+import Move from "/utils/Move.js";
import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
export default class DynamoRules extends ChessRules {
new Move({
start: { x: x, y: y },
- end: { x: kp[color][0], y: kp[color][1] },
+ end: { x: kp[0], y: kp[1] },
appear: [],
- vanish: [{ x: x, y: y, c: color, p: piece }]
+ vanish: [
+ { x: x, y: y, c: this.getColor(x, y), p: this.getPiece(x, y) }]
// for pulls: play the piece doing the action first
// NOTE: to push a piece out of the board, make it slide until its king
getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y], color) {
- const color = color || this.turn;
+ color = color || this.turn;
const sqCol = this.getColor(x, y);
const pawnShift = (color == 'w' ? -1 : 1);
const pawnStartRank = (color == 'w' ? 6 : 1);
return C.CoordsToSquare(m.start) + C.CoordsToSquare(m.end);
if (this.subTurn == 1) {
- const kp = [ this.searchKingPos('w')[0], this.searchKingPos('b')[0] ];
+ const kp = this.searchKingPos(color)[0];
const addMoves = (dir, nbSteps) => {
const newMoves =
this.getMovesInDirection([x, y], [-dir[0], -dir[1]], nbSteps, kp)
if (sqCol == color) {
moves = super.getPotentialMovesFrom([x, y])
if (this.canReachBorder(x, y))
- this.addSuicideMove(moves, [x, y], kp);
+ this.addExitMove(moves, [x, y], kp);
// Structure to avoid adding moves twice (can be action & move)
let movesHash = {};
filterValid(moves) {
const color = this.turn;
- const La = this.amoves.length;
+ const La = this.amoves.length; //TODO: debug
if (this.subTurn == 1) {
return moves.filter(m => {
// A move is valid either if it doesn't result in a check,
// or if a second move is possible to counter the check
// (not undoing a potential move + action of the opponent)
+ const kp = this.searchKingPos(color);
let res = this.underCheck(color);
if (this.subTurn == 2) {
let isOpposite = La > 0 && this.oppositeMoves(this.amoves[La-1], m);
const moves2 = this.getAllPotentialMoves();
for (let m2 of moves2) {
- const res2 = this.underCheck(color); //TODO: + square
+ let cur_kp = kp;
+ if (m2.appear[0].p == 'k')
+ cur_kp = [m2.appear[0].x, m2.appear[0].y];
+ const res2 = this.underCheck(cur_kp, color);
const amove = this.getAmove(m, m2);
isOpposite =
La > 0 && this.oppositeMoves(this.amoves[La-1], amove);
else {
this.subTurn = 2;
+ const kp = this.searchKingPos(color);
if (
// Condition is true on empty arrays:
this.getAllPotentialMoves().every(m => {
- const res = this.underCheck([kp], oppCol); //TODO: find kp first
+ let cur_kp = kp;
+ if (m.appear[0].p == 'k')
+ cur_kp = [m.appear[0].x, m.appear[0].y];
+ const res = this.underCheck(cur_kp, oppCol);
return res;
+ // For filterValid()
undo(move) {
this.undoOnBoard(this.board, move);
if (this.subTurn == 1) {
- this.turn = V.GetOppCol(this.turn);
+ this.turn = C.GetOppTurn(this.turn);
- if (move.subTurn == 1) this.firstMove.pop();
+ if (move.subTurn == 1)
+ this.firstMove.pop();
this.subTurn = move.subTurn;