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router-link.menuitem(to="/about") {{["About"] }}
router-link.menuitem(to="/faq") F.A.Q.
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+ a.menuitem(href="")
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+ a.menuitem(href="")
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color: #2c3e50
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if (
// NOTE: "castling" arg is used by some variants (Monster),
// where "isAttacked" is overloaded in an infinite-recursive way.
+ // TODO: not used anymore (Monster + Doublemove2 are simplified).
(!castleInCheck && this.isAttacked([x, i], oppCol, "castling")) ||
(this.board[x][i] != V.EMPTY &&
// NOTE: next check is enough, because of chessboard constraints
"Challenge declined": "Challenge declined",
"Chat here": "Chat here",
"Clear history": "Clear history",
- Code: "Code",
"Connection token sent. Check your emails!": "Connection token sent. Check your emails!",
Contact: "Contact",
"Correspondance challenges": "Correspondance challenges",
"Challenge declined": "Desafío rechazado",
"Chat here": "Chat aquí",
"Clear history": "Clara historia",
- Code: "Código",
"Connection token sent. Check your emails!": "Token de conexión enviado. ¡Revisa tus correos!",
Contact: "Contacto",
"Correspondance challenges": "Desafíos por correspondencia",
"Challenge declined": "Défi refusé",
"Chat here": "Chattez ici",
"Clear history": "Effacer l'historique",
- Code: "Code",
"Connection token sent. Check your emails!": "Token de connection envoyé. Allez voir vos emails !",
Contact: "Contact",
"Correspondance challenges": "Défis par correspondance",
--- /dev/null
+p.boxed TODO
--- /dev/null
+p.boxed TODO
--- /dev/null
+p.boxed TODO
return moves;
- isAttacked(sq, color) {
+ isAttacked() {
// Goal is king capture => no checks
return false;
--- /dev/null
+import { ChessRules } from "@/base_rules";
+import { SuicideRules } from "@/variants/Suicide";
+export class KingletRules extends ChessRules {
+ static get HasFlags() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ static get PawnSpecs() {
+ return Object.assign(
+ {},
+ ChessRules.PawnSpecs,
+ { promotions: [V.KING] }
+ );
+ }
+ static IsGoodPosition(position) {
+ if (position.length == 0) return false;
+ const rows = position.split("/");
+ if (rows.length != V.size.x) return false;
+ // Just check that at least one pawn of each color is there:
+ let pawns = { "w": 0, "b": 0 };
+ for (let row of rows) {
+ let sumElts = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
+ const lowerRi = row[i].toLowerCase();
+ if (V.PIECES.includes(lowerRi)) {
+ if (lowerRi == 'p') pawns[row[i] == lowerRi ? "b" : "w"]++;
+ sumElts++;
+ } else {
+ const num = parseInt(row[i]);
+ if (isNaN(num)) return false;
+ sumElts += num;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sumElts != V.size.y) return false;
+ }
+ if (Object.values(pawns).some(v => v == 0)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ scanKings() {}
+ filterValid(moves) {
+ return moves;
+ }
+ getCheckSquares() {
+ return [];
+ }
+ // No variables update because no royal king + no castling
+ prePlay() {}
+ postPlay() {}
+ preUndo() {}
+ postUndo() {}
+ getCurrentScore() {
+ const pawnRemain = {
+ 'w': this.board.some(b =>
+ b.some(cell => cell[0] == 'w' && cell[1] == 'p')),
+ 'b': this.board.some(b =>
+ b.some(cell => cell[0] == 'b' && cell[1] == 'p'))
+ }
+ if (!pawnRemain['w']) return "0-1";
+ if (!pawnRemain['b']) return "1-0";
+ if (this.atLeastOneMove()) return "*";
+ // Stalemate: draw
+ return "1/2";
+ }
+ static GenRandInitFen(randomness) {
+ return SuicideRules.GenRandInitFen(randomness);
+ }
+ static get VALUES() {
+ // TODO: no clue what correct values would be
+ return {
+ p: 5,
+ r: 4,
+ n: 3,
+ b: 3,
+ q: 7,
+ k: 4
+ };
+ }
- isAttacked(sq, color, castling) {
+ isAttacked() {
// Goal is king capture => no checks
return false;