2 | Two different armies: Persians versus Spartians.
5 The Black side represents the Spartans and the White the Persians.
6 The Persians pawns and pieces follow the rules of orthodox chess.
7 The Spartans have two Kings and with the exception of their Kings,
8 every Spartan playing piece moves in a non-orthodox fashion.
10 figure.diagram-container
12 | fen:lgkcckwl/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR:
13 figcaption Initial deterministic position.
15 p Approximative correspondances
22 td Captain (on d8 and e8)
25 td Lieutenant (on a8 and h8)
28 td Kings (on c8 and f8)
33 Queen and Knights don't have counterparts on black side, but,
34 the General on b8 and the Warlord on g8 are strong pieces.
36 h3 Movements of black pieces
40 Hoplite (Pawn) = Berolina pawn, with an extra option on its initial rank:
41 it can jump over an obstacle for the 2-squares advance.
42 li Captain = Rook limited to 2 squares maximum, but which can jump.
44 Lieutenant = Bishop limted to two squares maximum (potential jump).
45 It can also move horizontally by one square, without capturing.
46 li General = Rook + King
47 li Warlord = Bishop + Knight
51 p The game essentially follow usual chess rules, with a few exceptions:
54 A black (Spartian) King can go or remain under check, and even be captured,
55 as long as another king is still on the board.
57 White (Persians) win either if only one checkmated black king remains,
58 or, if they can checkmate both kings at the same time.
60 Pawns promote in a piece of their army. Hoplite can additionally
61 be promoted into King if only one remains.
63 p No en passant captures, and Black cannot castle.
69 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/spartan-chess")
73 p Inventor: Steven Streetman (2010)