[epclust.git] / utils.R
1 toInteger <- function(x, condition)
2 {
3 if (!is.integer(x))
4 tryCatch(
5 {x = as.integer(x)[1]},
6 error = function(e) paste("cannot convert argument",substitute(x),"to integer")
7 )
8 if (!condition(x))
9 stop(paste("argument",substitute(x),"does not verify condition",body(condition)))
10 x
11 }
13 curvesToCoeffs = function(series, wf)
14 {
15 L = length(series[1,])
16 D = ceiling( log2(L) )
17 nb_sample_points = 2^D
18 apply(series, 1, function(x) {
19 interpolated_curve = spline(1:L, x, n=nb_sample_points)$y
20 W = wavelets::dwt(interpolated_curve, filter=wf, D)@W
21 rev( sapply( W, function(v) ( sqrt( sum(v^2) ) ) ) )
22 })
23 }
25 #data: matrix of double or connection
26 serialize = function(data, file, type, nb_per_chunk)
27 {
28 bin_data = file(file, "ab")
29 #write data length on first call
30 nbytes = ifelse(type=="double",8,4)
31 first_write = FALSE
32 if (file.info(file)$size == 0)
33 {
34 #number of items always on 8 bytes
35 writeBin(0L, bin_data, size=8) #,endian="little")
36 first_write = TRUE
37 }
38 if (is.matrix(data))
39 {
40 writeBin(t(data), bin_data, size=nbytes)
41 data_length = ncol(data)
42 }
43 else #if (is(data, "connection"))
44 {
45 if (first_write)
46 {
47 data_line = scan(data, double(), sep=",", nlines=1)
48 writeBin(data_line, bin_data, size=nbytes)
49 data_length = length(data_line)
50 }
51 repeat
52 {
53 data_chunk = scan(data, double(), sep=",", nlines=nb_per_chunk)
54 if (length(data_chunk)==0)
55 break
56 writeBin(data_chunk, bin_data, size=nbytes)
57 }
58 }
59 if (first_write)
60 {
61 #ecrire file_size-1 / (nbytes*nbWritten) en 0 dans bin_data ! ignored == file_size
62 ignored = seek(bin_data, 0)
63 writeBin(data_length, bin_data, size=8)
64 }
65 close(bin_data)
66 }
68 #TODO: read in binary file, always same structure
69 getDataFromFile(indices, file, type)
70 {
71 bin_data = file(file, "rb")
72 nbytes = ifelse(type=="double",8,4)
73 data_length = readBin(bin_data,"double",1,nbytes) #,endian="little")
74 t(sapply(indices, function(i) readBin(bin_data,"double",n=data_length,size=nbytes)))
75 }