From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:28:24 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: fix arrays reading in C, add type Real for double or float

fix arrays reading in C, add type Real for double or float

diff --git a/src/sources/EMGLLF.c b/src/sources/EMGLLF.c
index 1439416..087116b 100644
--- a/src/sources/EMGLLF.c
+++ b/src/sources/EMGLLF.c
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@
 // TODO: don't recompute indexes every time......
 void EMGLLF_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
-	const float* rhoInit, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
-	const float* piInit,	 // parametre initial des proportions
-	const float* gamInit, // paramètre initial des probabilités a posteriori de chaque échantillon
+	const Real* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
+	const Real* rhoInit, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
+	const Real* piInit,	 // parametre initial des proportions
+	const Real* gamInit, // paramètre initial des probabilités a posteriori de chaque échantillon
 	int mini, // nombre minimal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
 	int maxi, // nombre maximal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
-	float gamma, // puissance des proportions dans la pénalisation pour un Lasso adaptatif
-	float lambda, // valeur du paramètre de régularisation du Lasso
-	const float* X, // régresseurs
-	const float* Y, // réponse
-	float tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
+	Real gamma, // puissance des proportions dans la pénalisation pour un Lasso adaptatif
+	Real lambda, // valeur du paramètre de régularisation du Lasso
+	const Real* X, // régresseurs
+	const Real* Y, // réponse
+	Real tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
 	// OUT parameters (all pointers, to be modified)
-	float* phi, // parametre de moyenne renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
-	float* rho, // parametre de variance renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
-	float* pi, // parametre des proportions renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
-	float* LLF, // log vraisemblance associée à cet échantillon, pour les valeurs estimées des paramètres
-	float* S,
+	Real* phi, // parametre de moyenne renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
+	Real* rho, // parametre de variance renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
+	Real* pi, // parametre des proportions renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
+	Real* LLF, // log vraisemblance associée à cet échantillon, pour les valeurs estimées des paramètres
+	Real* S,
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n, // nombre d'echantillons
 	int p, // nombre de covariables
@@ -37,32 +37,32 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 	//Other local variables
 	//NOTE: variables order is always [maxi],n,p,m,k
-	float* gam = (float*)malloc(n*k*sizeof(float));
+	Real* gam = (Real*)malloc(n*k*sizeof(Real));
 	copyArray(gamInit, gam, n*k);
-	float* b = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
-	float* Phi = (float*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* Rho = (float*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* Pi = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
-	float* gam2 = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
-	float* pi2 = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
-	float* Gram2 = (float*)malloc(p*p*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* ps = (float*)malloc(m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* nY2 = (float*)malloc(m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* ps1 = (float*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* ps2 = (float*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* nY21 = (float*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* Gam = (float*)malloc(n*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* X2 = (float*)malloc(n*p*k*sizeof(float));
-	float* Y2 = (float*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(float));
+	Real* b = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Phi = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Rho = (Real*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Pi = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* gam2 = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* pi2 = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Gram2 = (Real*)malloc(p*p*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* ps = (Real*)malloc(m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* nY2 = (Real*)malloc(m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* ps1 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* ps2 = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* nY21 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Gam = (Real*)malloc(n*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* X2 = (Real*)malloc(n*p*k*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Y2 = (Real*)malloc(n*m*k*sizeof(Real));
 	gsl_matrix* matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(m, m);
 	gsl_permutation* permutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
-	float* YiRhoR = (float*)malloc(m*sizeof(float));
-	float* XiPhiR = (float*)malloc(m*sizeof(float));
-	float dist = 0.;
-	float dist2 = 0.;
+	Real* YiRhoR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* XiPhiR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
+	Real dist = 0.;
+	Real dist2 = 0.;
 	int ite = 0;
-	float EPS = 1e-15;
-	float* dotProducts = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
+	Real EPS = 1e-15;
+	Real* dotProducts = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
 	while (ite < mini || (ite < maxi && (dist >= tau || dist2 >= sqrt(tau))))
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 				for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
-					float dotProduct = 0.;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.;
 					for (int v=0; v<n; v++)
 						dotProduct += X2[ai(v,u,r,n,m,k)] * Y2[ai(v,mm,r,n,m,k)];
 					ps2[ai(u,mm,r,n,m,k)] = dotProduct;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 				for (int s=0; s<p; s++)
-					float dotProduct = 0.;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.;
 					for (int u=0; u<n; u++)
 						dotProduct += X2[ai(u,j,r,n,p,k)] * X2[ai(u,s,r,n,p,k)];
 					Gram2[ai(j,s,r,p,p,k)] = dotProduct;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 		for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 			//b(r) = sum(sum(abs(phi(:,:,r))));
-			float sumAbsPhi = 0.;
+			Real sumAbsPhi = 0.;
 			for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
 				for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
 					sumAbsPhi += fabs(phi[ai(u,v,r,p,m,k)]);
@@ -126,16 +126,16 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 		//gam2 = sum(gam,1);
 		for (int u=0; u<k; u++)
-			float sumOnColumn = 0.;
+			Real sumOnColumn = 0.;
 			for (int v=0; v<n; v++)
 				sumOnColumn += gam[mi(v,u,n,k)];
 			gam2[u] = sumOnColumn;
-		float a = 0.;
+		Real a = 0.;
 		for (int u=0; u<n; u++)
-			float dotProduct = 0.;
+			Real dotProduct = 0.;
 			for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
 				dotProduct += gam[mi(u,v,n,k)] * log(pi[v]);
 			a += dotProduct;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 		//tant que les proportions sont negatives
 		int kk = 0;
 		int pi2AllPositive = 0;
-		float invN = 1./n;
+		Real invN = 1./n;
 		while (!pi2AllPositive)
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 		//t(m) la plus grande valeur dans la grille O.1^k tel que ce soit décroissante ou constante
-		float piPowGammaDotB = 0.;
+		Real piPowGammaDotB = 0.;
 		for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
 			piPowGammaDotB += pow(pi[v],gamma) * b[v];
-		float pi2PowGammaDotB = 0.;
+		Real pi2PowGammaDotB = 0.;
 		for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
 			pi2PowGammaDotB += pow(pi2[v],gamma) * b[v];
-		float prodGam2logPi2 = 0.;
+		Real prodGam2logPi2 = 0.;
 		for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
 			prodGam2logPi2 += gam2[v] * log(pi2[v]);
 		while (-invN*a + lambda*piPowGammaDotB < -invN*prodGam2logPi2 + lambda*pi2PowGammaDotB
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 				prodGam2logPi2 += gam2[v] * log(pi2[v]);
-		float t = pow(0.1,kk);
+		Real t = pow(0.1,kk);
-		float sumPiPlusTbyDiff = 0.;
+		Real sumPiPlusTbyDiff = 0.;
 		for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
 			sumPiPlusTbyDiff += (pi[v] + t*(pi2[v] - pi[v]));
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 				for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
 					//< X2(i,:,r) , phi(:,mm,r) >
-					float dotProduct = 0.0;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
 						dotProduct += X2[ai(i,u,r,n,p,k)] * phi[ai(u,mm,r,n,m,k)];
@@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 					nY21[ai(i,mm,r,n,m,k)] = Y2[ai(i,mm,r,n,m,k)] * Y2[ai(i,mm,r,n,m,k)];
-				float sumPs1 = 0.0;
+				Real sumPs1 = 0.0;
 				for (int u=0; u<n; u++)
 					sumPs1 += ps1[ai(u,mm,r,n,m,k)];
 				ps[mi(mm,r,m,k)] = sumPs1;
-				float sumNy21 = 0.0;
+				Real sumNy21 = 0.0;
 				for (int u=0; u<n; u++)
 					sumNy21 += nY21[ai(u,mm,r,n,m,k)];
 				nY2[mi(mm,r,m,k)] = sumNy21;
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 					// .*transpose(Gram2(j,j+1:p,r)))
-					float dotPhiGram2 = 0.0;
+					Real dotPhiGram2 = 0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<j; u++)
 						dotPhiGram2 += phi[ai(u,mm,r,p,m,k)] * Gram2[ai(j,u,r,p,p,k)];
 					for (int u=j+1; u<p; u++)
@@ -262,12 +262,12 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 		int signum;
-		float sumLogLLF2 = 0.0;
+		Real sumLogLLF2 = 0.0;
 		for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
-			float sumLLF1 = 0.0;
-			float sumGamI = 0.0;
-			float minDotProduct = INFINITY;
+			Real sumLLF1 = 0.0;
+			Real sumGamI = 0.0;
+			Real minDotProduct = INFINITY;
 			for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 				if (dotProducts[r] < minDotProduct)
 					minDotProduct = dotProducts[r];
-			float shift = 0.5*minDotProduct;
+			Real shift = 0.5*minDotProduct;
 			for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 				//compute det(rho(:,:,r)) [TODO: avoid re-computations]
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 						matrix->data[u*m+v] = rho[ai(u,v,r,m,m,k)];
 				gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(matrix, permutation, &signum);
-				float detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrix, signum);
+				Real detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrix, signum);
 				Gam[mi(i,r,n,k)] = pi[r] * detRhoR * exp(-0.5*dotProducts[r] + shift);
 				sumLLF1 += Gam[mi(i,r,n,k)] / pow(2*M_PI,m/2.0);
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
-		float sumPen = 0.0;
+		Real sumPen = 0.0;
 		for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 			sumPen += pow(pi[r],gamma) * b[r];
@@ -338,14 +338,14 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
 			dist = (LLF[ite] - LLF[ite-1]) / (1.0 + fabs(LLF[ite]));
-		float Dist1 = 0.0;
+		Real Dist1 = 0.0;
 		for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
 			for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
 				for (int w=0; w<k; w++)
-					float tmpDist = fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]-Phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]) 
+					Real tmpDist = fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]-Phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]) 
 						/ (1.0+fabs(phi[ai(u,v,w,p,m,k)]));
 					if (tmpDist > Dist1)
 						Dist1 = tmpDist;
@@ -353,14 +353,14 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
-		float Dist2 = 0.0;
+		Real Dist2 = 0.0;
 		for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
 			for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
 				for (int w=0; w<k; w++)
-					float tmpDist = fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]-Rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]) 
+					Real tmpDist = fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]-Rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]) 
 						/ (1.0+fabs(rho[ai(u,v,w,m,m,k)]));
 					if (tmpDist > Dist2)
 						Dist2 = tmpDist;
@@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ void EMGLLF_core(
-		float Dist3 = 0.0;
+		Real Dist3 = 0.0;
 		for (int u=0; u<n; u++)
 			for (int v=0; v<k; v++)
-				float tmpDist = fabs(pi[v]-Pi[v]) / (1.0+fabs(pi[v]));
+				Real tmpDist = fabs(pi[v]-Pi[v]) / (1.0+fabs(pi[v]));
 				if (tmpDist > Dist3)
 					Dist3 = tmpDist;
diff --git a/src/sources/EMGLLF.h b/src/sources/EMGLLF.h
index 005c05b..8f375ff 100644
--- a/src/sources/EMGLLF.h
+++ b/src/sources/EMGLLF.h
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
 #ifndef valse_EMGLLF_H
 #define valse_EMGLLF_H
+#include "utils.h"
 void EMGLLF_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* phiInit,
-	const float* rhoInit,
-	const float* piInit,
-	const float* gamInit,
+	const Real* phiInit,
+	const Real* rhoInit,
+	const Real* piInit,
+	const Real* gamInit,
 	int mini,
 	int maxi,
-	float gamma,
-	float lambda,
-	const float* X,
-	const float* Y,
-	float tau,
+	Real gamma,
+	Real lambda,
+	const Real* X,
+	const Real* Y,
+	Real tau,
 	// OUT parameters
-	float* phi,
-	float* rho,
-	float* pi,
-	float* LLF,
-	float* S,
+	Real* phi,
+	Real* rho,
+	Real* pi,
+	Real* LLF,
+	Real* S,
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,
 	int p,
diff --git a/src/sources/EMGrank.c b/src/sources/EMGrank.c
index 3d5a9c7..2422fc0 100644
--- a/src/sources/EMGrank.c
+++ b/src/sources/EMGrank.c
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 #include "utils.h"
 // Compute pseudo-inverse of a square matrix
-static float* pinv(const float* matrix, int dim)
+static Real* pinv(const Real* matrix, int dim)
 	gsl_matrix* U = gsl_matrix_alloc(dim,dim);
 	gsl_matrix* V = gsl_matrix_alloc(dim,dim);
 	gsl_vector* S = gsl_vector_alloc(dim);
 	gsl_vector* work = gsl_vector_alloc(dim);
-	float EPS = 1e-10; //threshold for singular value "== 0"
+	Real EPS = 1e-10; //threshold for singular value "== 0"
 	//copy matrix into U
 	copyArray(matrix, U->data, dim*dim);
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ static float* pinv(const float* matrix, int dim)
 	// Obtain pseudo-inverse by V*S^{-1}*t(U)
-	float* inverse = (float*)malloc(dim*dim*sizeof(float));
+	Real* inverse = (Real*)malloc(dim*dim*sizeof(Real));
 	for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
 		for (int ii=0; ii<dim; ii++)
-			float dotProduct = 0.0;
+			Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 			for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
 				dotProduct += V->data[i*dim+j] * (S->data[j] > EPS ? 1.0/S->data[j] : 0.0) * U->data[ii*dim+j];
 			inverse[i*dim+ii] = dotProduct;
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ static float* pinv(const float* matrix, int dim)
 // TODO: comment EMGrank purpose
 void EMGrank_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* Pi, // parametre de proportion
-	const float* Rho, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
+	const Real* Pi, // parametre de proportion
+	const Real* Rho, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
 	int mini, // nombre minimal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
 	int maxi, // nombre maximal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
-	const float* X, // régresseurs
-	const float* Y, // réponse
-	float tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
+	const Real* X, // régresseurs
+	const Real* Y, // réponse
+	Real tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
 	const int* rank, // vecteur des rangs possibles
 	// OUT parameters
-	float* phi, // parametre de moyenne renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
-	float* LLF, // log vraisemblance associé à cet échantillon, pour les valeurs estimées des paramètres
+	Real* phi, // parametre de moyenne renormalisé, calculé par l'EM
+	Real* LLF, // log vraisemblance associé à cet échantillon, pour les valeurs estimées des paramètres
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n, // taille de l'echantillon
 	int p, // nombre de covariables
@@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 	int k) // nombre de composantes
 	// Allocations, initializations
-	float* Phi = (float*)calloc(p*m*k,sizeof(float));
-	float* hatBetaR = (float*)malloc(p*m*sizeof(float));
+	Real* Phi = (Real*)calloc(p*m*k,sizeof(Real));
+	Real* hatBetaR = (Real*)malloc(p*m*sizeof(Real));
 	int signum;
-	float invN = 1.0/n;
+	Real invN = 1.0/n;
 	int deltaPhiBufferSize = 20;
-	float* deltaPhi = (float*)malloc(deltaPhiBufferSize*sizeof(float));
+	Real* deltaPhi = (Real*)malloc(deltaPhiBufferSize*sizeof(Real));
 	int ite = 0;
-	float sumDeltaPhi = 0.0;
-	float* YiRhoR = (float*)malloc(m*sizeof(float));
-	float* XiPhiR = (float*)malloc(m*sizeof(float));
-	float* Xr = (float*)malloc(n*p*sizeof(float));
-	float* Yr = (float*)malloc(n*m*sizeof(float));
-	float* tXrXr = (float*)malloc(p*p*sizeof(float));
-	float* tXrYr = (float*)malloc(p*m*sizeof(float));
+	Real sumDeltaPhi = 0.0;
+	Real* YiRhoR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* XiPhiR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Xr = (Real*)malloc(n*p*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* Yr = (Real*)malloc(n*m*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* tXrXr = (Real*)malloc(p*p*sizeof(Real));
+	Real* tXrYr = (Real*)malloc(p*m*sizeof(Real));
 	gsl_matrix* matrixM = gsl_matrix_alloc(p, m);
 	gsl_matrix* matrixE = gsl_matrix_alloc(m, m);
 	gsl_permutation* permutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 				for (int jj=0; jj<p; jj++)
-					float dotProduct = 0.0;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<cardClustR; u++)
 						dotProduct += Xr[mi(u,j,n,p)] * Xr[mi(u,jj,n,p)];
 					tXrXr[mi(j,jj,p,p)] = dotProduct;
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 			//Get pseudo inverse = (t(Xr)*Xr)^{-1}
-			float* invTXrXr = pinv(tXrXr, p);
+			Real* invTXrXr = pinv(tXrXr, p);
 			// Compute tXrYr = t(Xr) * Yr
 			for (int j=0; j<p; j++)
 				for (int jj=0; jj<m; jj++)
-					float dotProduct = 0.0;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<cardClustR; u++)
 						dotProduct += Xr[mi(u,j,n,p)] * Yr[mi(u,j,n,m)];
 					tXrYr[mi(j,jj,p,m)] = dotProduct;
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 				for (int jj=0; jj<m; jj++)
-					float dotProduct = 0.0;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<p; u++)
 						dotProduct += invTXrXr[mi(j,u,p,p)] * tXrYr[mi(u,jj,p,m)];
 					matrixM->data[j*m+jj] = dotProduct;
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 				S->data[j] = 0.0;
 			//[intermediate step] Compute hatBetaR = U * S * t(V)
-			double* U = matrixM->data;
+			double* U = matrixM->data; //GSL require double precision
 			for (int j=0; j<p; j++)
 				for (int jj=0; jj<m; jj++)
-					float dotProduct = 0.0;
+					Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
 						dotProduct += U[j*m+u] * S->data[u] * V->data[jj*m+u];
 					hatBetaR[mi(j,jj,p,m)] = dotProduct;
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 				for (int jj=0; jj<m; jj++)
-					float dotProduct=0.0;
+					Real dotProduct=0.0;
 					for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
 						dotProduct += hatBetaR[mi(j,u,p,m)] * Rho[ai(u,jj,r,m,m,k)];
 					phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)] = dotProduct;
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 		// Etape E //
-		float sumLogLLF2 = 0.0;
+		Real sumLogLLF2 = 0.0;
 		for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
-			float sumLLF1 = 0.0;
-			float maxLogGamIR = -INFINITY;
+			Real sumLLF1 = 0.0;
+			Real maxLogGamIR = -INFINITY;
 			for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 						matrixE->data[j*m+jj] = Rho[ai(j,jj,r,m,m,k)];
 				gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(matrixE, permutation, &signum);
-				float detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrixE, signum);
+				Real detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrixE, signum);
 				//compute Y(i,:)*Rho(:,:,r)
 				for (int j=0; j<m; j++)
@@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 				//compute dotProduct < Y(:,i)*rho(:,:,r)-X(i,:)*phi(:,:,r) . Y(:,i)*rho(:,:,r)-X(i,:)*phi(:,:,r) >
-				float dotProduct = 0.0;
+				Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 				for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
 					dotProduct += (YiRhoR[u]-XiPhiR[u]) * (YiRhoR[u]-XiPhiR[u]);
-				float logGamIR = log(Pi[r]) + log(detRhoR) - 0.5*dotProduct;
+				Real logGamIR = log(Pi[r]) + log(detRhoR) - 0.5*dotProduct;
 				//Z(i) = index of max (gam(i,:))
 				if (logGamIR > maxLogGamIR)
@@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ void EMGrank_core(
 		*LLF = -invN * sumLogLLF2;
 		//newDeltaPhi = max(max((abs(phi-Phi))./(1+abs(phi))));
-		float newDeltaPhi = 0.0;
+		Real newDeltaPhi = 0.0;
 		for (int j=0; j<p; j++)
 			for (int jj=0; jj<m; jj++)
 				for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
-					float tmpDist = fabs(phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)]-Phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)])
+					Real tmpDist = fabs(phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)]-Phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)])
 						/ (1.0+fabs(phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)]));
 					if (tmpDist > newDeltaPhi)
 						newDeltaPhi = tmpDist;
diff --git a/src/sources/EMGrank.h b/src/sources/EMGrank.h
index 92c3f73..b7367d8 100644
--- a/src/sources/EMGrank.h
+++ b/src/sources/EMGrank.h
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
 #ifndef valse_EMGrank_H
 #define valse_EMGrank_H
+#include "utils.h"
 void EMGrank_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* Pi,
-	const float* Rho,
+	const Real* Pi,
+	const Real* Rho,
 	int mini,
 	int maxi,
-	const float* X,
-	const float* Y,
-	float tau,
+	const Real* X,
+	const Real* Y,
+	Real tau,
 	const int* rank,
 	// OUT parameters
-	float* phi,
-	float* LLF,
+	Real* phi,
+	Real* LLF,
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,
 	int p,
diff --git a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.c b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.c
index a48f7d0..6b92094 100644
--- a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.c
+++ b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.c
@@ -7,25 +7,25 @@
 // TODO: comment on constructionModelesLassoMLE purpose
 void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
-	const float* rhoInit, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
-	const float* piInit,// parametre initial des proportions
-	const float* gamInit, // paramètre initial des probabilités a posteriori de chaque échantillon
+	const Real* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
+	const Real* rhoInit, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
+	const Real* piInit,// parametre initial des proportions
+	const Real* gamInit, // paramètre initial des probabilités a posteriori de chaque échantillon
 	int mini,// nombre minimal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
 	int maxi,// nombre maximal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
-	float gamma,// valeur de gamma : puissance des proportions dans la pénalisation pour un Lasso adaptatif
-	const float* glambda, // valeur des paramètres de régularisation du Lasso
-	const float* X, // régresseurs
-	const float* Y, // réponse
-	float seuil,// seuil pour prendre en compte une variable
-	float tau,// seuil pour accepter la convergence
+	Real gamma,// valeur de gamma : puissance des proportions dans la pénalisation pour un Lasso adaptatif
+	const Real* glambda, // valeur des paramètres de régularisation du Lasso
+	const Real* X, // régresseurs
+	const Real* Y, // réponse
+	Real seuil,// seuil pour prendre en compte une variable
+	Real tau,// seuil pour accepter la convergence
 	const int* A1, // matrice des coefficients des parametres selectionnes
 	const int* A2, // matrice des coefficients des parametres non selectionnes
 	// OUT parameters
-	float* phi,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
-	float* rho,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
-	float* pi, // estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
-	float* lvraisemblance, // estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* phi,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* rho,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* pi, // estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* lvraisemblance, // estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n, // taille de l'echantillon
 	int p, // nombre de covariables
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 		//Xa = X(:,a)
-		float* Xa = (float*)malloc(n*lengthA*sizeof(float));
+		Real* Xa = (Real*)malloc(n*lengthA*sizeof(Real));
 		for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
 			for (int j=0; j<lengthA; j++)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 		//phia = phiInit(a,:,:)
-		float* phia = (float*)malloc(lengthA*m*k*sizeof(float));
+		Real* phia = (Real*)malloc(lengthA*m*k*sizeof(Real));
 		for (int j=0; j<lengthA; j++)
 			for (int mm=0; mm<m; mm++)
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 		//[phiLambda,rhoLambda,piLambda,~,~] = EMGLLF(...
 		//	phiInit(a,:,:),rhoInit,piInit,gamInit,mini,maxi,gamma,0,X(:,a),Y,tau);
-		float* phiLambda = (float*)malloc(lengthA*m*k*sizeof(float));
-		float* rhoLambda = (float*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(float));
-		float* piLambda = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
-		float* LLF = (float*)malloc((maxi+1)*sizeof(float));
-		float* S = (float*)malloc(lengthA*m*k*sizeof(float));
+		Real* phiLambda = (Real*)malloc(lengthA*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* rhoLambda = (Real*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* piLambda = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* LLF = (Real*)malloc((maxi+1)*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* S = (Real*)malloc(lengthA*m*k*sizeof(Real));
@@ -154,12 +154,12 @@ void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 		int signum;
-		float* densite = (float*)calloc(L*n,sizeof(float));
-		float sumLogDensit = 0.0;
+		Real* densite = (Real*)calloc(L*n,sizeof(Real));
+		Real sumLogDensit = 0.0;
 		gsl_matrix* matrix = gsl_matrix_alloc(m, m);
 		gsl_permutation* permutation = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
-		float* YiRhoR = (float*)malloc(m*sizeof(float));
-		float* XiPhiR = (float*)malloc(m*sizeof(float));
+		Real* YiRhoR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* XiPhiR = (Real*)malloc(m*sizeof(Real));
 		for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
 			//~ for r=1:k
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 						matrix->data[u*m+v] = rho[ai4(u,v,r,lambdaIndex,m,m,k,L)];
 				gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(matrix, permutation, &signum);
-				float detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrix, signum);
+				Real detRhoR = gsl_linalg_LU_det(matrix, signum);
 				//compute Y(i,:)*rho(:,:,r,lambdaIndex)
 				for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 				// On peut remplacer X par Xa dans ce dernier calcul, mais je ne sais pas si c'est intéressant ...
 				// compute dotProduct < delta . delta >
-				float dotProduct = 0.0;
+				Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 				for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
 					dotProduct += (YiRhoR[u]-XiPhiR[u]) * (YiRhoR[u]-XiPhiR[u]);
diff --git a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.h b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.h
index 2058e48..992c2c7 100644
--- a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.h
+++ b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoMLE.h
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
 #ifndef valse_constructionModelesLassoMLE_H
 #define valse_constructionModelesLassoMLE_H
+#include "utils.h"
 void constructionModelesLassoMLE_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* phiInit,
-	const float* rhoInit,
-	const float* piInit,
-	const float* gamInit,
+	const Real* phiInit,
+	const Real* rhoInit,
+	const Real* piInit,
+	const Real* gamInit,
 	int mini,
 	int maxi,
-	float gamma,
-	const float* glambda,
-	const float* X,
-	const float* Y,
-	float seuil,
-	float tau,
+	Real gamma,
+	const Real* glambda,
+	const Real* X,
+	const Real* Y,
+	Real seuil,
+	Real tau,
 	const int* A1,
 	const int* A2,
 	// OUT parameters
-	float* phi,
-	float* rho,
-	float* pi,
-	float* lvraisemblance,
+	Real* phi,
+	Real* rho,
+	Real* pi,
+	Real* lvraisemblance,
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,
 	int p,
diff --git a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.c b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.c
index 031e76c..8eee0eb 100644
--- a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.c
+++ b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.c
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 // TODO: comment on constructionModelesLassoRank purpose
 void constructionModelesLassoRank_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* Pi,// parametre initial des proportions
-	const float* Rho, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
+	const Real* Pi,// parametre initial des proportions
+	const Real* Rho, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
 	int mini, // nombre minimal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
 	int maxi, // nombre maximal d'itérations dans l'algorithme EM
-	const float* X,// régresseurs
-	const float* Y,// réponse
-	float tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
+	const Real* X,// régresseurs
+	const Real* Y,// réponse
+	Real tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
 	const int* A1, // matrice des coefficients des parametres selectionnes
 	int rangmin,	//rang minimum autorisé
 	int rangmax,	//rang maximum autorisé
 	// OUT parameters (all pointers, to be modified)
-	float* phi,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
-	float* lvraisemblance,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* phi,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* lvraisemblance,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,// taille de l'echantillon
 	int p,// nombre de covariables
@@ -73,24 +73,24 @@ for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 		//from now on, longueurActive > 0
-		float* phiLambda = (float*)malloc(longueurActive*m*k*sizeof(float));
-		float LLF;
+		Real* phiLambda = (Real*)malloc(longueurActive*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real LLF;
 		for (int j=0; j<Size; j++)
 			//[phiLambda,LLF] = EMGrank(Pi(:,lambdaIndex),Rho(:,:,:,lambdaIndex),mini,maxi,X(:,active),Y,tau,Rank(j,:));
 			int* rank = (int*)malloc(k*sizeof(int));
 			for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 				rank[r] = Rank[mi(j,r,Size,k)];
-			float* Xactive = (float*)malloc(n*longueurActive*sizeof(float));
+			Real* Xactive = (Real*)malloc(n*longueurActive*sizeof(Real));
 			for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
 				for (int jj=0; jj<longueurActive; jj++)
 					Xactive[mi(i,jj,n,longueurActive)] = X[mi(i,active[jj],n,p)];
-			float* PiLambda = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
+			Real* PiLambda = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
 			for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 				PiLambda[r] = Pi[mi(r,lambdaIndex,k,L)];
-			float* RhoLambda = (float*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(float));
+			Real* RhoLambda = (Real*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(Real));
 			for (int u=0; u<m; u++)
 				for (int v=0; v<m; v++)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 			//lvraisemblance((lambdaIndex-1)*Size+j,:) = [LLF, dot(Rank(j,:), length(active)-Rank(j,:)+m)];
 			lvraisemblance[mi(lambdaIndex*Size+j,0,L*Size,2)] = LLF;
 			//dot(Rank(j,:), length(active)-Rank(j,:)+m)
-			float dotProduct = 0.0;
+			Real dotProduct = 0.0;
 			for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 				dotProduct += Rank[mi(j,r,Size,k)] * (longueurActive-Rank[mi(j,r,Size,k)]+m);
 			lvraisemblance[mi(lambdaIndex*Size+j,1,Size*L,2)] = dotProduct;
diff --git a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.h b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.h
index 60f6623..91a71d8 100644
--- a/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.h
+++ b/src/sources/constructionModelesLassoRank.h
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
 #ifndef valse_constructionModelesLassoRank_H
 #define valse_constructionModelesLassoRank_H
+#include "utils.h"
 // Main job on raw inputs (after transformation from mxArray)
 void constructionModelesLassoRank_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* Pi,
-	const float* Rho,
+	const Real* Pi,
+	const Real* Rho,
 	int mini,
 	int maxi,
-	const float* X,
-	const float* Y,
-	float tau,
+	const Real* X,
+	const Real* Y,
+	Real tau,
 	const int* A1,
 	int rangmin,
 	int rangmax,
 	// OUT parameters
-	float* phi,
-	float* lvraisemblance,
+	Real* phi,
+	Real* lvraisemblance,
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,
 	int p,
diff --git a/src/sources/selectiontotale.c b/src/sources/selectiontotale.c
index 3b2e015..8c1b768 100644
--- a/src/sources/selectiontotale.c
+++ b/src/sources/selectiontotale.c
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 // Main job on raw inputs (after transformation from mxArray)
 void selectiontotale_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
-	const float* rhoInit, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
-	const float* piInit,// parametre initial des proportions
-	const float* gamInit, // paramètre initial des probabilités a posteriori de chaque échantillon
+	const Real* phiInit, // parametre initial de moyenne renormalisé
+	const Real* rhoInit, // parametre initial de variance renormalisé
+	const Real* piInit,// parametre initial des proportions
+	const Real* gamInit, // paramètre initial des probabilités a posteriori de chaque échantillon
 	int mini, // nombre minimal d'itérations dans lambdaIndex'algorithme EM
 	int maxi, // nombre maximal d'itérations dans lambdaIndex'algorithme EM
-	float gamma, // valeur de gamma : puissance des proportions dans la pénalisation pour un Lasso adaptatif
-	const float* glambda, // valeur des paramètres de régularisation du Lasso
-	const float* X,// régresseurs
-	const float* Y,// réponse
-	float seuil, // seuil pour prendre en compte une variable
-	float tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
+	Real gamma, // valeur de gamma : puissance des proportions dans la pénalisation pour un Lasso adaptatif
+	const Real* glambda, // valeur des paramètres de régularisation du Lasso
+	const Real* X,// régresseurs
+	const Real* Y,// réponse
+	Real seuil, // seuil pour prendre en compte une variable
+	Real tau, // seuil pour accepter la convergence
 	// OUT parameters (all pointers, to be modified)
 	int* A1, // matrice des coefficients des parametres selectionnes
 	int* A2, // matrice des coefficients des parametres non selectionnes
-	float* Rho,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
-	float* Pi,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* Rho,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
+	Real* Pi,// estimateur ainsi calculé par le Lasso
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,// taille de lambdaIndex'echantillon
 	int p,// nombre de covariables
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ void selectiontotale_core(
 	for (lambdaIndex=0; lambdaIndex<L; lambdaIndex++)
 		//allocate output variables
-		float* phi = (float*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(float));
-		float* rho = (float*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(float));
-		float* pi = (float*)malloc(k*sizeof(float));
-		float* LLF = (float*)malloc(maxi*sizeof(float));
-		float* S = (float*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(float));
+		Real* phi = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* rho = (Real*)malloc(m*m*k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* pi = (Real*)malloc(k*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* LLF = (Real*)malloc(maxi*sizeof(Real));
+		Real* S = (Real*)malloc(p*m*k*sizeof(Real));
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void selectiontotale_core(
 			int cpt2 = 0;
 			for (int jj=0; jj<m; jj++)
-				float maxPhi = 0.0;
+				Real maxPhi = 0.0;
 				for (int r=0; r<k; r++)
 					if (fabs(phi[ai(j,jj,r,p,m,k)]) > maxPhi)
diff --git a/src/sources/selectiontotale.h b/src/sources/selectiontotale.h
index d225592..fea6e39 100644
--- a/src/sources/selectiontotale.h
+++ b/src/sources/selectiontotale.h
@@ -1,26 +1,28 @@
 #ifndef valse_selectiontotale_H
 #define valse_selectiontotale_H
+#include "utils.h"
 // Main job on raw inputs (after transformation from mxArray)
 void selectiontotale_core(
 	// IN parameters
-	const float* phiInit,
-	const float* rhoInit,
-	const float* piInit,
-	const float* gamInit,
+	const Real* phiInit,
+	const Real* rhoInit,
+	const Real* piInit,
+	const Real* gamInit,
 	int mini,
 	int maxi,
-	float gamma,
-	const float* glambda,
-	const float* X,
-	const float* Y,
-	float seuil,
-	float tau,
+	Real gamma,
+	const Real* glambda,
+	const Real* X,
+	const Real* Y,
+	Real seuil,
+	Real tau,
 	// OUT parameters
 	int* A1,
 	int* A2,
-	float* Rho,
-	float* Pi,
+	Real* Rho,
+	Real* Pi,
 	// additional size parameters
 	int n,
 	int p,
diff --git a/src/sources/utils.h b/src/sources/utils.h
index 0c5a8d8..b33c69e 100644
--- a/src/sources/utils.h
+++ b/src/sources/utils.h
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
 #ifndef valse_utils_H
 #define valse_utils_H
+//#include <stdint.h>
+ * Types
+ *******/
+typedef float Real;
+//typedef uint32_t UInt;
+//typedef int32_t Int;
  * tune parallelism
diff --git a/src/test/Makefile b/src/test/Makefile
index 459a5cb..71c2342 100644
--- a/src/test/Makefile
+++ b/src/test/Makefile
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ all: $(LIB) test.EMGLLF test.EMGrank test.constructionModelesLassoMLE test.EMGra
 $(LIB): $(LIB_OBJ)
 	$(CC) -shared -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
-test.EMGLLF: test.EMGLLF.o utils.o
+test.EMGLLF: test.EMGLLF.o test_utils.o
 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
-test.constructionModelesLassoMLE: test.constructionModelesLassoMLE.o utils.o
+test.constructionModelesLassoMLE: test.constructionModelesLassoMLE.o test_utils.o
 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
-test.EMGrank: test.EMGrank.o utils.o
+test.EMGrank: test.EMGrank.o test_utils.o
 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
-test.constructionModelesLassoRank: test.constructionModelesLassoRank.o utils.o
+test.constructionModelesLassoRank: test.constructionModelesLassoRank.o test_utils.o
 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
-test.selectionTotale: test.selectionTotale.o utils.o
+test.selectionTotale: test.selectionTotale.o test_utils.o
 	$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
 %.o: %.c
diff --git a/src/test/OUT b/src/test/OUT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d695287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/OUT
@@ -0,0 +1,1629 @@
+==8976== Memcheck, a memory error detector
+==8976== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
+==8976== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
+==8976== Command: ./test.EMGLLF
+==8976== Invalid write of size 4
+==8976==    at 0x59E9535: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:228)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976==  Address 0x697c470 is 0 bytes after a block of size 1,200 alloc'd
+==8976==    at 0x4C2AB8D: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x400B3D: main (test.EMGLLF.c:37)
+==8976== Invalid read of size 4
+==8976==    at 0x59E90DD: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:212)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976==  Address 0x697c4f0 is 16 bytes before a block of size 40 alloc'd
+==8976==    at 0x4C2AB8D: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x400B67: main (test.EMGLLF.c:39)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E58278: sqrt (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E94E4: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:228)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59E9872: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:248)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59E9958: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:250)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59E9F8D: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:300)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E97935: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E979DE: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E979E3: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E979F3: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E97A18: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E97A71: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E97A77: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E575C1: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E575CB: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E575CD: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57DA8: log (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98368: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98376: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983B5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983F5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98441: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98493: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984FC: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98549: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A4: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA280: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:319)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA2E0: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:325)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E97AA6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA5FF: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:350)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E58278: sqrt (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E82C1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:80)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E58278: sqrt (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E838F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:86)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59E89D8: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:156)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57DA8: log (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98368: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98376: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983B5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983F5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98441: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98493: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984FC: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98549: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A4: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59E8E86: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:178)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8D20: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:187)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8D20: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:187)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8D20: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:187)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8D20: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:187)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8D20: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:187)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57DA8: log (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98368: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98376: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983B5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983F5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98441: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98493: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984FC: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98549: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A4: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8DE1: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:190)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9861: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:248)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9861: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:248)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9861: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:248)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9861: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:248)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9861: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:248)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9943: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:250)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9943: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:250)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9943: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:250)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9943: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:250)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9943: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:250)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9AF3: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:254)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9AF3: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:254)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9AF3: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:254)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9AF3: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:254)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E9AF3: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:254)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E99DC: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:251)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E99DC: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:251)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E99DC: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:251)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E99DC: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:251)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E99DC: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:251)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E97ABE: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E97C6E: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E5759E: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E575E0: exp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA179: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:315)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA38F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:332)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E48B9D: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x4E57E73: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA38F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:332)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA38F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:332)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA38F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:332)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59EA38F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:332)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA8A0: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:377)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA8F7: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:383)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA912: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:385)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== More than 100 errors detected.  Subsequent errors
+==8976== will still be recorded, but in less detail than before.
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57DA8: log (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98368: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98376: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983B5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E983F5: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98441: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E98493: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4E984FC: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E98549: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A4: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E985A6: ??? (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8807: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:140)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57E9B: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8A4F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:169)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA5: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8A4F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:169)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57EA7: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8A4F: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:169)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57F24: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57F48: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57F4A: pow (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8AEA: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:173)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57DC0: log (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4E57DC2: log (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x59E8BAB: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:177)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA94B: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:67)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x59EA977: EMGLLF_core (EMGLLF.c:67)
+==8976==    by 0x400C03: main (test.EMGLLF.c:45)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x400EE4: compareArray (test_utils.c:19)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400C89: main (test.EMGLLF.c:58)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x400F09: compareArray (test_utils.c:22)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3A458: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3A472: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C33A90: __mpn_extract_double (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A4A1: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3A516: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3A51E: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BB67: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C327D8: __mpn_lshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3BB6B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C327DB: __mpn_lshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3BB6B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BBA2: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BBD1: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BD46: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3C1C8: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32D74: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3C1E3: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32DFF: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3C1E3: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32E72: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3C1E3: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3C1F7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3C206: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C328E8: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3C3F5: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3290D: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3C3F5: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F89: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32D74: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F90: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32D98: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F90: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3A7CB: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B151: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F89: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B18E: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B1BD: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B1C3: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B6AC: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3AAE2: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3ABDD: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B3ED: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B5F1: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B5D2: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400D29: main (test.EMGLLF.c:68)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3AF68: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BB19: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C327D8: __mpn_lshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3BB1D: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C327DB: __mpn_lshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3BB1D: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BB43: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3BB55: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3AFA1: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B053: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EED3: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B013: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EFEB: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B013: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4C2F001: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B013: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EF43: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B013: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B01C: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B022: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C322EA: __mpn_cmp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B1FC: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C322EE: __mpn_cmp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B1FC: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C322F5: __mpn_cmp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B1FC: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B203: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EED3: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B224: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EF40: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B224: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EF43: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B224: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x4C2EF4E: memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B224: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B22D: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32D74: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C32A2F: __mpn_mul (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B07E: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32DFF: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C32A2F: __mpn_mul (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B07E: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32E72: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C32A2F: __mpn_mul (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B07E: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32A40: __mpn_mul (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B07E: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B2A6: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B2B6: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B2BA: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3C602: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3C617: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B345: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C328E8: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B369: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3290D: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B369: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C32895: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B38B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C328BC: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B38B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C328E6: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B38B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C328E8: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B38B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C328F9: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B38B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3290D: __mpn_rshift (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B38B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B39D: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EAD: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32675: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32678: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C32689: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3268F: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C326A0: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C326AF: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C326B7: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C326E3: __mpn_divrem (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39F05: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F12: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F1A: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F2E: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F34: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32D74: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39EC4: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C32D98: __mpn_mul_1 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C39EC4: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EC8: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EDA: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A70B: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F12: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F1A: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F2E: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F34: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EC8: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B124: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C3B128: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EDA: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3A7C7: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F12: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F1A: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F2E: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39F34: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EC8: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
+==8976==    at 0x5C39EDA: hack_digit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3B16F: __printf_fp_l (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C37CD1: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400F25: compareArray (test_utils.c:23)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400DCC: main (test.EMGLLF.c:78)
+==8976== Syscall param write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s)
+==8976==    at 0x5CCB530: __write_nocancel (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C62866: _IO_file_write@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C61BB1: new_do_write (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C63938: _IO_do_write@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C6552B: _IO_flush_all_lockp (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C656F4: _IO_cleanup (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C25932: __run_exit_handlers (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C259E9: exit (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C10297: (below main) (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==  Address 0x699db91 is 177 bytes inside a block of size 4,096 alloc'd
+==8976==    at 0x4C2AB8D: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
+==8976==    by 0x5C56AB1: _IO_file_doallocate (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C64AD5: _IO_doallocbuf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C63E37: _IO_file_overflow@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C62F05: _IO_file_xsputn@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C36EA5: vfprintf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x5C3F278: printf (in /usr/lib/
+==8976==    by 0x400E31: compareArray (test_utils.c:12)
+==8976==    by 0x400F6A: compareArray_real (test_utils.c:30)
+==8976==    by 0x400C89: main (test.EMGLLF.c:58)
+Checking phi
+    Inaccuracy: max(abs(error)) = 0.484829 >= 1e-05
+Checking rho
+    Inaccuracy: max(abs(error)) = 1.36056 >= 1e-05
+Checking pi
+    Inaccuracy: max(abs(error)) = 0.145946 >= 1e-05
+Checking LLF
+    Inaccuracy: max(abs(error)) = 14.0083 >= 1e-05
+Checking S
+    Inaccuracy: max(abs(error)) = 130.206 >= 1e-05
+==8976== HEAP SUMMARY:
+==8976==     in use at exit: 523 bytes in 18 blocks
+==8976==   total heap usage: 168 allocs, 150 frees, 348,490 bytes allocated
+==8976== LEAK SUMMARY:
+==8976==    definitely lost: 515 bytes in 17 blocks
+==8976==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==8976==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==8976==    still reachable: 8 bytes in 1 blocks
+==8976==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==8976== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
+==8976== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
+==8976== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
+==8976== ERROR SUMMARY: 68204 errors from 232 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
diff --git a/src/test/test.ConstructionModelesLassoMLE.c b/src/test/test.ConstructionModelesLassoMLE.c
index 198d5a8..e9c7678 100644
--- a/src/test/test.ConstructionModelesLassoMLE.c
+++ b/src/test/test.ConstructionModelesLassoMLE.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "constructionModelesLassoMLE.h"
-#include "ioutils.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
diff --git a/src/test/test.EMGLLF.c b/src/test/test.EMGLLF.c
index 8f6b2b1..db38f14 100644
--- a/src/test/test.EMGLLF.c
+++ b/src/test/test.EMGLLF.c
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 #include "EMGLLF.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
 	int* dimensions = readArray_int("dimensions");
@@ -40,7 +42,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
 	// Call to EMGLLF //
diff --git a/src/test/test.EMGrank.c b/src/test/test.EMGrank.c
index 59a68d0..80263a0 100644
--- a/src/test/test.EMGrank.c
+++ b/src/test/test.EMGrank.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "EMGrank.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
diff --git a/src/test/test.constructionModelesLassoRank.c b/src/test/test.constructionModelesLassoRank.c
index 1060e20..cf95bc4 100644
--- a/src/test/test.constructionModelesLassoRank.c
+++ b/src/test/test.constructionModelesLassoRank.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "constructionModelesLassoRank.h"
-#include "ioutils.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
diff --git a/src/test/test.selectiontotale.c b/src/test/test.selectiontotale.c
index ebfdf19..2553d05 100644
--- a/src/test/test.selectiontotale.c
+++ b/src/test/test.selectiontotale.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #include "selectiontotale.h"
-#include "ioutils.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
diff --git a/src/test/utils.c b/src/test/test_utils.c
similarity index 91%
rename from src/test/utils.c
rename to src/test/test_utils.c
index 2eac0c2..7fc240e 100644
--- a/src/test/utils.c
+++ b/src/test/test_utils.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include "utils.h"
 // Check if array == refArray
 void compareArray(const char* ID, const void* array, const void* refArray, int size,
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ void* readArray(const char* fileName, int isinteger)
 	void* array = malloc(n*elementSize);
 	for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+		fgets(bufferNum, 64, arrayFile);
 		// transform buffer content into float or int, and store it at appropriate location
 		if (isinteger)
 			((int*)array)[i] = atoi(bufferNum);
@@ -85,10 +87,16 @@ float* readArray_real(const char* fileName)
 int read_int(const char* fileName)
-	return readArray_int(fileName)[0];
+	int* array = readArray_int(fileName);
+	int res = array[0];
+	free(array);
+	return res;
 float read_real(const char* fileName)
-	return readArray_real(fileName)[0];
+	Real* array = readArray_real(fileName);
+	Real res = array[0];
+	free(array);
+	return res;
diff --git a/src/test/utils.h b/src/test/test_utils.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/test/utils.h
rename to src/test/test_utils.h