1 # VAriable seLection with mixtureS of modEls
3 Code co-authors: [Emilie Devijver](http://ama.liglab.fr/~devijver/), [Benjamin Gohehry](https://fr.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-goehry-275276124).
5 This code is a re-writing from [a similar project](https://github.com/yagu0/select) in MATLAB, and
6 corresponds to applied parts of the PhD thesis of both co-authors.
8 It uses git-fat to store binary objects. "git fat init && git fat pull" will get them.
14 Trouver un jeu de données (+) intéressant (que les autres) ?
15 Ajouter toy datasets pour les tests (ou piocher dans MASS ?)
17 ED : j'ai simulé un truc basique via 'generateXYdefault(10,5,6,2)'