From 42e379837d6d621f4b1464f267c2d50f525110e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 02:25:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix Chakart when landing piece on invisible queen + reserve
 pieces ordering

 client/src/translations/rules/Chakart/en.pug |  4 +-
 client/src/variants/Chakart.js               | 51 ++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/src/translations/rules/Chakart/en.pug b/client/src/translations/rules/Chakart/en.pug
index 5b5847d5..fd90d78d 100644
--- a/client/src/translations/rules/Chakart/en.pug
+++ b/client/src/translations/rules/Chakart/en.pug
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ figure.diagram-container
   So the goal is to capture Peach :)
   If pawns promoted into king, then all of them must be captured.
-    Since it still looked too easy '^^ the 4 mentioned objects
-    alter the played move, generally at random:
+  Since it still looked too easy '^^ the 4 mentioned objects
+  alter the played move, generally at random:
     A king or a pawn arriving on a mushroom advance one square further
diff --git a/client/src/variants/Chakart.js b/client/src/variants/Chakart.js
index 119ad549..8f84b373 100644
--- a/client/src/variants/Chakart.js
+++ b/client/src/variants/Chakart.js
@@ -214,20 +214,20 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules {
     // Initialize captured pieces' counts from FEN
     this.captured = {
       w: {
-        [V.ROOK]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[0]),
-        [V.KNIGHT]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[1]),
-        [V.BISHOP]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[2]),
-        [V.QUEEN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[3]),
-        [V.KING]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[4]),
-        [V.PAWN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[5]),
+        [V.PAWN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[0]),
+        [V.ROOK]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[1]),
+        [V.KNIGHT]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[2]),
+        [V.BISHOP]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[3]),
+        [V.QUEEN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[4]),
+        [V.KING]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[5])
       b: {
-        [V.ROOK]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[6]),
-        [V.KNIGHT]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[7]),
-        [V.BISHOP]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[8]),
-        [V.QUEEN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[9]),
-        [V.KING]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[10]),
-        [V.PAWN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[11]),
+        [V.PAWN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[6]),
+        [V.ROOK]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[7]),
+        [V.KNIGHT]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[8]),
+        [V.BISHOP]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[9]),
+        [V.QUEEN]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[10]),
+        [V.KING]: parseInt(fenParsed.captured[11])
     this.firstMove = [];
@@ -269,7 +269,11 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules {
     const end = (color == 'b' && p == V.PAWN ? 7 : 8);
     for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
       for (let j = 0; j < V.size.y; j++) {
-        if (this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY || this.getColor(i, j) == 'a') {
+        if (
+          this.board[i][j] == V.EMPTY ||
+          this.getColor(i, j) == 'a' ||
+          this.getPiece(i, j) == V.INVISIBLE_QUEEN
+        ) {
           let m = this.getBasicMove({ p: p, x: i, y: j});
           m.start = { x: x, y: y };
@@ -1397,14 +1401,19 @@ export class ChakartRules extends ChessRules {
-    if (
-      move.appear.length == 1 &&
-      move.vanish.length == 1 &&
-      move.appear[0].c == 'a' &&
-      move.vanish[0].c == 'a'
-    ) {
-      // Bonus replacement:
-      return move.appear[0].p.toUpperCase() + "@" + finalSquare;
+    if (move.appear.length == 1 && move.vanish.length == 1) {
+      const moveStart = move.appear[0].p.toUpperCase() + "@";
+      if (move.appear[0].c == 'a' && move.vanish[0].c == 'a')
+        // Bonus replacement:
+        return moveStart + finalSquare;
+      if (
+        move.vanish[0].p == V.INVISIBLE_QUEEN &&
+        move.appear[0].x == move.vanish[0].x &&
+        move.appear[0].y == move.vanish[0].y
+      ) {
+        // Toadette takes invisible queen
+        return moveStart + "Q" + finalSquare;
+      }
     if (
       move.appear.length == 2 &&