# or https version: git clone https://github.com/yagu0/vchess.git
cd vchess
+# You need to install sqlite3, nodejs and npm (example for Ubuntu).
+# wget & rsync help too, they are generally installed by default.
+apt install sqlite3 nodejs npm
### SERVER ###
cd server/db
-# Next line doesn't work, but should (?!); anyway typing in SQLite works.
-sqlite3 vchess.sqlite '.read create.sql ; .read populate.sql'
+sqlite3 vchess.sqlite
+# And then within sqlite invite command:
+.read create.sql
+.read populate.sql
+# Then exit sqlite (\q works)
# Rename dbconnect.py.dist --> dbconnect.py and edit DB path on line 7
# Then synchronize the GameStat table:
+++ /dev/null
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