From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 15:17:55 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: avancée sur compréhension de epclust/R/stage2.R

avancée sur compréhension de epclust/R/stage2.R

diff --git a/epclust/R/stage2.R b/epclust/R/stage2.R
index ebb44d9..254092c 100644
--- a/epclust/R/stage2.R
+++ b/epclust/R/stage2.R
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ library("Rwave")
 #toCWT: (aux)
 ##NOTE: renvoie une matrice 3D
-toCWT  <- function(X, sw=  0,  tw=  0, swabs= 0, nvoice= 12, noctave= 5, s0= 2, w0= 2*pi,
-	lt= 24, dt= 0.5, spectra = FALSE, smooth = TRUE, scaled  = FALSE, scalevector)
+toCWT  <- function(X, sw=0,  tw=0, swabs=0, nvoice=12, noctave=5, s0=2, w0=2*pi,
+	lt=24, dt=0.5, spectra=FALSE, smooth=TRUE, scaled=FALSE, scalevector)
 	noctave  <- adjust.noctave(lt, dt, s0, tw, noctave)
@@ -37,6 +37,21 @@ toCWT  <- function(X, sw=  0,  tw=  0, swabs= 0, nvoice= 12, noctave= 5, s0= 2,
+#from sowas
+adjust.noctave <- function(N,dt,s0,tw,noctave)
+	if (tw>0)
+	{
+		dumno <- as.integer((log(N*dt)-log(2*tw*s0))/log(2))
+		if (dumno<noctave)
+		{
+			cat("# noctave adjusted to time smoothing window \n")
+			noctave <- dumno
+		}
+	}
+	noctave
 #from sowas
 cwt.ts <- function(ts,s0,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi)
@@ -67,9 +82,16 @@ cwt.ts <- function(ts,s0,noctave=5,nvoice=10,w0=2*pi)
 #NOTE: vect2mat = as.matrix ?! (dans aux.R)
-vect2mat <- function(vect)
+vect2mat <- function(vect, delta, lscvect)
 	vect <- as.vector(vect)
+print(delta * lscvect)
 	matrix(vect[-(1:2)], delta, lscvect)
@@ -77,8 +99,8 @@ vect2mat <- function(vect)
 smCWT <- function(CWT, sw=  0,  tw=  0, swabs= 0, nvoice= 12, noctave= 2, s0= 2, w0= 2*pi,
 	lt= 24, dt= 0.5, scalevector )
-#noctave  <- adjust.noctave(lt, dt, s0, tw, noctave)
-#scalevector  <- 2^(0:(noctave * nvoice) / nvoice) * s0
+	#noctave  <- adjust.noctave(lt, dt, s0, tw, noctave)
+	#scalevector  <- 2^(0:(noctave * nvoice) / nvoice) * s0
 	wsp     <- Mod(CWT)
 	smwsp   <- smooth.matrix(wsp, swabs)
 	smsmwsp <- smooth.time(smwsp, tw, dt, scalevector)
@@ -134,7 +156,7 @@ step2 = function(conso)
 	# observations node with CWT
 	Xcwt4   <- toCWT(conso, noctave = noctave4, dt = 1, scalevector = scalevector4, lt = delta,
 		smooth = FALSE, nvoice = nvoice)
 	############Xcwt2 <- matrix(0.0, nrow= n, ncol= 2 + delta * lscvect)
 	Xcwt2 <- matrix(NA_complex_, nrow= n, ncol= 2 + length((c(Xcwt4[,,1]))))
@@ -148,11 +170,18 @@ step2 = function(conso)
 	Xwer_dist    <- matrix(0.0, n, n)
 	for(i in 1:(n - 1))
-		mat1   <- vect2mat(Xcwt2[i,])
-	for(j in (i + 1):n)
+##ERROR là :: delta lscvect --> taille ??!
+		mat1   <- vect2mat(Xcwt2[i,], delta, lscvect)
+		for(j in (i + 1):n)
-			mat2 <- vect2mat(Xcwt2[j,])
+			mat2 <- vect2mat(Xcwt2[j,], delta, lscvect)
 			num     <- Mod(mat1 * Conj(mat2))
 			WX      <- Mod(mat1 * Conj(mat1))
 			WY      <- Mod(mat2 * Conj(mat2))
@@ -166,5 +195,5 @@ step2 = function(conso)
 	diag(Xwer_dist) <- numeric(n)
-	Wwer_dist
+	Xwer_dist