: ""
- // TODO: is it OK to pass "computed" as propoerties?
+ // TODO: is it OK to pass "computed" as properties?
// Also, some are seemingly not recomputed when vr is initialized.
showMoves: function() {
return this.game.score != "*"
// Strategy working also for multi-moves:
if (!Array.isArray(move)) move = [move];
move.forEach((m,idx) => {
+ m.index = this.vr.movesCount;
m.notation = this.vr.getNotation(m);
m.unambiguous = V.GetUnambiguousNotation(m);
if (firstMoveColor == "b") {
// 'start' & 'end' is required for Board component
+ index: parsedFen.movesCount,
notation: "...",
unambiguous: "...",
start: { x: -1, y: -1 },
let pgn = "";
pgn += '[Site "vchess.club"]\n';
pgn += '[Variant "' + this.game.vname + '"]\n';
- pgn += '[Date "' + getDate(new Date()) + '"]\n';
+ const gdt = getDate(new Date(this.game.created || Date.now()));
+ pgn += '[Date "' + gdt + '"]\n';
pgn += '[White "' + this.game.players[0].name + '"]\n';
pgn += '[Black "' + this.game.players[1].name + '"]\n';
pgn += '[Fen "' + this.game.fenStart + '"]\n';
pgn += '[Result "' + this.game.score + '"]\n';
- if (!!this.game.id)
- pgn += '[URL "' + params.serverUrl + '/game/' + this.game.id + '"]\n';
+ if (!!this.game.id) {
+ pgn += '[Cadence "' + this.game.cadence + '"]\n';
+ pgn += '[Url "' + params.serverUrl + '/game/' + this.game.id + '"]\n';
+ }
pgn += '\n';
for (let i = 0; i < this.moves.length; i += 2) {
if (i > 0) pgn += " ";
// Adjust dots notation for a better display:
let fullNotation = getFullNotation(this.moves[i]);
if (fullNotation == "...") fullNotation = "..";
- pgn += (i/2+1) + "." + fullNotation;
+ pgn += (this.moves[i].index / 2 + 1) + "." + fullNotation;
if (i+1 < this.moves.length)
pgn += " " + getFullNotation(this.moves[i+1]);
pgn += "\n\n";
for (let i = 0; i < this.moves.length; i += 2) {
- const moveNumber = i / 2 + 1;
- pgn += moveNumber + "." + i + " " +
- getFullNotation(this.moves[i], "unambiguous") + "\n";
+ const moveNumber = this.moves[i].index / 2 + 1;
+ // Skip "dots move", useless for machine reading:
+ if (this.moves[i].notation != "...") {
+ pgn += moveNumber + ".w " +
+ getFullNotation(this.moves[i], "unambiguous") + "\n";
+ }
if (i+1 < this.moves.length) {
- pgn += moveNumber + "." + (i+1) + " " +
+ pgn += moveNumber + ".b " +
getFullNotation(this.moves[i+1], "unambiguous") + "\n";
this.autoplayLoop = null;
} else {
this.autoplay = true;
- infinitePlay();
- this.autoplayLoop = setInterval(infinitePlay, 1500);
+ setTimeout(
+ () => {
+ infinitePlay();
+ this.autoplayLoop = setInterval(infinitePlay, 1500);
+ },
+ // Small delay otherwise the first move is played too fast
+ 500
+ );
// Animate an elementary move
mousedown: function(e) {
- if (!([1, 3].includes(e.which))) return;
- if (e.which != 3)
+ if (!this.mobileBrowser && e.which != 3)
// Cancel current drawing and circles, if any
- if (e.which == 1 || this.mobileBrowser) {
+ if (this.mobileBrowser || e.which == 1) {
// Mouse left button
if (!this.start) {
// NOTE: classList[0] is enough: 'piece' is the first assigned class
} else {
- } else {
- // e.which == 3 : mouse right button
+ } else if (e.which == 3) {
+ // Mouse right button
let elem = e.target;
// Next loop because of potential marks
while (elem.tagName == "IMG") elem = elem.parentNode;
mouseup: function(e) {
- if (!([1, 3].includes(e.which))) return;
- if (e.which == 1) {
+ if (this.mobileBrowser || e.which == 1) {
if (!this.selectedPiece) return;
// Drag'n drop. Selected piece is no longer needed:
delete this.selectedPiece;
this.selectedPiece = null;
- } else {
- // Mouse right button (e.which == 3)
+ } else if (e.which == 3) {
+ // Mouse right button
this.movingArrow = { x: -1, y: -1 };
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
if (!timeoutLaunched) {
timeoutLaunched = true;
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.adjustBoard();
- timeoutLaunched = false;
- }, 500);
+ this.adjustBoard();
+ setTimeout(() => { timeoutLaunched = false; }, 500);
+import { getRandString } from "@/utils/alea";
export default {
name: "my-upload-game",
methods: {
- parseAndEmit: function(pgn) {
- // TODO: header gives game Info, third secton the moves
- let game = {};
- // mark sur ID pour dire import : I_
- this.$emit("game-uploaded", game);
+ parseAndEmit: async function(pgn) {
+ let game = {
+ // Players potential ID and socket IDs are not searched
+ players: [
+ { id: 0, sid: "" },
+ { id: 0, sid: "" }
+ ]
+ };
+ const lines = pgn.split('\n');
+ let idx = 0;
+ // Read header
+ while (lines[idx].length > 0) {
+ // NOTE: not using "split(' ')" because the FEN has spaces
+ const spaceIdx = lines[idx].indexOf(' ');
+ const prop = lines[idx].substr(0, spaceIdx).match(/^\[(.*)$/)[1];
+ const value = lines[idx].substr(spaceIdx + 1).match(/^"(.*)"\]$/)[1];
+ switch (prop) {
+ case "Variant":
+ game.vname = value;
+ break;
+ case "Date":
+ game.created = new Date(value).getTime();
+ break;
+ case "White":
+ game.players[0].name = value;
+ break;
+ case "Black":
+ game.players[1].name = value;
+ break;
+ case "Fen":
+ game.fenStart = value;
+ break;
+ case "Result":
+ // Allow importing unfinished games, but mark them as
+ // "unknown result" to avoid running the clocks...
+ game.result = (value != "*" ? value : "?");
+ break;
+ case "Url":
+ // Prefix "I_" to say "this is an import"
+ game.id = "i" + value.match(/\/game\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/)[1];
+ break;
+ case "Cadence":
+ game.cadence = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (!game.id) {
+ game.id = "i" + getRandString();
+ // Provide a random cadence, just to be sure nothing breaks:
+ game.cadence = "1d";
+ }
+ game.chats = []; //not stored in PGN :)
+ // Skip "human moves" section:
+ while (lines[++idx].length > 0) {}
+ // Read moves
+ game.moves = [];
+ await import("@/variants/" + game.vname + ".js")
+ .then((vModule) => {
+ window.V = vModule[game.vname + "Rules"];
+ while (++idx < lines.length && lines[idx].length > 0) {
+ const lineParts = lines[idx].split(" ");
+ const startEnd = lineParts[1].split('.');
+ let move = {};
+ if (startEnd[0] != "-") move.start = V.SquareToCoords(startEnd[0]);
+ if (startEnd[1] != "-") move.end = V.SquareToCoords(startEnd[1]);
+ const appearVanish = lineParts[2].split('/').map(lpart => {
+ if (lpart == "-") return [];
+ return lpart.split('.').map(psq => {
+ const xy = V.SquareToCoords(psq.substr(2));
+ return {
+ x: xy.x,
+ y: xy.y,
+ c: psq[0],
+ p: psq[1]
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ move.appear = appearVanish[0];
+ move.vanish = appearVanish[1];
+ game.moves.push(move);
+ }
+ this.$emit("game-uploaded", game);
+ });
window.doClick = elemId => {
- // Esc key can close modals:
+ // Esc key can close some modals:
document.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (e.code === "Escape") {
let modalBoxes = document.querySelectorAll("[id^='modal']");
modalBoxes.forEach(m => {
if (
m.checked &&
- !["modalAccept","modalConfirm"].includes(m.id)
+ !["modalAccept", "modalConfirm", "modalChat", "modalPeople"]
+ .includes(m.id)
) {
m.checked = false;
About: "About",
"Accept draw?": "Accept draw?",
"Accept challenge?": "Accept challenge?",
+ "An error occurred. Try again!": "An error occurred. Try again!",
Analyse: "Analyse",
"Analysis mode": "Analysis mode",
"Analysis disabled for this variant": "Analysis disabled for this variant",
News: "News",
"No challenges found :( Click on 'New game'!": "No challenges found :( Click on 'New game'!",
"No games found :( Send a challenge!": "No games found :( Send a challenge!",
- "No identifier found: use the upload button in analysis mode": "No identifier found: use the upload button in analysis mode",
"No more problems": "No more problems",
"No subject. Send anyway?": "No subject. Send anyway?",
"Notifications by email": "Notifications by email",
"Symmetric random": "Symmetric random",
"Terminate game?": "Terminate game?",
"The game should be in another tab": "The game should be in another tab",
+ "The game was already imported": "The game was already imported",
"Three repetitions": "Three repetitions",
Time: "Time",
"Undetermined result": "Undetermined result",
About: "Acerca de",
"Accept draw?": "¿Acceptar tablas?",
"Accept challenge?": "¿Acceptar el desafío?",
+ "An error occurred. Try again!": "Se ha producido un error. ¡Intenta de nuevo!",
Analyse: "Analizar",
"Analysis mode": "Modo análisis",
"Analysis disabled for this variant": "Análisis deshabilitado para esta variante",
News: "Noticias",
"No challenges found :( Click on 'New game'!": "No se encontró ningún desafío :( ¡Haz clic en 'Nueva partida'!",
"No games found :( Send a challenge!": "No se encontró partidas :( ¡Envía un desafío!",
- "No identifier found: use the upload button in analysis mode": "No se encontró ningún identificador: use el botón enviar en modo de análisis",
"No more problems": "No mas problemas",
"No subject. Send anyway?": "Sin asunto. ¿Enviar sin embargo?",
"Notifications by email": "Notificaciones por email",
"Symmetric random": "Aleatorio simétrico",
"Terminate game?": "¿Terminar la partida?",
"The game should be in another tab": "la partida debería estar en otra pestaña",
+ "The game was already imported": "La partida ya ha sido importada",
"Three repetitions": "Tres repeticiones",
Time: "Tiempo",
"Undetermined result": "Resultado indeterminado",
About: "À propos",
"Accept draw?": "Accepter la nulle ?",
"Accept challenge?": "Accepter le défi ?",
+ "An error occurred. Try again!": "Une erreur est survenue. Réessayez !",
Analyse: "Analyser",
"Analysis mode": "Mode analyse",
"Analysis disabled for this variant": "Analyse désactivée pour cette variante",
News: "Nouvelles",
"No challenges found :( Click on 'New game'!": "Aucun défi trouvé :( Cliquez sur 'Nouvelle partie' !",
"No games found :( Send a challenge!": "Aucune partie trouvée :( Envoyez un défi !",
- "No identifier found: use the upload button in analysis mode": "Pas d'identifiant trouvé : utilisez le bouton d'envoi en mode analyse",
"No more problems": "Plus de problèmes",
"No subject. Send anyway?": "Pas de sujet. Envoyer quand-même ??",
"Notifications by email": "Notifications par email",
"Symmetric random": "Aléatoire symétrique",
"Terminate game?": "Stopper la partie ?",
"The game should be in another tab": "La partie devrait être dans un autre onglet",
+ "The game was already imported": "La partie a déjà été importée",
"Three repetitions": "Triple répétition",
Time: "Temps",
"Undetermined result": "Résultat indéterminé",
Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {
if (k == "move") game.moves.push(obj[k]);
else if (k == "chat") game.chats.push(obj[k]);
+ else if (k == "chatRead") game.chatRead = Date.now();
else if (k == "delchat") game.chats = [];
else game[k] = obj[k];
transaction.onerror = function(err) {
// Duplicate key error (most likely)
- callback(err);
+ callback(err.target.error);
-export function processModalClick(e) {
+export function processModalClick(e, cb) {
// Close a modal when click on it but outside focused element
const data = e.target.dataset;
- if (data.checkbox) document.getElementById(data.checkbox).checked = false;
+ if (!!data.checkbox) document.getElementById(data.checkbox).checked = false;
+ if (!!cb) cb();
span {{ st.tr["Cancel"] }}
- span.variant-cadence {{ game.cadence }}
+ span.variant-cadence(v-if="game.type!='import'") {{ game.cadence }}
span.variant-name {{ game.vname }}
v-if="nextIds.length > 0"
mounted: function() {
- ["chatWrap", "infoDiv"].forEach(eltName => {
- document.getElementById(eltName)
- .addEventListener("click", processModalClick);
- });
+ document.getElementById("chatWrap")
+ .addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ processModalClick(e, () => {
+ this.toggleChat("close")
+ });
+ });
+ document.getElementById("infoDiv")
+ .addEventListener("click", processModalClick);
if ("ontouchstart" in window) {
// Disable tooltips on smartphones:
document.querySelectorAll("#aboveBoard .tooltip").forEach(elt => {
if (!!oppsid && !!this.people[oppsid]) return oppsid;
return null;
- toggleChat: function() {
- if (document.getElementById("modalChat").checked)
+ // NOTE: action if provided is always a closing action
+ toggleChat: function(action) {
+ if (!action && document.getElementById("modalChat").checked)
// Entering chat
- // TODO: next line is only required when exiting chat,
- // but the event for now isn't well detected.
- document.getElementById("chatBtn").classList.remove("somethingnew");
+ else {
+ document.getElementById("chatBtn").classList.remove("somethingnew");
+ if (!!this.game.mycolor) {
+ // Update "chatRead" variable either on server or locally
+ if (this.game.type == "corr")
+ this.updateCorrGame({ chatRead: this.game.mycolor });
+ else if (this.game.type == "live")
+ GameStorage.update(this.gameRef, { chatRead: true });
+ }
+ }
processChat: function(chat) {
this.send("newchat", { data: chat });
// NOTE: anonymous chats in corr games are not stored on server (TODO?)
- if (this.game.type == "corr" && this.st.user.id > 0)
- this.updateCorrGame({ chat: chat });
- else if (this.game.type == "live") {
- chat.added = Date.now();
- GameStorage.update(this.gameRef, { chat: chat });
+ if (!!this.game.mycolor) {
+ if (this.game.type == "corr")
+ this.updateCorrGame({ chat: chat });
+ else {
+ // Live game
+ chat.added = Date.now();
+ GameStorage.update(this.gameRef, { chat: chat });
+ }
clearChat: function() {
getGameType: function(game) {
+ if (!!game.id.match(/^i/)) return "import";
return game.cadence.indexOf("d") >= 0 ? "corr" : "live";
// Notify something after a new move (to opponent and me on MyGames page)
case "askgame":
- // Send current (live) game if not asked by any of the players
+ // Send current (live or import) game,
+ // if not asked by any of the players
if (
- this.game.type == "live" &&
+ this.game.type != "corr" &&
this.game.players.every(p => p.sid != data.from[0])
) {
const myGame = {
id: this.game.id,
+ // FEN is current position, unused for now
fen: this.game.fen,
players: this.game.players,
vid: this.game.vid,
case "drawoffer":
// NOTE: observers don't know who offered draw
this.drawOffer = "received";
- if (this.game.type == "live") {
+ if (!!this.game.mycolor && this.game.type == "live") {
{ drawOffer: V.GetOppCol(this.game.mycolor) }
case "rematchoffer":
// NOTE: observers don't know who offered rematch
this.rematchOffer = data.data ? "received" : "";
- if (this.game.type == "live") {
+ if (!!this.game.mycolor && this.game.type == "live") {
{ rematchOffer: V.GetOppCol(this.game.mycolor) }
if (this.game.type == "live") {
chat.added = Date.now();
- GameStorage.update(this.gameRef, { chat: chat });
+ if (!!this.game.mycolor)
+ GameStorage.update(this.gameRef, { chat: chat });
if (!document.getElementById("modalChat").checked)
clickDraw: function() {
- if (!this.game.mycolor) return; //I'm just spectator
+ if (!this.game.mycolor || this.game.type == "import") return;
if (["received", "threerep"].includes(this.drawOffer)) {
if (!confirm(this.st.tr["Accept draw?"])) return;
const message =
clickRematch: function() {
- if (!this.game.mycolor) return; //I'm just spectator
+ if (!this.game.mycolor || this.game.type == "import") return;
if (this.rematchOffer == "received") {
// Start a new game!
let gameInfo = {
this.gameOver(score, side + " surrender");
loadGame: function(game, callback) {
- this.vr = new V(game.fen);
- const gtype = this.getGameType(game);
+ const gtype = game.type || this.getGameType(game);
const tc = extractTime(game.cadence);
const myIdx = game.players.findIndex(p => {
return p.sid == this.st.user.sid || p.id == this.st.user.id;
// "mycolor" is undefined for observers
const mycolor = [undefined, "w", "b"][myIdx + 1];
- // Live games before 26/03/2020 don't have chat history:
- if (!game.chats) game.chats = []; //TODO: remove line
- // Sort chat messages from newest to oldest
- game.chats.sort((c1, c2) => c2.added - c1.added);
if (gtype == "corr") {
+ if (mycolor == 'w') game.chatRead = game.chatReadWhite;
+ else if (mycolor == 'b') game.chatRead = game.chatReadBlack;
// NOTE: clocks in seconds
game.moves.sort((m1, m2) => m1.idx - m2.idx); //in case of
game.clocks = [tc.mainTime, tc.mainTime];
(Date.now() - game.moves[L-1].played) / 1000;
- if (myIdx >= 0 && game.score == "*" && game.chats.length > 0) {
- // Did a chat message arrive after my last move?
- let dtLastMove = 0;
- if (L == 1 && myIdx == 0)
- dtLastMove = game.moves[0].played;
- else if (L >= 2) {
- if (L % 2 == 0) {
- // It's now white turn
- dtLastMove = game.moves[L-1-(1-myIdx)].played;
- } else {
- // Black turn:
- dtLastMove = game.moves[L-1-myIdx].played;
- }
- }
- if (dtLastMove < game.chats[0].added)
- document.getElementById("chatBtn").classList.add("somethingnew");
- }
// Now that we used idx and played, re-format moves as for live games
game.moves = game.moves.map(m => m.squares);
- if (gtype == "live") {
- if (
- game.chats.length > 0 &&
- (!game.initime || game.initime < game.chats[0].added)
- ) {
- document.getElementById("chatBtn").classList.add("somethingnew");
- }
+ else if (gtype == "live") {
if (game.clocks[0] < 0) {
// Game is unstarted. clock is ignored until move 2
game.clocks = [tc.mainTime, tc.mainTime];
game.clocks[myIdx] -= (Date.now() - game.initime) / 1000;
+ else
+ // gtype == "import"
+ game.clocks = [tc.mainTime, tc.mainTime];
+ // Live games before 26/03/2020 don't have chat history:
+ if (!game.chats) game.chats = []; //TODO: remove line
+ // Sort chat messages from newest to oldest
+ game.chats.sort((c1, c2) => c2.added - c1.added);
+ if (
+ myIdx >= 0 &&
+ game.chats.length > 0 &&
+ (!game.chatRead || game.chatRead < game.chats[0].added)
+ ) {
+ // A chat message arrived since my last reading:
+ document.getElementById("chatBtn").classList.add("somethingnew");
+ }
// TODO: merge next 2 "if" conditions
if (!!game.drawOffer) {
if (game.drawOffer == "t")
this.repeat = {}; //reset: scan past moves' FEN:
let repIdx = 0;
- let vr_tmp = new V(game.fenStart);
+ this.vr = new V(game.fenStart);
let curTurn = "n";
game.moves.forEach(m => {
- playMove(m, vr_tmp);
- const fenIdx = vr_tmp.getFen().replace(/ /g, "_");
+ playMove(m, this.vr);
+ const fenIdx = this.vr.getFenForRepeat();
this.repeat[fenIdx] = this.repeat[fenIdx]
? this.repeat[fenIdx] + 1
: 1;
+ // Imported games don't have current FEN
+ if (!game.fen) game.fen = this.vr.getFen();
if (this.repeat[repIdx] >= 3) this.drawOffer = "threerep";
this.game = Object.assign(
// NOTE: assign mycolor here, since BaseGame could also be VS computer
// - from server (one correspondance game I play[ed] or not)
// - from remote peer (one live game I don't play, finished or not)
fetchGame: function(callback) {
+ console.log(this.gameRef);
+ console.log(this.gameRef.match(/^i/));
if (Number.isInteger(this.gameRef) || !isNaN(parseInt(this.gameRef))) {
// corr games identifiers are integers
- else if (!!this.gameRef.match(/^I_/))
+ else if (!!this.gameRef.match(/^i/))
// Game import (maybe remote)
ImportgameStorage.get(this.gameRef, callback);
// Update variables and storage after a move:
processMove: function(move, data) {
+ if (this.game.type == "import")
+ // Shouldn't receive any messages in this mode:
+ return;
if (!data) data = {};
const moveCol = this.vr.turn;
const colorIdx = ["w", "b"].indexOf(moveCol);
// Now ask completed games (partial list)
- () => this.loadMore("corr", adjustAndSetDisplay)
+ () => this.loadMore("corr", () => {
+ this.loadMore("import", adjustAndSetDisplay);
+ })
- } else this.loadMore("live", adjustAndSetDisplay);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.loadMore("live", () => {
+ this.loadMore("import", adjustAndSetDisplay);
+ });
+ }
beforeDestroy: function() {
addGameImport(game) {
- if (!game.id) {
- alert(this.st.tr[
- "No identifier found: use the upload button in analysis mode"]);
- }
- else this.importGames.push(game);
+ game.type = "import";
+ ImportgameStorage.add(game, (err) => {
+ if (!!err) {
+ if (err.message.indexOf("Key already exists") < 0) {
+ alert(this.st.tr["An error occurred. Try again!"]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else alert(this.st.tr["The game was already imported"]);
+ }
+ this.$router.push("/game/" + game.id);
+ });
tryShowNewsIndicator: function(type) {
if (
rematchOffer character default '',
deletedByWhite boolean,
deletedByBlack boolean,
+ chatReadWhite datetime,
+ chatReadBlack datetime,
foreign key (vid) references Variants(id),
foreign key (white) references Users(id),
foreign key (black) references Users(id)
* randomness: integer
* deletedByWhite: boolean
* deletedByBlack: boolean
+ * chatReadWhite: datetime
+ * chatReadBlack: datetime
* Structure table Moves:
* gid: ref game id
"g.id, g.fen, g.fenStart, g.cadence, g.created, " +
"g.white, g.black, g.score, g.scoreMsg, " +
+ "g.chatReadWhite, g.chatReadBlack, " +
"g.drawOffer, g.rematchOffer, v.name AS vname " +
"FROM Games g " +
"JOIN Variants v " +
!obj.fen || !!(obj.fen.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9, /-]*$/))
) && (
!obj.score || !!(obj.score.match(/^[012?*\/-]+$/))
+ ) && (
+ !obj.chatRead || !(['w','b'].includes(obj.chatRead))
) && (
!obj.scoreMsg || !!(obj.scoreMsg.match(/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/))
) && (
const myColor = obj.deletedBy == 'w' ? "White" : "Black";
modifs += "deletedBy" + myColor + " = true,";
+ if (!!obj.chatRead) {
+ const myColor = obj.chatRead == 'w' ? "White" : "Black";
+ modifs += "chatRead" + myColor + " = " + Date.now() + ",";
+ }
if (!!obj.score) {
modifs += "score = '" + obj.score + "'," +
"scoreMsg = '" + obj.scoreMsg + "',";