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+Package: epclust
+Title: Clustering individual electricity power curves
+Description: EPCLUST: Electric Power curves CLUSTering, through their wavelets decomposition.
+ The main method 'epclust' takes (usually long) time-series in input, and return as many
+ clusters centers as requested, along with their identifiers (if aplicable).
+ Several parameters can be tuned: please refer to the package vignette.
+Version: 0.1-0
+ Benjamin Auder <Benjamin.Auder@math.u-psud.fr> [aut,cre],
+ Jairo Cugliari <Jairo.Cugliari@univ-lyon2.fr> [aut]
+Maintainer: Benjamin Auder <Benjamin.Auder@math.u-psud.fr>
+ R (>= 3.0.0)
+ testthat,
+ parallel,
+ knitr
+License: MIT + file LICENSE
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
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+YEAR: 2016-2017
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+epclust = function(data=NULL, con=NULL, raw=FALSE, K, nbPerChunk, ...)
+#TODO: just a wrapper which calls ppam.exe (system("...")) and reads output (binary) file to retrieve medoids + IDs
+ #on input: can be data or con; data handled by writing it to file (ascii or bin ?!),
+ #con handled
+ #options for tmp files: in RAM, on disk, on DB (can be distributed)
+ if (!is.null(data))
+ {
+ #full data matrix
+ } else if (!is.null(con))
+ {
+ #incremental connection
+ #read it one by one and get coeffs until nbSeriesPerChunk
+ #then launch a clustering task............
+ } else
+ stop("at least 'data' or 'con' argument must be present")
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+# Clustering individual power curves using wavelets decomposition
+This package was funded by a contract with EDF; its goal is to identify groups of customers.
+## Description
+## Example
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+ \packageTitle{epclust}
+ \packageDescription{epclust}
+ The package devtools should be useful in development stage, since we rely on testthat for
+ unit tests, and roxygen2 for documentation. knitr is used to generate the package vignette.
+ Concerning the other suggested packages, 'parallel' can speed up (...TODO...)
+ The main function is located in R/main.R: it runs the clustering task (TODO: explain more).
+ \packageAuthor{epclust}
+ Maintainer: \packageMaintainer{epclust}
+% TODO: Literature or other references for background information
+% TODO: simple examples of the most important functions
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