainLink(href="/#/variants/list") | {{["View alphabetical variants list"] }} - div(v-html="content") + p.text-center + a.leftLink(href="") + | {{["What is a chess variant?"] }} + a(href="") + | {{["Why play chess variants?"] }} + p + a(href="/#/variants/Chess") Chess + | {{["chess_v"] }} + div(v-for="g of sortedGroups") + h3 {{["vt" + g] }} + p {{["vg" + g] }} + ul + li(v-for="v of variantGroup.get(g)") + a(:href="getLink(v)") {{ v.display }} + |  –  + | {{ v.description }}