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[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Fusion / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Pieces can fusion and also be split under certain circumstances.
4 p Fusion Chess is played like FIDE Chess with the following exceptions:
6 h3 Fusion
8 p.
9 A non-royal simple piece (Knight, Bishop, or Rook) may combine with
10 another simple piece on the same side (including a King) by moving
11 onto its square.
13 p The combined piece moves as either of the two pieces just combined:
14 ul
15 li King + Bishop = Pontiff
16 li King + Rook = Dragon King
17 li King + Knight = Cavalier King
18 li Bishop + Rook = Queen
19 li Bishop + Knight = Paladin
20 li Rook + Knight = Marshall
22 p A piece may not combine with
23 ul
24 li another piece of the same type,
25 li a piece belonging to the opponent,
26 li a compound piece.
28 p.
29 A King may not move to combine any piece, though other another
30 piece may move to combine with its King.
32 figure.diagram-container
33 .diagram.diag12
34 | fen:r1bqkbnr/pp1ppppp/2n5/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPPBPPP/RNBQK2R:
35 .diagram.diag22
36 | fen:r1bqkbm1/pp1ppppp/2n5/2p5/4P3/5D2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R:
37 figcaption Before and after moves BxNf3 and RxNg8.
39 h3 Fission
41 p.
42 An unattacked compound piece may split by moving one
43 of its components, under its own powers of movement, to an empty square.
44 ul
45 li A Rook which separates from a piece must move away as a Rook moves.
46 li A Bishop which separates from a piece must move away as a Bishop moves.
47 li A Knight which separates from a piece must move away as a Knight moves.
48 li A King which separates from a piece must move away as a King moves.
49 p The compound piece is replaced by the component which doesn't move away.
51 h3 Other details
53 p Any piece that has participated in fission or fusion may no longer castle.
55 p Pawns may promote to Rook, Bishop, or Knight only.
57 p.
58 The object is to checkmate your opponent's current royal piece, which may
59 be a King, Pontiff, Dragon King, or Cavalier King.
61 p.
62 No royal piece may move through check when moving more than one space.
63 For the Cavalier King, the Knight move is understood as beginning
64 orthogonally and turning diagonally or vice versa. If both spaces
65 it might pass over to reach a square are checked, it cannot move there.
66 However, this does not limit its ability to check or attack a piece.
68 figure.diagram-container
69 .diagram
70 | fen:r3br2/c2p4/1pd2pqp/p1B5/1D1P1QP1/8/PPP1P2P/2RG2N1 c8:
72 p.
73 On the diagram above, the Cavalier King only non-splitting move as a Knight
74 is to c8. Indeed, a6 and b6 are under attack. b8 as well, but not b7.
76 h3 More information
78 p
79 | See the
80 a(href="")
81 | chessvariants page
82 | .
84 p Inventor: Fergus Duniho (1999)