2 Title: Clustering individual electricity power curves
3 Description: EPCLUST: Electric Power curves CLUSTering, through their wavelets
4 decomposition. The main function 'claws' takes (usually long) time-series
5 in input, and return as many clusters centers as requested, along with their
6 ranks and synchrones (sum of all curves in one group).
7 For the method, see ?claws and https://arxiv.org/abs/1101.4744.
8 For usage examples, see ?claws and package vignette.
10 Author: Benjamin Auder <Benjamin.Auder@math.u-psud.fr> [aut,cre],
11 Jairo Cugliari <Jairo.Cugliari@univ-lyon2.fr> [aut],
12 Yannig Goude <Yannig.Goude@edf.fr> [ctb],
13 Jean-Michel Poggi <Jean-Michel.Poggi@math.u-psud.fr> [ctb]
14 Maintainer: Benjamin Auder <Benjamin.Auder@math.u-psud.fr>
33 License: MIT + file LICENSE