// Graphical (can use variables defined above)
this.containerId = o.element;
this.isDiagram = o.diagram;
+ this.marks = o.marks;
setupPieces(r) {
- // TODO: d_pieces : only markers (for diagrams) / also in rescale()
- if (this.g_pieces) {
- // Refreshing: delete old pieces first
- for (let i=0; i<this.size.x; i++) {
- for (let j=0; j<this.size.y; j++) {
- if (this.g_pieces[i][j]) {
- this.g_pieces[i][j].remove();
- this.g_pieces[i][j] = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- this.g_pieces = ArrayFun.init(this.size.x, this.size.y, null);
let chessboard =
if (!r)
r = chessboard.getBoundingClientRect();
const pieceWidth = this.getPieceWidth(r.width);
+ const addPiece = (i, j, arrName, classes) => {
+ this[arrName][i][j] = document.createElement("piece");
+ C.AddClass_es(this[arrName][i][j], classes);
+ this[arrName][i][j].style.width = pieceWidth + "px";
+ this[arrName][i][j].style.height = pieceWidth + "px";
+ let [ip, jp] = this.getPixelPosition(i, j, r);
+ // Translate coordinates to use chessboard as reference:
+ this[arrName][i][j].style.transform =
+ `translate(${ip - r.x}px,${jp - r.y}px)`;
+ chessboard.appendChild(this[arrName][i][j]);
+ };
+ const conditionalReset = (arrName) => {
+ if (this[arrName]) {
+ // Refreshing: delete old pieces first. This isn't necessary,
+ // but simpler (this method isn't called many times)
+ for (let i=0; i<this.size.x; i++) {
+ for (let j=0; j<this.size.y; j++) {
+ if (this[arrName][i][j]) {
+ this[arrName][i][j].remove();
+ this[arrName][i][j] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ this[arrName] = ArrayFun.init(this.size.x, this.size.y, null);
+ if (arrName == "d_pieces")
+ this.marks.forEach(([i, j]) => addPiece(i, j, arrName, "mark"));
+ };
+ if (this.marks)
+ conditionalReset("d_pieces");
+ conditionalReset("g_pieces");
for (let i=0; i < this.size.x; i++) {
for (let j=0; j < this.size.y; j++) {
if (this.board[i][j] != "") {
const color = this.getColor(i, j);
const piece = this.getPiece(i, j);
- this.g_pieces[i][j] = document.createElement("piece");
- C.AddClass_es(this.g_pieces[i][j],
- this.pieces(color, i, j)[piece]["class"]);
+ addPiece(i, j, "g_pieces", this.pieces(color, i, j)[piece]["class"]);
- this.g_pieces[i][j].style.width = pieceWidth + "px";
- this.g_pieces[i][j].style.height = pieceWidth + "px";
- let [ip, jp] = this.getPixelPosition(i, j, r);
- // Translate coordinates to use chessboard as reference:
- this.g_pieces[i][j].style.transform =
- `translate(${ip - r.x}px,${jp - r.y}px)`;
if (this.enlightened && !this.enlightened[i][j])
- chessboard.appendChild(this.g_pieces[i][j]);
+ }
+ if (this.marks && this.d_pieces[i][j]) {
+ let classes = ["mark"];
+ if (this.board[i][j] != "")
+ classes.push("transparent");
+ addPiece(i, j, "d_pieces", classes);
- if (this.hasReserve && !this.isDiagram)
+ if (this.hasReserve)
--- /dev/null
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<p>The king cannot castle, and pawns don't capture en passant.</p>
<div class="diag"
- data-fen='qbbrrnek/pppppppp/5n2/8/1BwP4/3m4/PPP1PPPP/QBNN1KRR b 3 {"flags":"1111"}'>
+ data-fen='qbbrrnek/pppppppp/5n2/8/1BwP4/3m4/PPP1PPPP/QBNN1KRR b 3 {"flags":"1111"}'>
<figcaption>After 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bb4 (put a bomb on c4).</figcaption>
<div class="diag left"
- data-fen='rn1b2qk/pbpp1ppp/1w2wp2/1p1Rm3/3PdnPr/4PPd1/PPP1m2P/NNB1KRQB b 1 {"flags":"1111"}'>
+ data-fen='rn1b2qk/pbpp1ppp/1w2wp2/1p1Rm3/3PdnPr/4PPd1/PPP1m2P/NNB1KRQB b 1 {"flags":"1111"}'>
<div class="diag right"
- data-fen='rn1b2qk/pbpp1ppp/1w3p2/1p1P4/3P1nPr/4P1d1/PPP1m2P/NNB1KRQB w 2 {"flags":"1111"}'>
+ data-fen='rn1b2qk/pbpp1ppp/1w3p2/1p1P4/3P1nPr/4P1d1/PPP1m2P/NNB1KRQB w 2 {"flags":"1111"}'>
<figcaption>Left: before 1.fxe4. Right: after the move, ending on d6.</figcaption>
data-fen='erk2rq1/1m2e1m1/mppmne1m/p1BpppPp/mm1P1QbP/1Nmnw1dm/e1mP2d1/1BwR1RKN b 1 {"flags":"1111"}'>
<div class="diag right"
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1...Rxf6*W: Waluigi turns the g8 queen into white.